Retail Anons

Post your status updates. Grocery preferred, all else welcome.

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I don’t work in retail

I work in Publix, people came this morning at opening and cleaned us out again. All the TP and meats are gone but the canned food is still here

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We got a delivery of 8000 rolls of toilet paper yesterday morning at 8 a.m.
It was gone by 7 p.m.
1000 packages of toilet paper, 8 rolls each, sold out in 11 hours.
We are a city of roughly 80.000 inhabitants.

I’m a department supervisor at a nation wide hardware store. We’ve been out of masks since early January, chinks have been buying them up to send home. Lysol wipes have been gone for a week and the run on TP and paper towels began yesterday, pretty sure we sold through them too.
I’m at home so I don’t have the paperwork on me, but if I remember correctly, cleaning supplies finished something like 170% over plan last week

NJ is just sold out of everything, prepare your butthole

To be fair meat is more efficient in nutrients/calories/protein per unit of weight than most shitty ass canned foods. If they were smart they will be turning that meat into jerky

NC Publix here
Had some TP for an hour or two this morning. Gone.
No wipes, spray, bleach.
Almost no rice and shelf-stable milk.
Quickly running low on water again (compounded by an E Coli contamination in Union County).
No rainchecks will be issued for ANYTHING.
All stores will close at 8 PM until further notice (i.e. when people stop freaking the fuck out).

Honestly, you people laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 100 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 7000 jews a week. Over 28,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4.2 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Digits of truth. Also, kek

It’s always ready for you, daddy

Manager for Food lion here. Just got off another 11 hour shift. Store pulled record numbers this week. Feels good man.

Enjoy closing early you pussies

Kwik Cuck (Kwik Trip) here. Out of TP and lots of people mad about not being able to use their refill cups at the soda fountain and coffee

things were a bit sparse this morning, I will check again tomorrow morning.

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Fuck, gloves are gone too. Had a plumber kvetch at me about how he understands why people are freaked out, but pros do actually need them. He was pretty cool about it, just frustrated

work at a super small store near my home... honestly I haven't noticed that much difference in amount of customers, maybe a little under average...

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Lots of people at my local HEB, but it is usual for this day. Soriana and SMart look OK. My nearest store is an Six, everything seems normal, if anything they have new stuff. The nearest Guadalajara Pharmacy also seems fine but oddly they have not have in stock any alcohol.

Quit Tops on Thursday.

It's not worth it my niggers

Hotel fag here.
We're empty for weeks. So are the other hotels around us. The only people traveling are doing so for work and they don't care about Coronavirus.

Even in a pandemic normies don't want plant based meat

Micky D guy here
Lobby is completely dead, but the drive thru has a massive fucking queue. Even with all this panic, people still want a 5 euro mcchicken

Work at a produce place surrounded by restaurants. Restaurants have been dead besides tourists and ultra regulars, but noticeably empty. Our store on the other hand was packed all day yesterday and busy this morning... but it died down after an hour or so, there’s still an endless supply of fruits and vegetables as far as I know and my bosses are making a killing as usual


Colorado. They closed all the grocery stores here until tomorrow morning. Shelves were stripped. Even if they had trucks lined up to deliver they couldn't restock it so they had to close. People will be camping out in the parking lots tonight. I suspect delivery truck drivers may have issues with organized theft of their trucks when they try to unload.

I do literally all of my shopping online and only eat fast food, I go to walmart once or twice a week for a case of water and a case of diet pepsi and make a B-line for the self checkouts so I have no idea if the panicers hit my area yet. Kind of want to go out and survey the situation now.

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Are they cutting your hours or are they increasing your hours?

>work at major financial company
>everyone that can work form home got told to
>all the "essential" people with higher security got whisked away to separate sites and offices to avoid contamination

My company is taking this really seriously. But since billions are going through it every day it makes sense.

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One of my tenants works in the warehouse that supplies the major grocery chain here (Sobeys) and he said they are now scheduled 80 hours a week to have the personnel to keep up with demand.

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If you're out of something, trying shopping in the 'hood.

I'm not kidding.

I managed to find TP, vitamin D, lots of things sold out at another store.

The people here think the entire thing is a joke, or a scam so why bother preparing?

I did hear a WoC complain that with school closed, she's actually going to have to feed and watch her kids. No joke.

>5 euro mcchicken
How much is a big mac then? Thats expensive

lots of tvs at best buy, we don't sell wipes though.

mostly samsung; made in mexico.

work at a grocery store in PA and i always get quips from comedians about the corona shit. i collect carts from corrals everyday and i honestly hope i get it.

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Florida user, all grocery stores are wiped out. Also i know a guy who knows a hospital director and apparently they received a letter saying 2 weeks of marshal law is coming soon.

Walmart user, it is your time to shine!

bout the same. shit's overpriced and you go hungry again in 2 hours. don't know why people get this food so often. even with our 50% employee discount I consider it too expensive

my cashier today had this dead look in his eyes like

"just kill me now... I don't care"

I felt bad for him.

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Frozen pizza gone

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in the states thats about the price of a big mac but a mcchicken is on the dollar menu so its kind of weird

Texas user at Walgreen's. Corporate said business as usual, just try to wipe shit down every now and then. Completely out of tp, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes at this point. Nobody really seems to give a fuck though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’s martial law you dumb fuck and fuck off with your bullshit
I haven’t spoken to one person who actually gives a shit
Everyone’s just buying shit because everyone else is

our mcchicken is a bit bigger and has a fancy bun. the chili chicken would be more like the US one, its only 1.50

tp, canned food, and water were gone. cold, flu, allergy stuff were stocked. normal grocery stuffs were stocked. i bought alot of toilet paper like a month ago so im fine. ive started buying baby wipes instead since no ones buying those and its honestly better at cleaning ur ass than tp.

Family-owned market, work in a couple different departments.

In the bakery, people are cancelling all of their cake orders (cancelling their parties, I assume).
The shelves are almost barren, we cannot stock things fast enough. Everybody was called in to work because we couldn't get enough hands on deck.
Apparently nothing says "Panic Shopping" like 5 bags of rye bread, a box of eclairs, and a shopping cart full of almond milk.

Some old cunt cancelled a $3,000 flower arrangement for her 50th birthday party, which was cancelled by the venue.

Walmartanon here. Was fucking crazy, but that was to be expected. That's all I can say. I probably already had the Coronavirus as I had the worst illness I've had back in January. I wouldn't be surprised, but I cannot rule it out.

Why not?

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Nah I doubt it. That's been in the states since October and November. Corona ain't been around that long

Our store is a ghost-town today, a fucking Saturday. We're not even remotely close to close to making sales, why are we even still open.

Really considering making some videos as I'm literally in the frontlines of boomers, uppity spics, and the public at large. Gotta get some retrowave filters for this nonsense.

I guess I'm not an immunelet then. I got nothing to worry about.

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Time for bed. I've caught the dragon today, the chase can resume tomorrow. Thank you, user. And of course, checked.

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This woman isn't the problem, why post her photos

Oh fuck walmart user, blessed thread

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Publix Seafood/Meat

Everything is gone we were at 180% of sales compared to last year and now its even higher. Our 500 piece truck turned into a 1000 piece truck and our frozen order is 4 pages long.

All i can say is i hope a bunch of these old fucks die.

Because she isn't long for this world with all this shit going on. Please pray for those of us who ain't gonna make it.

Bless you.

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gas station attendant here, business is booming

omg, he's manning his post still

content is always funny, especially when Walmart becomes FEMA camp drive up testing and quarantine centers... you'll become a guard in the new world

I'm a pharmacist at a major chain. It's been busy as fuck dealing with all the panickers all deciding to come in at once to pick-up/refill their shit. Not to mention doing everything I can to dodge all the fucking coofers. The out-front part of the store is constantly mobbed as well, and we're out of all the meme supplies like toilet paper, thermometers, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, alcohol, etc.

good job Tim.

>marshal law

Who is Marshal Law? Is he anything like martial law?

publix here

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> mfw we see the day when walmart user not only gets a promotion, but also gets more money than any of us will ever see out of it as hush money for the fucked shit hes gonna experience, if not a job in the strengthened nwo snitching on anons

good on you user, life truly is a comedy. go forth and prosper, and get everything you've ever dreamed :)

Water at my Publix is low. Only three cases of Daisana remain. And 4 jugs of distilled water.

>omg, he's obligated to pay rent still

Ftfy, but your assessment might be correct. This is my moment to shine!

This is Patrick

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when are you publix niggas going to have sweet tea fried chicken again?

asking for my slaves.

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North East Indiana Aldi’s was striped of bread, produce, and meat. Surprisingly canned goods were well stocked. Might have to do with the limit of four per customer

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In before phone nigger

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Is ok. We all make mistakes.

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this guy doesn't play Tekken, what a loser!

She looks like a Barb.

Prepped two weeks back. My university is shut down and all classes suspended. Spring Break also extended, we were told not to come back. Thank god I wasn’t Team Justaflubro. We preppers were fucking right and it feels so good. Toilet paper? Oh yeah, I got a fuck load. I also have Vitamin D and Vitamin C supplements. Come the fuck at me. I’m also rocking 200 packets of ramen noodles, a large amount of canned beans and green vegetables, pasta noodles, frozen chicken, frozen beef, all kinds of herbs and spices, frozen bread, enough rice for six months, and anything else you can think of. I’ll be playing video games and masturbating and eating well. You boomers are FUCKED. Lmao

poor niggers cant buy anything right now because its the middle of the month. all that EBT be used up mah nigga

I can't wait for the local restaurants to have deals because everyone is at home with their hordes of tp and pasta. Also enjoying the reduction in traffic, thank christ.

At the human average of one roll per day that would only last 8000 people in your town 1 day anyway.

Publix here is a bit sparse too

>invisble enemey
>people acting like niggers
>but paying
>the occasional fuck this shit storming out of the grocery store with a cart full of food *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* hobo
These are the end times my friend.

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We all look like a barb.

Time to find a job in a Right Wing Sanitation Squad. You cant be ejaculating all day and eventually festering into criminality. I don't want to have to bail a nigga out, or pay a retainer for a Jewish lawyer, nahmean?

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t. Live in a >50% negro city.

you will know it's a real problem when poor niggers and spics are cleaning out the stores without paying for it like all these white people with money are doing right now.

Same here bro (not in school though)

I've been stocked up for a while now and jacked off like five times today, and will do it a couple more times before bed. Gonna play through remake 2 again before remake 3 comes out in a couple weeks. Feels fucking good desu.

publix produce man here.
everything got blown the fuck out.
>bagged salad gone brfore 10am
>bananas gone before 7pm
>potatoes gone by 3pm
>our 450 piece truck for tomorrow bumped up to 1250
the tofu section is still untouched as always.
i was not expecting fruit to be on the panic buy list we cannot stock it fast enough.

Which drugs are we going to run out of because they are all “made in China” and how many middle aged women are going to have to cold turkey off their antidepressants?

4channer drives a Chrysler 200.

I always associate this car as one driven by a shooter or a kid whos cheap and took his grandmas car when she lost her license.

If that lady gets it she's fucked. Sad to see people knowing they'll likely get Corona and then proceed to die. Well meaning people.