Are GUN shops REALLY selling out? HOW FUCKED AM I?

i checked all the bass pro's around my area. found TWO that were 9mm (best ammo for end of times) and they were weak sigs. I own a couple, my fav handgun is a p320. but in retrospect, i should have gotten more rifles. how fucked am i? Are guns really selling out? guessing ammo too...and i heard that the gov may impose a temp gun and ammo sales ban. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?

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Beautiful gun

Did you buy only 50 rounds of ammunition and no spare mags too?

If you havent been stocking up on ammo, food, water and firearms for years you are fucked. Minimum should be 1,000 rounds per firearm owned.

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>not owning a 40
Never gonna make it

40 slow and weak? Lmao. Shut the fuck up, grandpa that won't stop THE BOOMER REMOVER

no luckily when i got into the sport/hobby i went boomer and bought 5k rounds, had a sale at bass pro on some shitty blazer brass, and they MATCHED the sale price with winchester, herters, that italian brand I'm forgetting. so I'm somewhat good. wish i had 10k rounds, but if this is the end of the world shit then i guess you'll acquire as you go

Helluva caliber.

It's too late user, make your time.

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shut the fuck up idiot. 9mm will do the trick. and the ammo is everywhere. the good ole USA is 9mm obsessed. and the 9mm will last the longest, along with 223 and 762/39

No gun store I have gone to is running out of guns. Only place I have seen with even a sign of a shortage was a pawn shop that had a whopping 3 rifles. That was it.

i have the PRE recall full size and post full size. did i fuck up by not getting it recalled? only issue was it would fire if dropped at the perfect angle, but only weak bitches drop a 9mm

10mm is best mm. Fourty fags fuck off, you neutered one of the greatest auto loading pistol cartridges of all time.
>9mm still has more utility in desperate times though

I have a Sig like that. It is a 40. I like it. Also have an AR. Wish I had a shotgun but never got around to buying one. My brother has a little arsenal but lives in the city, so he would prolly bug out to my farm.

Pre recall doesn’t have a fucking disconnector, and is prone to out of battery discharges. Send it in you absolute idiot.

to be fair, its much more rational than stocking up on fucking toilet paper honestly.

found the boomer

You motherfucking burgers. If I lived there I'd have a massive collection of guns. Why haven't you been adding to the collection?

I got the P320 Subcompact in .40/.357 Sig plus a second on in 9mm.

us military tested the shit outta this and was not an issue. who the fuck dropped guns back on its hammer?

busy buying 2 homes, boat, car, etc....not enough $ for everything i want........yet

9x19 NATO is the way to go, it's pretty much everywhere, while all this fancy wannabe operator ammo will be extremely hard to come by.

>as you go
Well, walking is sorta out of the question if you intend to haul 5k rounds around with you (unless it's .22)


I have a glock 21, 3-13 round mags, and like 2000 rounds of ammo, hollows and ball. do I even have an outside chance?

Military requested changes to the fire control unit, they had the “upgrade” from the start. Ever wonder how SIG had a fix so quickly? Ever wonder how the CEO is from Israel?

No problem getting guns just yet. Plenty of stock.

Good luck getting 9mm or 22lr ammo, though.

>have to save for a whole month basically because how autistically expensive it is
>find out I have to take some autistic safety test which is literally just common sense (haha you also gotta pay for that goy)
>have to bring more than one proof of ID/residence
>have to pay for autistic background check
>paying for shit thats (((legally))) required
>finally after you go through all this bullshit just to get a shitty glock
>okay, come back in ten days exact and you can have what you paid for haha

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good man, G23 reporting in

forgot pic

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If you’re in Commiefornia, you have no-one to blame but yourself.

Who the hell buys from gun stores? I've never bought anything from an FFL.

You should have more mags, but will probably be fine. You have a good holster right?

What’s a good pistol for the night stand in case of home invasion?

ive go an AR ill sell you right now for 7 grand. eotech sight and 3 extra mags

You've had time since 1776 to buy your stupid rifles.

Glock 19

.45 ACP, loaded.

Better be full auto for 7k nigger.

Get your pal dum dum

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9mm is a weak, underweight round and (((nuSIG))) is trash. Fuck you OP for your shit tastes and bad thread

I have a CZ-75 SP01 Tactical for the nightstand - gives me time to reach my shotgun or AR

online gun stores and ammo stores user. I don't think that Lucky Gunner or Brownells are gonna run out of ammo. They've got prolly got hundreds of millions rounds in their warehouse, each. (dozens of other BIG online ammo stores besides)

as far as rifles are concerned, you'll pretty much never ever NOT be able to buy an 80% AR-15 receiver online, and a parts kit with barrel and furniture. The market got flooded, a number of black gun companies have gone out of business in the last year. You might not be able to get the LAtEsT tacticool gen 4 ultra trigger kit with tungsten weighted buffer spring, but you'll never NOT be able to get better than basic milspec parts for a gun like that, in America. There are still tens of thousands of gen 2 super editions that haven't sold, let alone the gen 3 megalite.

A Mossberg 500.

Or one of these

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yeah. I have a hip and thigh holster.

No fuck you for letting the feds do it to you

depends on what you want to do. do you want to just be able to protect your domicile? you probably have enough to scare off invaders. do you want to go raiding with the boys? you need more ammo and armor.

Modern 9mm/.40/.357 Sig rounds all do about the same job. Drop the fuddlore.

I didnt ask for SHIT nigger I was too young to even vote before Cali went full pozz fuck you whats the point of the constitution when shitholes like here and Jew York over ride it

nice man. my .45 G21 feels like a hand cannon but I do enough shooting/combat courses that I’m confident in my abilities from 25 yards

Rock on cowboy.

nah the full auto is 37k. desperate times means selling my firearms for a reasonable high demand price.


That's a good option for poorfags who want a PCC.

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D-Did you guys really already shoot up all of your Obama ammo shortage stocks?

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nice, but

>not having a mini sig you can conceal

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kek, I have a feeling that with 19-20 rounds + the intruder coming in, it's all gonna be over with ammo to spare, before you even have an opportunity to reach for another gun.

Store I work at is completely out of 9mm ammo.

Buy a polymer80 kit and make your own glawk.

Glock 19 with 33 round mag

you didn’t listen

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if you didn't own a gun before this, and you're over the age of 30, you deserve to be lumped int w/ the seniors, women and children.
not speaking directly at OP - he already owned some. I can read.

No homo, they don’t. .40 S&W .357, and .45 auto penetrate deeper and handle bone/tough tissue better. 9mm is notorious for over expanding too fast and causing blacks to go “oww” and keep fighting for 20 minutes. If you have a 9mm you take your own life in you hands

>and i heard that the gov may impose a temp gun and ammo sales ban. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?
any evidence of this, or are you just fearmongering?

Fun sticks!

Strong possibility - but in Michigan.

if you're in california you should've been panic buying guns and ammo years ago. you're gonna have to go through that process all over again just to buy 100 rounds of 9mm for $1 per round

>that face when I lost count at 50 something guns and picked up a Sharps rifle today