Fuck these assholes. Disrupting economy, crashing stock market, generally spreading fear with their bioweapon. This shit is an act of war. Nuke China into ashes NOW

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ching chong wing wong nuke these niggers

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>Nuking the last bastion of sanity on the planet
When did this board becomes so Jewish?

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t. Pajeet

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There needs to be a deterrent for others. Unleash a bioweapon on the US and you get nuked.

Ok Jew. Take your meds and have sex.

Dude there are some hot chink bitches but if they UNLOAD FUCKING BIOWEAPONS THAT CAUSE THE ECONOMY TO CRASH, chink pussy isn't worth it. Stop being a simp.

are you trolling bruv

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Get a nice dose of radiation, chink

My solution is even more Jewish but would do equal harm: Sue the yellow bastards
>This country
>That country
>Every country
>Her over there
>Your uncle
>Your cousin
>Tastee-Freeze Inc.
>You two girls

Allow everybody who got their lives disrupted by this to sue them and the Communist Party, and make Russia and NK co-defendants. It'd reduce them back to maggot rice and flip flop rickshaws by end of 2020.

Good luck enforcing that judgment in chong land

Get this on Twitter. It'll blow up. You don't even have to say #China. Whole world will know.

man i cant believe china fucked the whole world with their disgusting sanitation and "eat anything" mind sets. i understand why people become racists. i dont think ill ever look at chinese people the same again without pure disgust.

Ever heard of a Global Embargo? They pay up, and to every country, business and individual they own, or we place a judgement lien on every stick of straw and pebble they've fucking got right down to the dust speck. Kinda like they tried to do to us.
>Muh but they won't show up
Summary judgement. Look it up.

Because we outsourced our nuke manufacturing to them.

We need car crash videos and Muslims in check

They would nuke you too. Dumbass. China isnt some tiny bitch like iraq or cuba that you can just bully

lol, it's not summary judgment, it's a default judgment. There is zero chance any lawsuit gets a judgment that can be enforced except against those chinks with assets in the US, and it will be almost impossible to prove any of those had any connection with the disease

Any idiot saying there are legal options is a chink shill because they know there are none. Get radiated, chink

>lol, it's not summary judgment

Submitted exhibit:

t. Counsel, State Bar of California

And yes, many people, organizations, events, communities and companies have an exceptional potential case here. If you think we aren't already discussing these options you are HIGH AS A KITE.

The dust has to settle my friend.

Dude I'm a fucking lawyer also you cunt. There is no way you're this stupid. If somebody doesn't show up, it's default judgment. You would not use MSJ when you simply serve, they no show, and you get a default judgment. If you managed to pass the CA bar, I am legitimately scared for your clients.

This is the reason you don't nuke China

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New York State, California State and State of Illinois Bar Association members are already talking about it. A lot of members are still somewhat dazed and reeling from all of this and the immediacy and intensity of it, but you better believe we are fucking rallying. Class action is where we stand to make the most bank off of this. China is in great legal danger. Their exposure here is unprecedented.

Remember all those Twitter webms clearly detailing, with dates and times, the narrative of events as this pandemic escaped Hubei Province?
>There you go :)

Ok, but first USA must be nuked for a month for all the crimes against humanity it did.

That's the final straw!

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Fuck off spic, we need a pandemic to wipe out all the shitskins here

That's a nice old neighborhood in rural China.

Chinese cities where most Chinese live are dystopian sprawls of identical metal apartments filled with bat-eating ant people who recycle cooking grease from sewage and breathe nothing but coal smoke thicker than winter fog for every day of their miserable ~40 years of toiling in government owned factories.


Nuke Beijing and balkanize this shit

You are terrifyingly wrong about a very simple thing. If you are somehow an admitted attorney in California, you need to be disbarred. You are a danger to clients. If you're larping, that is the saddest, most pathetic larp I've ever seen.

You're no attorney. There's several giveaways, the greatest single one your adolescent crow summary judgement was not summary judgement. I by contrary would hope to meet someone like you in court, if you were counsel; which we can reasonably assume you are not.

Kid, just take the L and find another thread.

Sidney Rittenberg

Born from a Jewish family in Charleston, South Carolina, Sidney Rittenberg, also known as Li Dunbai, is an American journalist, professor and linguist known for being an interpreter and trusted man of the Chinese Communist Party leadership, being very close to Mao Tse -Tung, General and Warlord Zhu De, CPC Vice President and First Chinese People's Premier Zhou Enlai, former President Liu Shaoqi, and even Mao's wife, Jiang Qing. was the first US citizen to become a member of the Chinese Communist Party and possibly the only foreigner to have witnessed everything that happened at the high summit of the CCP.

Curiosity: 85-90% of all foreigners who had any influence in the Communist domination of China and / or in Mao Zedong's rule were of Jewish origin. The greatest killer in history was famous for not trusting strangers, but he apparently trusted the Chosen People.


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Nasty fuckers are invading every country

>nuke China


Mutually-Assured Destruction

Christ OP get a grip on yourself, and I'm not talking about your penis. Though we can talk about that if it will calm you the fuck down.

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You write like a fucking asshole. A default judgment is when somebody doesn't show up. MSJ is a pre-trial motion you use when there is no issue of fact for trial.

This is the saddest larp I've seen. Being a lawyer is a miserable occupation, and for somebody to larp as one, I'm speechless. How sad must your life be. This is a lesson why people should not go online for advice because every low IQ piece of trash like you is spitting out ill-informed opinions.

China doesn't remotely have nuclear capabilities for MAD. At bare minimum, if you're a cowardly little shit afraid of nukes, we need to release every possible bioweapon we can and kill every single Chinaman

I'm upset this virus didn't devastate at least half of China. What a disappointment.
Companies should rethink their business strategies so as not to rely on them too much.
Now we're left to deal with their bioweapon while they happily buy much of our stock at bargain prices.
A war with chinks is a must.

>just wait
No, do it now. A strong message needs to be sent to the chinks. You dump a bioweapon on us and kill thousands, then hundreds of millions of you die.

Oh, I'm sorry, it's the fucking world expert on China's nuclear capabilities posting on Yas Forums on a Saturday night while everyone else is out fucking.

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>being afraid of nukes
>what an idiot

Yeah China sure is a shithole

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Didn't say I'm an expert. But if you're a cowardly little faggot, then the US needs to release every bioweapon possible and slaughter a billion chinks. They're going to keep doing this again and again until they're taught a lesson.

China did us a favor. How many muttmerifats do you know that actually deserve to live?

Honestly you people laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 450 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 31,500 jews a week. Over 126,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it...

Any one of you is free to accept that challenge and do it, and accept, simultaneously, the consequences. This is the same reason I think the fed should bluff China on its blame game.
>Oh, so we did it? We didn't, really; you did; but if we accept your false accusation that we did, you do know the standard military response to such an action is a nuclear strike. If we did it, you know what to do. We await your next move.
Then STFU and sit back. 100 to 1 they'd stand down and start asking us for aid.

why do you want to die OP? Is your life really that boring?

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>targeting old whites but killing few shitskins is good
Why do you support mass murder of whites by China?

"We" are not you in Irvine, Chinese student user. And there are plenty, PLENTY, ***PLENTY*** of fucking fat Chinese. Amazingly, you're all male. What is it your women are doing you're not? You know you know what it is I'm talking about.

Amerizog is decadent, weak, and overcome by wickedness. A plague is just what we need to cull the degenerates

>This shit is an act of war.

I agree. Act of war level bullshit by those bat eating cunts.

Seriously, why are they EVERYWHERE? Literally every single time somebody stubs their toes, they're there. Do they have some kind of Sixth Sense on how to mess everything up? It's simply unbelievable!

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Denmark now have closed all its borders thanks to China.

We should be grateful.


I’m white not chink. I just hate what this country has become and welcome China as the new leader of the civilized world

Do you understand why nuclear weapons are kept in check, even by the sociopaths who rule us?

Because nuclear RESPONSE is instantaneous event. Do you actually believe China doesn't have a multi-scenario nuclear response plan just like the USA? Do you actually want millions of Americans to die horribly?


I know you don't but all I'm really saying is that you have an IQ of 90 and were educated K-12 in an underfunded school district.

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It's a shame very few of you who aren't bugmen have access to weibo or weChat.They are literally bragging and laughing at all other nations for being infected.

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We invade and confiscate all qt3.14s to be the government issued GFs for the NEETs here. Chinese men over the age of 50 are spared to see what has become of their legacy of 5000 years.

You Yanks should have let Japan finish the job

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It's killing old whites overwhelmingly.


Remember when we thought Coronachan only infected chinks

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Do it yourself pajeet