Imagine cucking yourself so hard that you're trapped in a box for life - and thinking that you're improving the lives...

Imagine cucking yourself so hard that you're trapped in a box for life - and thinking that you're improving the lives of white people?

Is there a bigger faggot in this world than (pic related). Congrats Yas Forums - every user on this board will have a better life than "people" like Brievik, Tarrent and Rodgers.

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Other urls found in this thread: Bond/Holding Out For a Tarrant (Bonnie Tyler Holding Out For a Hero Parody).mp3

P.S Don't you wonder how he got herpes in an all male prison?

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Based and true, also fuck muslims chinks and negroes we need white majority countries back.

Imagine actually saying what he did isn't terrorism despite it fitting the exact description. Imagine defending him when it was known he took a "trip" to Israel...
Board is now a glowniggers paradise, youll get what you fucking deserve in the end edgefags

Praise him

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it's only terrorism if you lose

He didn't kill any traitors, he was a megacuck that went after unarmed sand people

who is he?

you mean the bruise on that photo taken immediately after the event? you should wear a memeflag, transsexual operative, so I can automatically filter your posts

Your nation is already white majority since no fucking shitskins even care about it, countrylet

Is that not the go to move of the sand people?

Sloppy job

I miss him lads

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This fuck that murderer.I dont give a fuck what Yas Forums says but killing that woman and child was terrible.

Is it his fault white people are so cucked

>Is there a bigger faggot in this world than (pic related).

Yeah, I'm gonna say it's you.

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Why are you so homophobic?

Based Saint Tarrant

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True. at least go out guns blazing

t. bosniak living in serbia

His boi pussy will be taken by Muslim BBC

Women are the Factories and children are the third wave.

Kill em All.

>Mosque in ChristChurch
That's your first mistake, fucker. And that mosque was a proven terrorist hub. Tarrant is a partisan, disabling an enemy invasion. Why do you think they're having such a hard time charging him? He did everything right.
A perfect blueprint for defending the West from the kike controlled, weaponized foreign horde. That's why all these faggots are so spooked.
They're fucked.

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he is a fucking based hero and nz has max sentence of 30 years. He will get out and have time to do it again

imagine sacrificing yourself for your people
I guess a nigger like you can never understand this

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He picked a bad country to perform his attacks, if he did that shit here, we would never hear the end of it.

>Killing unarmed women and children is based
Fuck off nigger.

>All male prison
>Constantly has herpes on his face

Hahahhaa! "Based and gay".

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mutt's law

pests are always unarmed, their weapon is reproduction

stay mad nonwhite subhuman

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They fuck goats too doesnt mean it's the white mans way. Our superior arguments will win the hearts and minds of the most virtuous and intelligent of all races and creeds.

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Breivik in his "jail" lives better than me and most of my country, tbqh

>Claims to be saving the white race
>Engages in literal nigger behavior


You are right.
Violence is NEVER the solution.
There is even extremists producing disgusting song like this one excusing his actions: Bond/Holding Out For a Tarrant (Bonnie Tyler Holding Out For a Hero Parody).mp3

Please report this song so it can be removed from the internet.

that's very sad Ivan.

>Sand niggers mad were culturally appropriating from them

What's funny is most of those "pests" probably contributed more to society than all average Yas Forumsacks combined.

>St Brenton Tarrant's Day. March 15th.
Never forget a hero

I thought this guy was killed in prison recently...?

>a mutt defending X
you could be anything for all I know

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found the dusty old pdf of the great replacement in my files yesterday. LOLd thinking of him in his cell. 26 more years till freedom!

Happy St Tarrants Eve

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Fucking BASED!

>muh peaceful Muslims
Wow, do you realize how obvious it is that you are new here?

better remove that exif data bros

4chins used to praise Josef Fritzl but apparently this guy is too much for you

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Killing random cunts was a dog shit move.

This. It is well known to be an isis mosque. It was not random and not only civillians. He also had fire returned to him at the second one

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Imagine being such a deluded white nationalist that you think killing people at a mosque is better then volunteering at an orphanage, starting a food drive, helping the homeless, volunteering at church for your precious "white race"

This is how a kike thinks; someone who's never sacrificed for anything, who's never built anything, who's unwilling to die to defended something they love unless they can do it at the push of a button with US (german) technology. Kindly kill yourself.

EU Nationalist reporting in
I agree with O.P.
We must help brown people and never ever fight back

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Fucking faggot gotten guns banned in New Zealand.

Imagine having some pathetic self worth you decide to define your life shouting cringe internet memes while shooting unarmed people.

Imagine thinking volunteering to take care of the people who are left behind by a jewish system is ever going to to stop the Jews from doing what they do. I'm not saying Helping the homeless is useless or a bad thing, but stating the validity of one action does not invalidate the other.

>shoots up some muzzies
>record it live
>gets arrested
>coronavirus wipes out humanity
>he's still alive
>fucks all white women left on earth
>a new generation full of little tarrants are made
>these new tarrants take down the zionists and the ZOG

This. This guy is one of those cowardly weaklings who dresses up in military clothes and vests, don military weapons but are too much of a pussy to sign up for the military and killing anti-western muslims that would fight back.

Has to resort to going to the most peaceful countries on earth and killing regular innocent people to gain some worthless clout by the biggest losers on Yas Forums. What a joke. Dude is head shaped like alcohol fetal syndrome so it kinda makes sense tho

Killing innocent people is wrong user. It's inherently invalid.

>mfw naziboos think Tarrant is special for his “sacrifice” for the white race
Mudslimes have been doing this before you were born since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They literally blow themselves up for their ideology idiot. Whites like you are cowards posting on an image board. Don’t talk about sacrifice stupid fuck

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"Cringe internet memes"

Did you read the manifesto?
Of course you didn't americans can hardly read a map much less a book.

You also have an inderior culture which you chant "we're number 1, USA" to feel better about.

Imagine being so autistic you become an neo nazi.


Just keep eating burgers as the Jews do whatever they want with your country and the world. You're the coward.

Because they can't do anything else. They are completely dominated by technology, they have a female culture occupying the most holy land in Muslim territory, thr most male dominated culture on the planet. So I guess the Japanese were worthless for flying suicide planes at you.

Of course they were, you dropped the bombs.