PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP / @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump / /
VISIT >b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / / /
NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/ /video /?470387-1 / /4hXCIuxQyd8 >Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/ /video /?470351-1 / /feycmqjsLNw? /G6HbxcCb-7g >TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 3/13/ /v /6141527765001 / >TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/13/ /video /?470346-1 / >TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/13/ /IGIpRnAY1dk >HUDSec SleepyBen on EWTN 3/13/ /w_aD90L5f3s >Justice Gorsuch on SCOTUS 101 3/13/ /bqGozhUa0mA >CMSAdm Verma on Tucker 3/13/ /v /6141533190001 >CMSAdm Verma on FoxNews 3/13/ /v /6141392557001 >NIAIDDir Fauci on F&F 3/13/ /v /6141351651001 >NIAIDDir Fauci on MSNBC 3/13/ /a3Co5T7F16E >ACC Comdr Gen Holmes on Corona-chan 3/13/ /video /742935 / >CDC Briefing Room: Corona-chan Update 3/13/ /r7qq0nWjbWQ >Pentagon Press Brief (CENTCOM Comdr USMCGen McKenzie) 3/13/ /video /742893 / >Pentagon Press Brief (USFK Comdr ArmyGen Abrams) 3/13/ /video /742886 / >This Week@State 3/13/ /_ZXNlmqPKS4
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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March 15, 2020 - 00:57
>TrumpOP missed Ronny Jackson's BTFO of the media regarding Trump's negative coronavirus test and his earlier cognitive test
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March 15, 2020 - 00:57
>It was a chink OH NO NO NO NO NO
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March 15, 2020 - 00:57
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March 15, 2020 - 00:58
Food is important for MAGA
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March 15, 2020 - 00:58
CGTN is literally chicom propaganda. He should be sent back to China feet first.
March 15, 2020 - 00:59
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March 15, 2020 - 00:59
MAGA. Please report all posts by the local Ethiopian jew cianigger and his lich lover. Very off topic. Very un-MAGA.
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March 15, 2020 - 00:59
there's nothing wrong with me it's everyone else that is weird unseasoned rice and beans is God's gift to the world
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March 15, 2020 - 00:59
Send this to every girl you know!
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March 15, 2020 - 00:59
God gived tastebuds for good food, that's why trumpf loves meatloaf so much.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:00
where was the chink turned away from? Trump press conference?
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March 15, 2020 - 01:00
I cannot predict when it will fall on 300 exactly, and I am rusty at baking.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:00
reminder that if you need to season your food, it was never meant to be eaten in the first place
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March 15, 2020 - 01:00
fact: Nanking was justified. We should of let japan finish the job.
March 15, 2020 - 01:00
I'm 'quality testing' my survival stocks as we speak
March 15, 2020 - 01:00
lol chinkoids continue to be humiliated, fuck them.
March 15, 2020 - 01:00
Not you too
I'm surprised how many otherwise reasonable people are freaking out at this point.
March 15, 2020 - 01:01
no tiawanese girl over the age 15 is a virgin. they fuck like animals.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:01
>Maine blue but Vermont, the most liberal of the 48 mainland states, is red You need to fix this
March 15, 2020 - 01:01
I dont post the new bread until 299 when I bake
March 15, 2020 - 01:01
Will 2020 ever top 2016
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March 15, 2020 - 01:02
Chinks are gay and need to sink. Prove me wrong.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:02
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March 15, 2020 - 01:02
>Trump press conference? yes
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March 15, 2020 - 01:02
Corona is the best thing to happen to the West. Now we have good reason to kick out all foreigners.
March 15, 2020 - 01:02
just heard trump got tested and the progonosis was negative
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March 15, 2020 - 01:03
latest covid forecasting models estimating 20 times the number of confirmed cases exist but are unaccounted for since it's such a nothingburger to under 50 year olds. real death rate looking like it'll be well under 1%. something like 0.05%-0.1%.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:03
With bernie getting fucked, everything is possible
March 15, 2020 - 01:03
Many of those Giant Turkey Legs at Disney and other places are in fact Emu or Ostrich
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March 15, 2020 - 01:03
No, even the flu is boring.
March 15, 2020 - 01:03
Those phonebanks were freakin amazing! I had a lot of fun with those calls.
March 15, 2020 - 01:04
So what is this I hea about white people not having to worry abiut getting the virus? Is this a meme or a somewhat real occurrence?
Also >57 deaths >40 deaths in Washington(Seattle) >more than half of those alone from one nursing home >second worst death rate at this time is 5 in Commiefornia
Talk about inflation; thanks Seattle.
March 15, 2020 - 01:04
i literally never do anything wrong when i bake, or even ever
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March 15, 2020 - 01:04
prove it
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March 15, 2020 - 01:04
Nice digits, but still, remember to shame every whore who uses slut pills.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:04
No, that's just a scenario, not what was actually calculated. Diamond Princess gives a lower bound of 1% mortality rate.
March 15, 2020 - 01:04
I've heard about such things but surely they would have to label meats as what they are and why would anyone go to such a place and also why would someone buy a turkey leg from a food stand?
March 15, 2020 - 01:04
>I cannot predict when it will fall on 300 exactly lol git gud scrub
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March 15, 2020 - 01:05
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March 15, 2020 - 01:05
I don't even know how other bakers even compete
March 15, 2020 - 01:05
righttards btfo
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March 15, 2020 - 01:05
Or retards believe that it doesn't affect whites when thousends of older people have already died in Europe.
March 15, 2020 - 01:05
How goods the stock market crash? We love a good stock market crash don't we folks? Our stock market crashes are the best in the world!
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March 15, 2020 - 01:05
are we looking at a nothingburger after all???
March 15, 2020 - 01:05
No it’s not. Vermont’s Republican primary had the highest % of Republicans who didn’t vote for Trump. As did New Hampshire and Maine. Northern New England is the most liberal region of the country. Meanwhile Trump is busting out 95% in Texas, 96.5% in Michigan, 98% in Tennessee, over 90% in Utah, and 100% in Mississippi. Meanwhile Bill Weld got 9% in Vermont and 6% in Michigan
March 15, 2020 - 01:05
>not even a MAGA first post
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March 15, 2020 - 01:05
No trillions of dollars has been lost.
March 15, 2020 - 01:06
on viking longships did they poop over the side? or did they poop in a bucket? Was there only one bucket?
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March 15, 2020 - 01:06
well someone should go find them then
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March 15, 2020 - 01:06
ez bruh
Just look at the replies counter
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
I like Pence with the khakis and suit jacket. Looks good.
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
>Europe >white
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March 15, 2020 - 01:07
Incidentally, how do we stop the chinksect infestation, /ptg/? They're everywhere these days, and they're insufferable, they have no manners whatsoever! They speak loudly over others, interrupt you, don't say "excuse me" or "please" or "thank you", chew loudly with their mouths open, slurp soup loudly, speak with their mouths full, their neighborhoods are smelly and dirty, it's absolutely disgusting! And now we find out, turns out they're also spreading diseases! I'm tired of this cultural enrichment, Yas Forums. Who else here getting culturally enriched by these subhumans?
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March 15, 2020 - 01:07
But why would they lie? If they told me it was emu or ostrich I would pay more for it.
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
Yup, panic for nothing. Thanks MSM.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:07
Usa has enough people.
Media is just crying about Globo homo bs is ending.
Trump reduced illegal and legal immigration greatly. And reduced refugeee numbers back 1980s levels, and sent most refugees back.
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
>leftistthot Lumpenproles deserve to get shot too
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
>US >anything but 100% pure African
March 15, 2020 - 01:07
You said you were a pure virgin, how could you be making dum dad jokes? You must have a bastard somewhere.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:08
and trillions of dollars have been pledged to be put back into the economy.
March 15, 2020 - 01:08
Seems like it. Do you know anyone who has or even knows someone else who has corona? Everywhere that's been infected has massive Chink populations.
March 15, 2020 - 01:08
That's not how anything works, you're a retard.
March 15, 2020 - 01:08 /watch?v=ln35N07LAjc nvm Jews.
"Giant Turkey" is a euphamism. Also there needs to be Damage, for a lawsuit to go forward.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:08
and trump negative. lmfao the demoncrats failed again
March 15, 2020 - 01:08
>Meanwhile Bill Weld got 9% in Vermont and 6% in Michigan Surge!!!
March 15, 2020 - 01:08
Not that I don't want to believe you all, but why do you say that?
March 15, 2020 - 01:09
that's exactly how it works, you fucking retard.
March 15, 2020 - 01:09
>African >pure >US Seriously nigger?
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March 15, 2020 - 01:09
>linking late night tv jews user jesus christ also I had no idea what the labeling of the matter was but it's all weird.
No, it fucking isn't you troglodyte nigger.
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March 15, 2020 - 01:09
They Shit in their hands and smear it on themselves to ward of bugs.
March 15, 2020 - 01:09
6% in New Hampshire* Bill Weld only got 1.3% in Michigan
March 15, 2020 - 01:09