Non-whites in Europe react to White people dying from Coronavirus

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That Twitter thread shows what niggers and Sandniggers feel about Europeans. They want you Dead

>More dead white people = cleansing racism
Are they so low IQ level that they can't even realise that they're the ones being racists? Oh wait they're gnostic mudslimes and negroids. Of course that's the case.

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I'm looking forward to seeing the virus pread through their "communities."


Niggers being niggers. Glow harder


they'll unite us in the end


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That's why you don't let low IQ hordes into your country. Not that my comment would change anything, Christianity pozzed the west too hard with the love shit

and whites were already to become a minority by 2040. not that Italians are white...but the rest of Europe could be next. By God's will it shall be done.

worthless europoors need to die

"I’m a black Italian and I can tell you there is racism and it goes hand to hand with classism. The most diregarded are the black Italians who are not even considered Italian because of their blackness. If you’re interested in knowing more I suggest watching this"

>black Italian

If they kill Italians, they will be the new Italians. That is the logic


Niggers are looking at MAD my friend. We cease to exist and so do they, beyond a slave caste for the brown hordes


Hopefully small clusters of sane europeans will develop to fight the parasites leeching off of their strained healthcare and welfare systems.
Hopefully 4 more years of Trump and his pro national/anti eu agenda will help to facilitate this.

>fire cleaned Australia
Do people seriously not understand Australia is literally like a phoenix? Our trees put themselves on fire and from the ashes a new stronger generation is born. This is normal for us.

>hahaha fuck white people I hope they all die

Honestly are they even human? Literally not intelligent enough to understand that their own shittiness is why whites are getting restless.

>a 2000 year old religion is why marxism became the dominant paradigm after murdering/subverting christian churches in the past 100 years

Big if true.

One good thing about this virus will be how non-whites redpill everybody about the fact that they want whites totally eliminated.

Look at me, I'm the Vikang now

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found this in your link
they truly do want mayoside

>black Italian
>retweeted only one single post in Italian

Probably a halfbreed living in America 2bh

>HAHAHA wypipo be dyin n sheeeit
white people decide to leave en masse
>duh fuq wypipo, why you all leavin n sheeit

>black Italian

Niggers are not human


Not interested nigger. You are not Italian and will never be. Fuck-off back to Africa

>all niggers who hate whities are marxists

Wait, why were they shucking and jiving in that video for?

They feel like they own the Streets of Italy now that they are the only people on the street.

fuck niggers

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No mercy when we win


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Bump so that lurkers understand why everyone hates shitskins and why they need to be killed worldwide.

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>Fuck white people i hope they all die
>Waaah white people are being racist to me help they kick me out of their country
Niggers lol

Virtually all anti-European movements in colonial Africa which lead to the flight or murder of 7 million White Africans between 1950 and 1965 were lead by Marxists.

do they think they're immune?

Niggers cope because they have been living like primitive humans for tens of thousands of years

They do! Look through the comments in my link. They think they can't get sick. Thank God, it just effects whitey

he right y'all.

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>might be
Kek, even the niggress knows they can’t actually do anything, even if everyone else were gone.

>black Italian
It's like saying a blue horse. It doesn't make any sense. You can't just change your sex just like you can't change your nationality.

Breaking News: Niggers Are Stupid

85 IQ showing with their logic

What Whites do not understand is that they are surrounded by billions of people that do not care if they live and die, and hundreds of millions that hate them with maniacal passion.
This is compounded by Whites having a deleterious trait of judging everyone by the same standard and always assuming the best of people. This is very useful for homogenous communities, but extremely dangerous when dealing with outsiders.
That friendly Jew who recently bought a house next to yours? The moment your back is turned, he'll sell that house to niggers, then offer to buy yours for a penny when you decide to move out due to niggers nigging it up.
That friendly Muslim who runs a corner store? If his brother joins a terror cell and plans a massacre at a school your kids go to, he'll cheer him on.
That friendly Negro who is your coworker? He'll wish you a happy holiday when you decide to go on leave, then rob your house while you are away.
That friendly Indian who runs a fast food joint? He'll have no qualms spitting in your food just because he had a bad day.
None of them will feel a single pang of guilt for doing so. To them, it is all automatically justified. And 95% of Whites don't even realize how much these "people" - who live in their countries, at their expense and their sufferance - hate them.

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based sakartvelo caucasian.

nigger's gene are too distinguish to us, even the virus can't infects them.

That smugness is probably going to become despair once they realize those dead racists were the only thing between them and slavery


Whites always were a minority in the world. One white can dominate all of you just waiting for green light


At last someone understands, whites are going the way of the Greater Panda if this continues.


>Marx was right
Something's not adding up here.

whites will be gone long before the pandas are my friend.

and not by accident either.

muslims believe that everything is grant to them by the allah or something, same kind of mental with those modern leftist to believe in some santa bernier who will grant them shit.

>marx was right
>germany next
Yup its going to my juden compillation


He's a stupid nigger. Adds up perfectly