How accurate is the Pyramid of Far-Right Radicalization?

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what is tier 4? Honestly don't recognize any of those symbols

Dude, wtf, we're literally dying. Stop this irrelevant shit. We need more coronapanic threads!

Bow down to me plebs. I have ascended to tier 5 without even touching the other 4.

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Because you are a normie.

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It's only accurate if you understand that each level is a collection of gatekeeping glowniggers trying to push you back down, not a surf current leading you up. In other words, it's not a pyramid of who is trying to radicalize you, it's a pyramid of who is trying to deradicalize you. If catgirl can't save you, no one can.

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I have to agree.

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Natsocs are leftists.
Monarchy gang rise up.

its literally the same for everything you guilible retard
the more normie friendly means the less violent and so on

>t. level 3 fag

the groups letter agencies infiltrate/use and blacklist to silence them when the time is right

So catgirls are more violent?

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I'm level 6 I skipped anime

Welcome to glow-chan, agent.

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You can't.

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Are you me?

2 and 1 are literally the same thing.

I already have that one saved, are you ready for war faggot?

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Just a reminder that if you genuinely think this I don't need to explain anything. As if humping a dude in his ass is "based"

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Should have known that you meant trans by level 5.
Kill yourself non-white mutt.

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Your king takes loans from the Rothschilds. Only the Third Position can save you.

What is the difference between tiers 3 and 4? both are natsoc right?

this, but unironically

The levels of glow.

daily reminder that everything to the right of breitberg is a CIA psyop

Also kekistan flag should be moved to level 2.

>Thinking he can bypass the anime phase

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>Kill yourself non-white mutt.

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Posting sassy cat while plebbit spacing, you’re not ready for the big times champ. Reread your manual.

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I agree.

your VPN is obvious, glownigga.

>Kekistani same tier as nazi.
We should be in tier 4

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>catgirls are a CIA psyop

Take your meds

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>1+2: kike enablers
>3: gas the kikes to save the white race
>4: con people into 'muh huwhite race' to rid the world of the yids

Armanism and black sun should be at the top. This is no longer an anime board. You're a gay fag

Glownigger clubs

KEK means Kill Every Kike. They are an extremist group.

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100% accurate

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>This is no longer an anime board


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pop your HRT, CIALBGT tranny

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You know that anime is forbidden in Germany for being too right-wing, right?

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Address my ANGLE, glow worm

Makes sense...

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lurk more newfag

Where's Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, Thule rising, Vril, Neuschwabenland, Marija Orsic!? You fucking deviants...

Shut up kike!

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the CIA targets Yas Forums lurkers with pro tranny propaganda.

Download Tor, avoid glowniggers


On level 4, of course.

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Completely inaccurate. People who like hentai and anime are a bunch of faggots living in a fantasy world.

I am number 5

Look at this normie
It's: AtomWaffen, National Action, [Don't know desu], IronMarch forums, [idk again]

>atomwaffen disbanded

So what? Nekopara is still operational.

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lmao glad I'm not the only one.

The last one is the National Socialist Legion, normie.

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Checked and self-obvious

>national socialist

Dead end ideology.

Take the blackpill, you bout to get BLACKED nigga.

>Dead end ideology.

Anime National Socialism will be the political system of the future. Mark my words.

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>American Renaissance same level as daily stormer

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Who are these semen demons

Daily stormer is the leader of alt right

What if I just skipped 1 thhrough 4 and went straight to five? Am I enlightened?

jesus should be up top, communism' aim is to overthrow god as marx stated. The stormer should be second tier peak redpills

>does not know the vrilerinnen

Go back to Redd*t.

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anyone got the original unedited? Curious what they put at the top

I'll trade you submarine coordinates to shangri-la

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Jesus is the gayest, most bluepilled ol universal liked out bullshit nigger foot kissing race mixing pro homosexual globalist figure ever

This is the original.

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entertainment doesn't matter.

Wait but number 3 consist of organizations and news sites funded by jews.

>Can't seperate art and anime from faggotry
Like I said, stand by that wall over there