Name one thing this Jew did wrong. I'll wait

Name one thing this Jew did wrong. I'll wait.

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Put a nigger in charge of his show

Change his kike name to "Stewart"

Anytime he made a point, he said "and I'm just a comedian".

Anytime he was a retard, he said "but I'm just a comedian".

He had the head and audience to make a difference, but he was a feckless coward.

changed his name so normies didn't know he was a jew, many such cases

>Anytime he was a retard, he said "but I'm just a comedian".
What did he do that was retarded?

Be a Leftist

this. this kike faggot was trying to use the "oh i'm just a humble comedian" excuse while literally organizing political rallies for the democrats.

Be a liberal spin doctor

What did he spin?



Jon Stewart would be a white supremacist by today's standards.

Became a news anchor on a comedy show

The dude slipped and accidentally said during the 2016 election that white people should not be allowed to vote for Trump because "you goyim don't own anything".

assumed he occupied the moral high ground


"You can't hide the hook"

Absolutely nothing, he's an angel and a philanthropist. He's a true american.

I like this bait because it show's how most people here really are just stupid frothing at the mouth bigots. And like any jew he was afraid of exactly this and had to change his last name.

single-handedly ruined political discourse in the country by seemlessly blending entertainment with news media

who the fuck even is this, kys faggot

So Weinstein is brave?

Oh you sillie goyim. Trust me, my lasts name isn't lebowitz. We goys are evil I say. I declare by my white privilege++

You mean Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz? He's connected to pedowood. I think he's got a sketchy production company or something if I remember correctly

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Caused every war of the 21st, 20th, and most of the 19th century.

>if this then that
Based retard

Not condemn the new left when they went far left despite his involvement in inciting that to happen, and he instead just bowed out, took his money and bought a farm in the part of NY, where all of his preferred democrat policies are suddenly NIMBY.

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Another subversive, anti-White kike? I'm shocked.

He was ok, but was not willing to call out malfeasance and shitfuckery on his own side. He should stick to "comedy", because he sucks ass as an advocate.

Started the fed 1913. Fuck you kikes ruined this country in the process robbed us of everything. Well played though.

Fuck John Stewart. As a kike himself, a Hollywood kike, doing a political show at PEAK kike hours (Iraq War), he knew what he was doing by not pointing out the obvious.

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Beeing a jew.

>Name one thing this Jew did wrong. I'll wait.

Became a Obama cheerleader during the Obama-era.
Also executive producing Stephen Colbert's The Late Show

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Give Samantha Bee a career

He let trevor Noah take over his show


Deliberately misrepresenting people to score cheap propaganda points.

I mean if you want to play that game, every group is going to come up as an saint. Why bother shilling when it's this retarded. I'd kill him for the satisfaction of knowing that people like you would cry about his innocence, when no one is innocent.

He continues to cover up the real perps of 9/11. Yeah he got angry at healthcare for the first responders because he feels guilty. Shame.

Kicked off the careers of more than a dozen leftist propaganda peddlers under the guise of "comedy"
Also he's a Jew so him simply existing is a detriment to humanity.

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BASED af ... ya beat me to it. Cheers.

There was a time Stephen Colbert was interviewing him during his retirement. He straight up said the whole point of his show was to move the young vote. He also bragged about how something like 75-80% of young people got their news from him. The interviews his correspondents do are 1-2 hours long with an entire staff feeding facts to the interviewer who then picks 5 minutes worth of clips to use out of context. He never even tries to have a reasonable debate. It's always a quick funny jab and straw manning, something a lot of youtubers and other comedians did in his wake. He is never held accountable because he somehow convinced his audience not to take him seriously, yet they still eat his shit as if it's the gospel.

Dude is slimy as fuck.

Stewart's ok in my book. If anything, he's directly responsible for forming the Tucker that we have today. His takedown on Crossfire wasn't unwarranted, and I think it led Tucker to some serious soul-searching that only made him stronger.

they all seem to do this. they say it's because they want to avoid discrimination, but it doesn't help them at all when it comes to accusations of subversion, does it? Trojan Horse anyone?

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As a leftist, the biggest thing that Jon Stewart and the like did wrong is they let people feel like consuming media was a meaningful part of the political process and resistance.

Rather than actually do something, people were satisfied with watching him, laughing at absurdity, and discussing it with friends.

Basically substituting activity for passivity. You don’t have to go and demand better from your politicians, laughing at them and shaking your head was enough.

That was a stupid decision. The new guy is so terrible and no one watches the show anymore. They just had to be enlightened and have a black guy

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he stood up for ron paul when every single establishment republican trashed him

His Ron Paul media censorship expose was the first redpill I ever took.

Convinced people that FOX news was the only MSM network with a political agenda.

He was born.

smarmy retard who had half-correct critiques from time to time and acted very arrogant, his large audience of impressionable teens made him a net negative for all of society and discourse

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at one point most young people got their news from him and colbert, if that wasnt social-engineering/psyop I dont know what is

also his appearance on Crossfire with Tucker Carlson was extremely dishonorable

Carlson was a fucking fool and got beaten like the retard animal he was. If that hadn't of happened the stupid fag would still be wearing a bowtie and sucking dick instead of representing the alt-right on cable news.

im not a big tucker defender but Stewart was invited on the show and he ambushed both hosts with an off-topic rant that a 16 year old could have come up with. he argued "discourse is bad", and he had the audacity to attack other people for being political while he was always political and hid behind comedy. literally the definition of "crying out as he strikes".

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stand up comedy has always been political subversion, it needs to go back in some musty rat infested jew york cellar where it belongs.
It is 100% jewish agitation ruled entirely by heeb filth. Stand-up comedy has "exploded" in popularity with everyone and their sibling getting a special and exposure, yet its literally all the same. Only those who follow very strict and particular lines of thought are allowed exposure. It's required by jews, that every comedian be a subversive anti-western liberal nihilist

The Daily Show started out as a comedy clip show. Then it became a clip show with the occasional comedian being interviewed. Then it became a talk show. Then it, somehow, became a news show that pretended to not be a news show. Shit like that ruined Comedy Central.