I had COVID-19, was officially diagnosed, spend 7 days in my apartment in quarantine and had a full recovery. AMA

I had COVID-19, was officially diagnosed, spend 7 days in my apartment in quarantine and had a full recovery. AMA

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What's your age?

Why didn't you post during that time?

Late 20s.

Spend most of my time in bed listening to audiobooks or sleeping. Felt like complete shit, looking at screens of any kind didn't work out for me because I had a massive headache.

have you taken any vic c yet?

what were the exact symptoms?
pic of diagnosis?

Are you scared of reinfection? You'll have to post weekly to let people know if it's happened! Though i don't believe it myself.

How'd it feel? What were your symptoms?

How do you think you caught it?
What did your fever top out at?

Would you make me a sandwich G?

Ooh no you had. Headache, Coronavirus sounds pretty horrific guys.

What's your ethnicity?

Prove it you nigger

My grandma has a high fever and is nauseous, I don't think the fever lasted more than a day? She is in bed right now, mid seventies. She has a sore throat, but no respiratory symptoms. What symptoms did you have? Did they change over time?

Taking Vitamin D capsules daily.
Whole body was sore as fuck and hurt. High fever, and the most disgusting cough in my life. I was constantly coughing until I barely had air left in my lungs. Felt really bad. I can fully understand how this shit could push someone over the edge if they aren't healthy.
Not that much, I've been told the chances of it happening in the first 3 months are slim, though nothing is known for sure.
Basically I know a dude, who knows a dude who's been to China recently. 40,4°.
What kind?
80% German 20% Swede.
Maybe she just has the regular flu?

Juden ja oder nein?

Was denkst du?

pretty sure I have COVID-19, I got off a plane from a certain unnamed affected country in Asia ten days ago...

since then I developed a sore throat/dry cough five days ago, then a mild fever and then muscle aches about three days ago, now headaches and some pain when I breathe, which started two days ago. I have been feeling much better today though. Self-quarantining in my apartment until a few weeks after I feel better.

I'm not doubting you but do you have any proof of your claims? Doctors notes, anything?

Who told you about the 3 months thing? An actual health worker or some user on here?

Have you read about the possible lung capacity reduction after coronaChan?


Post proof

you are so full of shit. fuck you kike

I expect we'll all probably get it at this point...
Hopefully, because my 93 year old great-grandma has asthma and contracted pneumonia several times. They live on the same property together and see each other every day.

If my grandparents die because of this chink plague..

Did you strain cause you to have terrible headaches? Can you please describe as much as you can about them?

I've got flu symptoms at the moment, had them for 3 days now. 7 days ago I was in a busy London hotel so it's probably I've got it. I can't even swallow my throat hurts so much. Dry cough, hardly sneezing. Big headache.
I have asthma so I'm starting to get worried. Not been to a dr yet.

you need to urge your doctor to test your sperm count/fertility and report back when you get your results

Are you male, and have you tested your semen for sperm count and hormone balance?

excellent news bro, good to hear that you made a good recovery.

i'm thinking about getting tested.

>be me
>currently living in new orleans (only temporarily for work. gonna gtfo as soon as possible)
>roommate gets in minor auto collision while carpooling with coworker, both go to ER because reasons (probably insurance/police related)
>they both end up sitting around for an hour or so, people in worse shape come in and out
>they get seen, get examined and sent on their merry way

fast forward about a week (to now)

>roommate has been waking up progressively more and more sick
>the coworker he rode with is also sick
>multiple of my coworkers are sick
>i am getting sick

what do?

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You could be Asymptotic though since there's no vaccine. You could still spread it to others.


How many anime girls did you jack off to?

That sounds like you have it.

Only document I have has my name and address plastered all over and and I won't through the labor to censor it. This isn't reddit, take my word for it or don't.
During my quarantine I good food delivered every day and 2 visits from a health worker, first time was 3 days in second time on the last day, he checked my temperature asked about how I was feeling and if I needed something and took a test from my throat both times. He's the one who told me the 3 month thing.
Right now I'm feeling pretty much normal, I still got a bit of a cough left but it's really not bad, it's like the leftover of a mild cold.
Intense pain in the front part of my head to a point that it made me feel dizzy at times. Easily my worst illness yet.
Wasn't this shit based on non-peer reviewed papers?

Did you have GI issues? Did you have a lingering headache for a few days?

Did you dick shrink? Did your spermies all die???

corona case here, I am in New Orleans. Gonna find you and cough on you m8

>Did you have GI issues?
Not at all, but I very rarely have problems with that. I usually eat healthy and am generally pretty fit.
>Did you have a lingering headache for a few days?
Nah, they were the first thing to go away, then the fever then the cough. Like I already said, I'm feeling 99,9% healthy right now, except for a tiny bit of coughing due to the throat still being a bit sore.

in all seriousness: take a shit ton of vitamin C and D, eat fresh vegetables, drink at least a gallon of water a day, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, get plenty of sleep. I don't want to go to a hospital, sit in airconditioning getting exposed to more COVID from other patients so this generic bullshit is all I can rely on, but shit, it's all you can rely on too.

>This isn't reddit, take my word for it or don't.

Pay me a visit and check for yourself.

Wo wohnst du in Deutschland?

My wife and I had this weird sore throat, hers developed into a weeklong cough, mine was over in like 3 days and no cough. Wonder if we had it?

Thankfully I'm in shape and young but the asthma has me worried.
If I died I'd just be another 'pre-existing health problem' victim.

how small is your dick?

That’s for people who have very weak immune systems and they have bacterial pneumonia. It’s actually more common with really bad influenza-type diseases, especially in older people. It’s why this is so deadly to the elderly.

i have the cornovirus in my dick

fuck off back to plebbit fag

Same here. 27, always exercise, eat healthy and got asthma since childhood while smoking 10 cigs per day

3 days of fatigue, 7 days coughing, 1 day fever at peak. It only kills the weakest of the weak and seniors with illnesses who wouldn’t be alive without their 20 pills per day

Under 60? Stop worrying.

Wie ist die Krankheit bei dir anfangs verlaufen?
Hattest du Auswurf beim Husten und falls ja, ab wann hattest du welchen und welche Farbe hatte der?

Thanks for doing this. Do you know anyone else who was sick? If so what was their recovery time?

This was me in late December.

What was your prescribed treatment by doctors? Pills, things to do?

fucking this. I'm sure you have some kind of paperwork (paperverk?). Post w/ Yas Forums timestamp user or you are a lying sack of Scheiße

Airborne a day keeps the doctor away

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Hans tell me, I have problems with my lungs for 2 weeks now, had some yellow flegm but its gone, almost no fever - max 37,1 so it might been just a bad moment to test it;
it hasnt been improving but not getting much worse either
had random headaches in the past few days, almost never have those
had random weird, very strong pain and this feeling in my muscles above my knees, two or three times.
now since today i have conjuctivitis it seems.

No real contact with anyone infected or suspected, and in my part of Poland noone has been diagnosed yet

Does it sound like im getting riced here?

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Post the paperwork with timestamp.

Living in one of the biggest cities in Germany. It's easily possible that you both had it, considering how different the symptoms are for different people. Also there's apparently a not as bad strain, so maybe you had that. In my case there wasn't any guesswork, even if I hadn't be officially diagnosed.
Healthy above average size, but do you know what's the best? It wasn't permanently disabled by a jew after my birth.
>3 days of fatigue, 7 days coughing, 1 day fever at peak.
Yeah, pretty similar. For me it came on pretty quick. I felt a bit weird one day and the next it hit me like a truck.
Ging alles sehr schnell, hab mich an einem Tag schlecht gefühlt und lag gleich am nächstem komplett Flach. Hals war verschleimt, aber nicht sehr stark. War ein trockener kratziger Husten.
Gf also had it and it went pretty much the same for her, except a bit longer. She still has a pretty bad cough. We're still avoiding contact.
Are you also feeling fine again?
Nope. Only thing I got was a thyme tea and I was told to drink a lot.
Suck my dick, nigger.

Do you have your DNA sequenced?

Can you tell us what values you have for rs333?

That is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCR5#CCR5-.CE.9432


Very high iq post