tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down
Tumbling down
That map scaling makes the outbreak seem worse than it really is
The spread makes zero sense to begin with. Fake news? Fake reality, USA. None of this is the truth. America is playing all of us and we're falling for it more and more every day. Corona isn't real. Nothing in the media is even remotely true. Get out of this horse shit game and go live your life without melting your brain with the poisoned web of information known as the internet.
No media. Get out. Save yourself and one other person.
I don't even believe this shit exists. I don't know anyone that has it and no one I know knows of anyone that has it. This shit happens every four years
you will.....you will
I remember a post on fag the_d on how much USA were safe, “god” told so.
I remember the South Korean/Japanese are just delusional, italy has shitty healthcare ecc.
Laughing so much now.
Fuck (((American)))’s slave
The flyover will inherit USA
Wyoming added a third last hour.
what stops people from traveling between states? They still not imposed interstate restrictions?
Imagine if i would have a house in NY and relatives in Wyo, what stops me from getting on a plane and go to infect my family in other state and everyone around them?
Based John
interstates are federal roads. States can not block or impeded interstates without federal say so.
>tfw I live in one of the giant red circles
lol, so the communities will start shooting at new comers after a few deaths in their communities.
Isnt there a population census coming up? Lol, so many events
I really want to agree with this, but you had to go and use a memeflag. which means you're a lying glownigger, and I can't trust you.
>Isnt there a population census coming up? Lol, so many events
Yes, starts the first of April.
Normally you mail in your response, this time you can answer online. At random, certain households are selected to answer a more in depth census.
that ex-westboro baptist baptist girl is pretty hot not gonna lie. sad that because she was sheltered all her life, she fell in love with the first loser that started debating her on twitter
oh then its cool, we had census in Russia and it was an aukward student with a bunch of lists invited to our house and we even were drinking tea
That spread makes sense if we’re going off of international airline travel, and population density. Seattle is getting wrecked due to having some many chinks from China and British Columbia.
>every single state
You're pretty fucked.
You can see she already breaking out pretty early on. I'm happy she got her life back.
America used to send people around to take the censuses, but they haven't done it recently. They can't, the country population is too spread out which would make it too expensive. The census is already over budget this year.
I'm honestly shocked to hear that Russia still does it in person.
yet here you are, on the internet.
memeflag and all.
video unavailable in my country
It's literally uploaded by the BBC. Don't you have a tv license for this reason?
>Louisiana has more cases than Texas
Can we just burn down New Orleans all ready
so I guess the media and politicians made all those videos coming out of China and Iran.
It's okay to be afraid. Coping by denying is natural but you need to accept reality.
i looked for it on youtube. can;t find it based on the thumbnail
Once this shit blows over, I'm taking the inheritance we'll be getting from my no-prep "it's just a flu" boomer in-laws, selling my house, and moving to West Virginia.
Doesn't the BBC let you access their stuff at any time on their main website?
If you have the time just watch Louis Theroux documentary on westboro.
Throughout the entire thing she's expressing doubt about church doctrine and every time she does another family member chimes in. Louis even compares them to the gestapo silencing anyone who appears to show vulnerability.
All they can do is put up signs that say
>If you're infected, keep moving
Its hard to legally restrict freedom of movement.
Some people are filling out the Census online.
Crazy times, there are alot of happenings right now.
last census i remember was 2010
I'll take the bottom right square
there is an american version of the BBC no?
>Jew York and commiefornia are burning
If shits going to get worse in USA, happening will start happening around the world too. Because when USA is fucked, that creates power vacuum other actors will try to fill. There will be more happenings, happening after happening IF TRUMP DOESN'T GET IT UNDER CONTROL.
>tfw I used to live somewhere secluded from all of the red
I moved too early I should have waited a year it was peaceful there. I hope they can rebuild in the wreckage.
Flooding didnt work
basically i mean more wars, terrorists and bad actors trying to use this chance to score points. This world order is built on Americans threatening everyone and looking strong as fuck, but when Americans look weak - shit goes wild.
Honestly, you people laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 100 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 7000 jews a week. Over 28,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4.2 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it
Americans can get the BBC and BBC America on expensive cable and satellite subscriptions. PBS, a non-profit channel, rebroadcasts some BBC shows (EastEnders, Are You Being Served?, Mr. Bean, etc) and BBC news.
Thread theme
never be afraid. fuck that.
My family members from Italy know people that had it but you aren't completely wrong. It's basically just a slightly more dangerous flu, the old guys that died from it in the city where my uncle lives were all very old and very sick. Not "allergic sick" or "random small cancer" sick but final stages of serious illnesses or very serious heart diseases or they were just generally very old and weak, and while everybody is shitting their pants over it in my country that isn't Italy there are like 400 people who died here from a random flus the lasts weeks but nobody gives a fuck about them.
>Cuyahoga and summit county just getting absolutely ass-fucked by corona-chan.
Of course. NE ohio needs a purge anyway.
Link map
Same thing in the US - every ten years.
You know the word census, despite the 'cen-' at the begining is not related to 'centi-' or any other word beginning with 'cent' meaning ten/100. Census is actually related to the word censorship because the person who takes the census was a censor, and the censor was responsible for public morality. They would modify your taxes based on profession. Women who wore men's clothing (togae instead of stolae), for example, were taxed higher because only prostitutes should be doing that. People who did undesirable things to Roman society were taxed higher (censored) in an effort to deter the behaviour.
The Romans carried their census out every five years. I felt the need to explain this because this myth persists, just like the vomatoria myth.
The BBC does broadcast here, few people watch though, tb h.
Though, admittedly, it's gaining more popularity because of doctor who, sherlock, etc. Broadchurch bombed here, as did an American clone. But now, because of Netflix, it gained some following.
send me another BBC link let's see if it works but the other one said it was blocked in my cunt
so basically, the meme flu is where ever people are, is that what I'm seeing here?
I was driving behind you the other day. You were driving your beat-the-fuck-up van with all the flat earth decals on it. Your lettering was horrible: tiny shiny gold letters on dirty white paint, who the fuck's gonna be able to read that? If you really want to share your illness you need to get your shit together, schizo.
Some faggot boomer brought it into El paso
Good to know. I am really in sick delirium myself with temperature (its just a flu, really, no, serously) and insted of healthy sleeping i watch movies like color out of space and listen to the audiobook Willows. Its fucking me up.
Wish you personally well, hope good people survive this shit.
>calling a county in Ohio "summit"
oh that's cute
Yes, shocking isn't it?
On a side note: 25,100 people died during the generic flu season 2018 in Germany. 25,100.
Are there any no rules in the White House
when there is a national emergency
" pandemic " that Potus and VP
should never be in the same place?
Something is not right!
What's going on here?
God, it's a real zombie apocalypse.
You have to go back.
Everybody should watch Color out of Space and read Willows no matter if they are sick or not. Hope you will feel better soon, don't worry user, if you are younger than 60 and not too ill in general neither the flu nor corona will be able to kick your ass.
Stop posting chink waifu faggot
But that’s how you found this website. In 2016 remember?
considering when it started in China, you have to start scrutinizing any huge gathering held in January.
For example, the Australian Open tennis event. Chinese tourists with the virus could mingle and spread it to people from all over the world in Australia.
How the fuck did it spread so fast...
Its a disease
They spread pretty quickly
Nobody mass reports on the flu though unless its H1N1 outbreaks