Why are most gamers right wing?
Why are most gamers right wing?
They aren't
ask Veronica
because the left told us to fuck off an die after we spent years sacrificing everything for them
Why do Amerimutts only have 2 political parties?
Because most Gaymers are underage nerds.
They’re not. Most gamers are left-wing, because right-wing people don’t give a shit about any sort of creative endeavor.
There has been a concerted attempt by fascists to “”take over” video games, though.
Because there is only good and evil.
Games are made to be a strict meritocracy. You don't have to carry niggers, spics, commies or other assorted scum on vidya. You fend for yourself and that's that.
When you try to apply these principles irl, the only ideologues that comes close are fascism or anarcho libertarianism.
Games tend to rely on self-improvement and competition in the core gameplay, both of these concepts go against leftist beliefs.
Nah there are plenty of games that hold your hand. Or even tip the balance in favor of the loser
because most of the left wing is prude and too harsh on men so young men feel easily victimized when being told they're inherently worthless assholes without ever acknowledging their hobbies
most of the men turning to vydia for escape do it because irl problems that they couldnt fix and no one helped them either and it would've felt insulting when hearing that men are priviledged and have no problems when in reality it's mostly men that always get shitty end of the stick and end up without any social skills, jobless, without intimacy and pissed at everyone that allowed it to happen. anyone would be sociopathic cynic in their place. keep in mind that im talking about minority of gamers because most of them dont really care about politics at all and have healthy lives
Something pushed them to becoming that way.
Calm down there goebbels, accusing others of stuff you're guilty for. You think people don't recognize you trying to subvert their hobbies?
Degeneracy, but mostly because they isolate themselves to at most, their own very small social group. They very rarely engage in new experiences, talk to different people, or attempt to the see the world beyond the reality they've built for themselves while trapped in their bedrooms lit only by computer monitors.
Most gamers are collage age white men which are mostly right wing .
Anyone who says otherwise is retarded. Women don't play videogames and nigs only play sports games and a select few play fighting games.
jokes aside, the whole zoomer/late millennial generation is more conservative than any generation, even more so than the generation that birthed the Boomers. I know my little sister is.
Came here to post this.
>noooo the people i dont like cant enjoy things!!!!
They aren't. Racist assholes are just the loudest and most vocal because they don't get any attention in real life.
Gamers are libertarian, not right-wing.
They want individualism above all else and don't want to be shackled by society and its expectations.
They oppose both tyrannical right-wing doctrines and politically correct left-wing ideologies.
Infamous 2 made me racist
Because most Veronicas are left wing
*puff puff*
People who aren't racist are in the minority. Everyone is fucking racist. Japs hate Chinks and Flips- in fact, all Asians hate one another. Mexicans HATE niggers, and niggers hate whites. All races hate other races, only non-whites are allowed to vocalize it, though.
More like anywhere not directly censored the left starts to fail
Its hilarious that that tweet perfectly describes SJWs
>Why are most gamers right wing?
If that's true, then why are most game developers pandering to the SJWfags?
Thanks for correcting the record, racist retard. You can stop replying now.
This is literally what the blue-haired and faggots have done.
because every other political party in this country is too lazy/retarded to start small and build from the local level up. they'd rather keep trying to chase the fluke that was ross perot's relative success in 1992.
thanks for losing so hilariously hard lefty, enjoy 4 more years of being made to look like an idiot.
Theres a pretty big disconnect between media creators and media consumers.
please stay away from kids
They aren't, right wingers generally dislike video games and think they are immature and cause kids to shoot up schools or whatever
Basement dwelling incels aren't right wing, not really. They're hateful and bigoted but not conservative in their beliefs
They're not. You only think this because you're on Yas Forums (i.e. a safe space for right-wingers).
Because, like all right wing people, they are ill informed, have limited life experiences, would rather blame others for their problems, and think money will solve all their problems.
>video games were historically played by “nerds” and other social outcast
>extremist values and views attract loners
This is probably wrong but it’s my best guess
Anita made me start thinking about this sort of shit in 2012.
Now I'm racist.
Gamers are right wing because they know NPC’s get the short end of the stick.
>>video games were historically played by “nerds” and other social outcast
They weren't, literally every kid had a SNES or Genesis, this is a false narrative from people that never grew up in the 90s
What is a safe space?
What? Since when is “think for yourself” something to hide from children
>try to endlessly smear and censor the right
>they still beat your candidates with fucking donald trump
How does it feel that the left is finally being recognized for the poor losers you are? It was incels really that ended the left imo, your ideas got taken farther than you were willing to go.
>don't let them take norse mythology
Does this dude actually understand norse mythology?
take it easy there rabbi
they were casuals, like you normalfag
basement dwelling incels lean towards right though, even if it's libertarian
left wing politics straight up just vilify an entire identity and then wonder why that identity isnt accepting of their beliefs and worldview
Donald Trump winning an election doesn't make his beliefs correct, it just shows the sad state of the USA
Because you have a better chance of getting some fringe lunatics elected over everyone with more than 2 parties splitting the vote. Better to work your way up through the ranks as a safeguard to tyranny.
Games like most modern media have a vaguely liberal foundation, in the past much less hamfistedly woke but liberal all the same. If gamers are majority rightwing it's kind of pathetic what they opine for
1. Most games become online focused or online only
2. Gamers now interact with other people
3. Gaming becomes larger; combine with the above, gamers now have contact with more people
4. Gamers now have actual experience with women and minorities
5. ???
6. Gamers are now extremely racist and sexist
>I duped idiots into following me, this validates me and makes my retardation the truth!
There is reason people completely ignore you.
Most gamers are actually mentally ill trannies though, just look at the speed running community or half of all discord users
are they? gonna need to see some data on that one chief
>entire generation of gamers grew up literally playing nothing but yearly military recruitment games glorifying killing America's enemies
>hurpudurp! Gaymuhrz R libtardz like me!!!
>basement dwelling incels lean towards right though, even if it's libertarian
They don't, most of them implicitly rely on welfare, either from the state or their parents because they aren't mentally able to provide for themselves
Keep moving the goalposts kiddo
The jew cries in pain as he strikes you
>Right Wing
>"thinking for yourself"
you mean follow the dogma of whatever popculture/social media tells you? Please share with the rest of us on how the orange man is bad and how real communism was never tried
I was right wing until I encountered the right wingers that infested this site. Way closer to center now.
Incels leaning right means nothing, they are purely a product of the equality age. Where does an entitlement to equal rewards for everybody come from? Incels are literally calling for equality, and the left said no. The left died with hating incels, though who knows if they could have survived with them either.
same reason they're overworked and underpaid while gamers are neets and pirates
the only part of gaming that is right-wing are the military shooter, the rest of the industry apolitical at best
We all know that libertarians are pedophiles rationalizing their perversions with terms like hebephilia.
I'm not. What party would I align to if I want people to fuck off about political correctness but not be faggots about it, and support laissez-faire economic systems but with guaranteed rights such as sick leave, breaks, good pay, and safe working environments, as well as a regulated tech sector in order to protect user privacy and meet some kind of ethical standard.
i believe they have an average IQ of 90, I'm not joking either, they are in debt and indoctrinated idiots
i mean stop trying to abolish the age of consent so you can fuck kids thanks
People are now majority right-wing because they saw the end result of left wing leadership.
Check my 5.
Except that most gamers are not basement dwellers. It's you leftists who are delusional. Most leftists have never stepped outside of their Western bubble. Which is why you hear then saying shit like "Islam is a feminist religion"
Like that other guy said, it ensures only safe and controllable candidates have any real sort of chance to get in to power.
Are you retarded?
because everyone thinks voting a 3rd party is hopeless and is throwing your vote away, so because people think this way it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy
got a starwars joke for me, bugman?
it has nothing to do with tyranny, third parties just keep trying to run before they can crawl. even if one of them somehow managed to win a presidential election, they'd have no support in congress, in the supreme court, or the local/state level to help them get anything done.
third parties are not viable until they do the hard work of building from the bottom up, and most voters are smart enough to understand that.
Are you kidding? You are aware that conservatives reproduce more, correct?
The only good Republican is a dead Republican.
>have first black president
>worst president of all time
>germany has first female chancellor
>lets refugees into europe
Right wing just means the recognition of hierarchies, how one engages that can take multiple different approaches.
Xbox live
Conservatives have more kids, make more money, and are generally more morally concerned. Lefties are just bad people and it shows in everything they say.
We are the most oppressed race on earth and forced to face hard truths, aka right wing ideology.
Found the faggots.
you say that, but all those niggers and spics having 10 kids per family will not be voting republican
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