Just think about the fucking possibilities (hehe, FUCKING possibilities ;3) lmao:

Just think about the fucking possibilities (hehe, FUCKING possibilities ;3) lmao:

>total isolation for the past 50,000 years
>that means they're still untainted by HIV
>untainted by syphilis
>untainted by gonorrhea
>untainted by crabs
>basically a naughty FREE FOR ALL



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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is their hair short if they don't have access to cutting tools?

is this due to inbreeding, or what

Attached: 56785858306776.jpg (657x527, 15.82K)

bad genetics

They probably have knives.

bad genetics

>even more the reason polen needs to take one for the team and go and fuck that
good luck, polen. polen stronk!

these beings are native to earth. they are not GMOs like you and i

Imagine with me anons, that coal black skin, bright yellow eyes, silver colored hair, and white facial features.

It just gets brittle and breaks off. It’s typical for non-white races to have brittle hair.

Why are they so black that they are blue? Is this what unmixed African populations look like?

>polish niggers attracted to actual niggers
color me surprise

Poland, the niggers of Europe.

>driven by pure natural selection
>bad genetics

they are not Africans.

being such a pervert

Who are these, human?, women?

K, let's all like get a gaymer team together, we stream on twitch, make tons of money cause we're gaymer streamers. then we all get a boat and sail there and colonize the place!

Everything fucking thread, is some LARP fantasy thread of dumb fucking scenarios.

I wish the internet didn't suck.

Attached: 71C1D94B-EAA0-4378-B12C-6980F6DE6D65.jpg (1000x983, 97.58K)

theyre niggers

Those boobs aren’t even sexual. Usually any human boobs are at least meh but those are not even boobs

If I suck on them titties hard enough will black berry juice come out?

Attached: bearwait.jpg (797x601, 367.5K)

They are homo erectus.

These are definetly not Africans. They look like Andamans, and if that's the case, they're basically just darkened Asians.

Attached: Skærmbillede 2020-03-15 kl. 1.48.34 AM.png (308x144, 92.19K)

Animal boobs. Not good.

>>basically a naughty FREE FOR ALL

yeah? and they LOOK like little boys rolled in roofing tar, *ugh*


Attached: darkenedasian.png (141x107, 34.32K)

They have no immune system, some person who lands on the island could kill all of them just by sneezing. Which is why that fucking christcuck who tried to get to their island deserved death, he was carying all of his germs to them with him and they have no hospitals, they all close to each other, they could all die because of this jew on the stick fucking idiot.

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chocomilk titties

They are adapted to a certain way of life, not civilization.

>total isolation for the past 50,000 years
Then who took the picture?

Why are humans so fucking fragile? What a shit species

Yup, just a darkened asian. These people are closer related to you than to Africans. You both descend from the same population that left Africa.

I would be curious as to what a mix between the women you posted and a european would look like. My guess would be that they would look like a dark arab.

Is that where they get cast iron from ?
Chad cast iron vs virgin teflon


Attached: 4954A1ED-7645-40AB-80E9-FD166551F4DF.jpg (451x471, 102.11K)

>yfw you have to do an exhausting 7 day dance ritual to get her wet

would look like a dark filipino probably

I agree. That they killed him, was based.

Greek, they would look greek

> white facial features.

Attached: IMG_20200314_220856.jpg (421x513, 92.27K)

>Untainted by Western pathogens

>Doesn't think about how they might have their own unique pathogens to which he has zero immunity.

>Also his little fuck spree would result in their effective genocide by disease.

Real big brain.

It's not hair it's fur.

Shave an Orangutan.

Attached: KD20ac8_d(2).jpg (640x1259, 76.6K)


>Getting a woman wet

Not gonna happen, virgin.

Breeding with them basically produces Indians.

how will we get the smell off of the fish now?

Now we're talking!

Attached: 1580375003811.png (988x1062, 89.04K)

>>that means they're still untainted by HIV
>>untainted by syphilis
>>untainted by gonorrhea
>>untainted by crabs
Not if I get there first

Attached: vape naysh.webm (640x480, 2.78M)

>the one on the right abdomen

Prove it.

Would look like a pajeet

No, roastie.

Attached: 1554471343340.jpg (1080x1080, 228.64K)


They are the Jarawa tribe of the Andaman Islands.


We deserve corona, we deserve worse than corona

imagine the contrast.

Not East Asian. Asia is a lot bigger than China and Japan

Looks like tomboy paradise.

It's more that diseases are too good than the immune system is shit at its job. Some bacterial infections have a fucking deployable layer of sludge to stop immune cells, like fucking oil slick in a spy movie.



The unhealthy die off, and a stronger offspring inherits. Which is the only good reason i think Andamese maybe should open up and embrace natural selection, even though most of them will die.Or maybe not. They could stay isolated as well.

Retarded fucking polock must think these nigresses are sentinelese.

prime butts and pussy

Thats not how that works. They could have all kinds of diseases that you would have 0 immunity for. Thats how syphilis came to europe; from natives to whites. It works both ways

You like hippos?

me too

>le all of asia is worthy of being called asian
Not this shit again.

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I was in Rio last October and was surprised how functional your country was. I was expecting planet of the apes but instead I got a well structured Detroit.

Is poland so bad that in order to find a "clean" "woman" you need to resort to fucking primitive sheboon? Topkek

Holy fuck

obsidian blades, and like chipped stone tools; that's what i figured

Holy crap you're disgusting.

women's rights was a mistake

not in particular, but that image just looked way too funny and inviting to me. I'd jump right in there.

Oh MAN...
I love Contrast!

looks dravidian to me.

Looks like kanye west with tits.

Attached: 25299044_1648821908508545_8371332307721187730_n.jpg (374x767, 54.39K)

That's what south east asians looks like before we came from southern china and exterminate them

>has sex with never before contacted natives
>gets immediately infected from an unknown STD and multiple unknown illnesses that your immune system never had to dealt with in the 50,000 years of your bloodline
>dies a horrendous death within days.
>entire native population gets hit by whatever germs and plagues from the civilized world you brought
>all this before you even mention to seduce one of them.

Have fun

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I'd rather fuck dudes

just because something survives doesn't mean it is optimal

I am having a fucking stroke what is that picture

fire haircuts

literally a picture to try and give you a feel of what having a stroke is like lol. here is the more common one.

Attached: 80mcpfvbc1u21.jpg (750x755, 72.53K)

Well Yas Forums?

Attached: Lagotto Romagnolo.jpg (729x486, 41.12K)

What your vision looks like a few days after having sex with one of those natives

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they all look the same... kinda weird

They're literally Asian in genetics. They just lack Denisovan admixtures.


That was amazing, what are you talking about.

Omong kosong.

Mau mie lebar, tolong. Makasi.