What does the outside world make of Britain's "herd immunity" approach to tackling Coronavirus? Smart and best for the longterm or insane and catastrophic?
What does the outside world make of Britain's "herd immunity" approach to tackling Coronavirus...
It’s kind of fucked up desu
Literally the most:
decision one can make in reaction to the virus
God save Boris.
It's complete insanity
Or maybe they know it's bullshit and are calling the bluff.
The UK government would never try to do that
Boris the Blade is a badass. Willing to sacrifice millions for herd immunity.
>What does the outside world make of Britain's "herd immunity"
All the western nations do this, and only go for flattening the curve, but not in the same way.
Denmark and Norway does by infecting a good number, and then cklosing down everything, while you bongs, the Swedes and the Finns go for herd immunity by infecting children.
All aim to just flatten the curve, since our elites needs open borders to shithole countries in the future as well.
What strategy Italy did, IDK, but they failed at flattening the curve and will have a new million infected per day, when they reach the peak in 14 days.
>decision one can make in reaction to the virus
Not if it becomes a cluster fuck like italy, or if corona comes back mutated next year, and kills all the weak that the bong strategy of infecting children sought to stop.
The smartest would probably be to shut it down this year, and use the year to prepare for next years mutated corona, if open borders and endless brown immigration was more important that saving white people.
>It's complete insanity
So what is the burger way to flatten the curve and get herd immunity, since that is your strategy as well?
This, there's nowhere near enough medical knowledge of the disease yet or how recovered people might still be affected. This sounds like something that academics throw out there when discussing hypothetical mitigation approaches but it's really reckless that these politicians and pundits immediately jumped on board.
No gay bants or memes at all, this is really fucked and dangerous. If any actual decision makers or elites attempt to implement this, there NEEDS to be a widespread demand that they infect themselves first and meticulously document its progression.
It is kind of good idea to test different approaches to solving the coronavirus problem but at the same time, we don't know much yet and it's gonna be risky.
I'm not British so I'm perfectly fine with that. Better they die than us.
Based anglos will become walking asymptomatic bioweapons.
Can their hospitals deal with it? If they can it doesn't sound so bad.
It’s literally just the flu
It’s probably just them realizing that they can’t take any more sustained economic shock after Brexit and they would rather a bunch of boomers die off and leave their inheritance to spend-thrifty zoomzooms to boost the economy
It's retarded because the potential long term complications of the virus are not even known yet. British and American authorities are traitorous criminals and deserve to hang.
Consider the scenario
1 the disease spreads so fast that everyone gets infected within 2 months
2 turns out to have 100% mortality 4 months after you get infected
You are crazy, but then again, you have gangs of Muslims raping your women and the government seems to be fine with it, while arresting people with butter knives, so yeah, your country is doomed already
A shortsighted idea, covid 19 has many charactersitics that make this a bad idea, biggest being that you can most likely get it again immediately.
the rest of the world is doing it too. they just don't know it.
Chinese new year had lots of travel across the world. January. in January. it has ALWAYS been too late.
I have had corona already. aside from stabbing my balls it was milder than a cold.
you might as well say we should unleash everything we ever contained to kill off everyone who isn't immune so we don't have to go through the trouble of containment procedures and facilities.
herd immunity refers to vaccinated populations, so, retarded
These people surely want what's best for us
"Flattening the curve" is a meme. To effectively fight it, you need to crush the curve, like China did. But despite being orwellian police states when it comes to things like imprisoning nationalists, Western liberal states do not have the will to take measures that would effectively combat it, so they choose ineffective strategies like "flatten the curve."
Medical school dropout here. I think it's the most rational way of dealing with it
There is absolutely no way to avoid this and we seem to be the only country who actually understands that and isn't fucking everyone's lives up trying to postpone the inevitable. How long are the people currently isolating themselves in the infected countries going to be able to keep it up? Not very long, they will have to go out and come into contact with one another eventually, and then they are going to get infected no matter what precautions they take. Just get it over with already and deal with your brief period of mild sickness, and let the elderly, the weak, the smokers, the obese... let them all perish and let the strong survive and it shall strengthen our society. Rule Britannia!
problem is people are contracting it again after recovering
>There is absolutely no way to avoid this
There is no way to avoid it if you limit your response to only liberal measures. But it can be avoided.
Praise the Wuhan Boomer remover
It’s dumb. There’s plenty of reports those who have recovered becoming infected again, which shows that waiting for herd immunity as if it is chicken pox is not a viable solution.
Well Wikipedia doesn't list us on the governments people are angriest at, so that's something.
You sick fuck.
You don't get any longterm immunity after corona because the virus continuously mutates into different strains like the flu to attack different receptors after each infection. But I fully support intentional infection if they make the elites go through with it first.
This is the long term goal but as a starting measure this is dumb as. Fuck.
Like all decisions made by high time preference liberal technocrats, it is focused only on short term gains/losses and ignoring the long term or externalities. It is on a similar level to decisions like "import millions of subsaharan Africans to boost GDP." Liberalism is a disease.
Thinking about our larger civilization and how it's set up it seems like a dane approach. Get the shit over with quickly and return to consooming, which is what our entire Ponzi scheme civilization is built around. People go to work, they get paid, a few die along the way and free up resources and then it's over.
What about the quarantine and social distancing measures? Yeah, they work to slow the spread of the disease but as soon as we go back to business as usual there will probably be a spike, so do we go back to quarantine measures? How long do we stay like that? We would have to figure out a new economic system and all the turmoil that comes with that, since so many people will be unemployed and just sitting at home.
The fact that there are different opinions on this, that fact alone, is fucking TERRIFYING to me.
The idea that you could have half a million dead and you choose that route over ours means that in some projections we fare even worse.
I don't want to meme and I don't want to joke. I hope you guys get out of this as well as you can, and I hope we do as well.
it is absolutely mental and scary that we did two opposite things.
I hope WE picked the humane route. But I don't know. Until last week I knew Italy's way to go was the best way to go. Now I don't anymore.
I'm really reassured that Germany and France follow our example, because they are countries I have an absolute blind adoration for.
China's fascism will be what saves them from this plague. The West is doomed.
Worked for the Spanish Flu. Only quarter million killed bro.
i've seldom seen a UK flag say anything positive about it
that is assuming that human can built immunity to this virus
by which i mean *non-UK flag
some bongs are shilling for their based bojo/cummings bullshit
2.2 million dead, and that is a conservative calculation
Anglo countries only become authoritarian when someone misgenders a tranny or posts an anti-semitic meme on twitter, which shows where the priorities lie.
The best minds basically say your route leads to the same conclusion over a shorter period.
Jesus Christ. Is this really /it/ ?
I've seen plenty of us
They are all dead. there is no immunity from SARS and you get closer to SARS each time you are reinfected with coronavirus
Six times as deadly as flu. Flu killed minimum 500k last year.
there's no such thing as herd immunity to a coronavirus
pic rel is UK
>Several consequent reports from China on some recovered SARS patients showed severe long-time sequelae. The most typical diseases include, among other things, pulmonary fibrosis, osteoporosis, and femoral necrosis, which have led in some cases to the complete loss of working ability or even self-care ability of people who have recovered from SARS. As a result of quarantine procedures, some of the post-SARS patients have been documented as suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder.[20][21]
btw this is SARS 2
its how they are reversing brexit
The fact that it's called SARS 2 doesn't really mean anything, the two aren't to be conflated
Gambling on their healthCare system being able to handle the strain. Sounds retarded
first of all there's no scientific proof herd immunity can even be achieved with this new virus
bongs are the most enslaved population on the planet
There may be literally no other way out of this threat. I'm sure it is based on advise of UK qualified profesionals. They are fucked if there will be no immunity or only short lasting immunity.
Heavy early intervention social isolation (school closures, ban on public gatherings, closed borders, mass and rapid testing and isolation of infected) prevents a spike. Same total number of cases by the end, but spread out, to ease burden on health care system. That's basically it.
Toilet paper
>anglos dying
Lol. Just get corona. It will be fine.
War. Never. Changes.
the symptoms are the same, the transmission is the same, the R0 is pretty much the same. it's not unreasonable to expect SARS-CoV-2 to also have long-term health effects.
>I'm sure it is based on advise of UK qualified profesionals.
Yeah it was a plan drawn up by a commission round about 10 years ago for this exact scenario because there was a lot of demand for that sort of preparation in the wake of the swine flu panic.
>Coronavirus: Millions of Britons will need to contract COVID-19 for 'herd immunity'
>Sir Patrick Vallance tells Sky News about 60% of people will need to become infected in order for the UK to enjoy "herd immunity".
>Millions of Britons will need to contract coronavirus in order to control the impact of the disease which is likely to return "year on year", the government's chief scientific adviser has told Sky News.
>Around 60% of the UK population will need to become infected with coronavirus in order for society to have "herd immunity" from future outbreaks, Sir Patrick Vallance said.
why do bong news sites insist on reiterating the exact same information over and over?
Any public opinion shift on the NHS? I mean, now that it's been established that once it actually matters they're just going to leave you to fucking die, and all that.
>noooooooo muh capital
Its spreading a lot faster and seems to have a higher mortality rate so far.
It's just demure clickbait
They know they let in too many dirty brown skins that don't wash their hands and are just accepting the inevitable.
Sure, but a at what economic cost? No football, no concerts, no restaurants, no nothing. Just sit at home and mill around quietly avoiding everyone for a year. Seems gloomy.
Hows Britain's herd immunity approach to the corona virus that causes the common cold working out?
it's batshit crazy and it's gonna destroy the NHS
We had no choice, our health system has been overloaded constantly for years even before this outbreak, it's not like we could have fought it anyway.
The best plan in my opinion would be to just mass nuke the entire planet to stop it spreading to other systems
We've spent too many years reducing warhead stockpiles... not even sure we could do it if we wanted to at this point desu
especially when I book my flight to Russia when putin drops his guard
10 year old scenario?
Were the parameters of the scenario virus like Corona-chan's or ...?
this. sad to see trump cucked to the nothingburger with cheese
I'm a bong.
The NHS has always been like this. I can remember hearing 20 years ago that people were being left on beds to die.
The NHS was a great scheme and made total sense in the 50s but became increasingly untenable as time went on. It used to be well known for being clean and efficient, but they got rid of ward sisters who cracked down on dickheads not doing their jobs, and now all the nurses are pakis or nogs and they don't know how to clean wards.
Now that the UK is full of minorities, it's about stretched to its limit.
all you had to do was close the damn borders
>Smart and best for the longterm or insane and catastrophic?
The risk is that it is going to be extremely one or the other. Its going to go pretty much fine, or essentially kill everyone over the age of 45 and everyone that has a medical emergency for 2 months.
Yeah, they laid plans out for a ton of different scenarios and this was one of them.
Could work better, if they have enough hospitals and people to run them. But they are gambling on there being no to low reinfections.
Given that your government's main policy is to harm white people as much as possible I would question this strategy.
I've said it in the last thread and I'll say it again. The Chinese may be scum, but at least they cared enough about their population as to not steer them right into certain death with this virus. They tried all they could and took drastic measures. It's a lie that herd immunity is even possible with this virus and that it's the best way to handle it. The easiest, sure, if you don't care about a lot of your people dying. Imagine your government completely giving you up and not even trying to hide it.
Strikes me as just of part and parcel of your government not giving a shit about their economic units because they can just import more.
So how come anytime some Yankee mocks it or suggests you do away with it you respond the same way we do when it's suggested that maybe, just maybe, we don't "need" an assault rifle?
>Smart and best for the longterm or insane and catastrophic?
pic related
Are these not in line with potential complications/possibilties from prolonged hypoxia?
Googling and reading over some scientific journals they seem to be.
more old people die and its over faster in option 1
>spends almost 5 years to get away from EU
>has no problem with people from around the world to come into it's country
what a fucking disaster.
absolute idiocy
To me it doesn't make sense. First, 60% doesn't provide Herd immunity. To be effective, you need to have 85%+ of the population be resistant to the disease. Second, the more infected, the higher chance you have of the strain mutating. And third, what about the rest of the fucking world? Unless travel to and from the UK is COMPLETELY banned by every country, the UK will always remain a risk to others.
In short, it's fucking stupid as hell.
Other countries contained it.
It is contain or die you idiots.
What you mean is you can not avoid the virus with the values and political and economic systems you have.
But since half of Britain is suicidal anyway and wants their race destroyed
So, it'll keep out foreigners? It's sounding more promising by the moment.
Unironically you did the UK way unaware. Whole of northern Italy was affected before you started to close down.
remember the UK used to be called the sick man of europe? soon we'll be literally the sick man of the world.
most cases go undetected so the mortality rate is massively overstated
>adopting an influenza scenario against a corona virus
They are different types of viruses and what you are aiming to get herd immunity for is a lethal cold. Are all of you immune to the corona virus that causes common cold?
Only the older ones since they'll be affected more. Don't worry, you'll still receive your daily shipment of young viral african migrants than can withstand the disease. Afterall, you need them to replace the chunk of white people that are going to be dead from your leaders wanting your country to become infected.