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Good thing I have generators.
Multiple reports of CDC red team operations in the mountains of virginia
Whats the red team operations? Northern Virginia is where the FEMA camps are.
provide a link to a single one
nice source fag
Just saw a formation of attack helicopters and Chinooks flying toward Portland, OR.
Houstonanon here, they're rounding up all white people and executing them in the streets. It's really happening this time.
my uncle that works at Nintendo can confirm this
t. truckeranon
mexico outbound border crossings are closed
Beat me to it
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average american uses 4 rolls per day. If you have a family of 10, that's 280 rolls a week. Over 1100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Good on their govt. Mexico doesn't need this shit.
>id is amefuk
toilet paper is for degenerates
>inb4 truckeranon
did i say i wasn't a degenerate?
Seattle here I can confirm national guard mobilization right now
Four rolls a day? Where the fuck does that come from?
CDC red team operative in the mountains of virginia here, can confirm
Can confirm. I immediately pulled over. Sent chills down my spine. Of course no one will believe us until it’s over. I guess that’s the point though. If I would have took my phone out and recorded they’d have put a bullet in my head. God speed brother
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average american uses 8 rolls per day. If you have a family of 10, that's 560 rolls a week. Over 2200 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>niggers are immune to coronavirus
black lives really do matter
that could be the subway on any given day
>Hol up lemme put a tissue in your mouth
>t. Me fuk black queers
seattle here. loud bangs in my apartment building and .people yelling
too scared to look.help me please
If the meme wasn’t funny the first time what makes you think it will be funny the millionth time?
Those two look like a couple of junkies that took a little too much
Sorry but it's still funny
Shut the FUCK UP. No link = No truth
>dude trust me
Lol always get at least 1
i fucking wish
>put your life in danger to prove something to some online tough guy
I’d be too scared to act too. Or you’d get shot. These guys aren’t fucking around. Already rumors about death squads
Lol this is my new favorite pasta, I love how the amount per day is always going up
What about freght into 'Murica? I've got frame rails out of Laredo right now.
Whats the biggest source of eletricity in the US?
>no source
>multiple eye witness accounts in this very thread
Are you a bot?
idk man this could just be retards shilling bullshit to sow chaos and fear
Uhhhh... guys?
Texas has its own grid. I think I'll be fine for a while.
Don't ask anymore. If it looks like bot behavior then it is.
newfag here but I'm in/near the VA mountains, elaborate on what CDC red team ops look/sound like?
poweroutages.us says otherwise fag
In all likelihood there are none.
The power isn't going to go out on its own, not at first. Only if a shit ton of energy workers go down will this be a concern.
The immediate problem will be the nogs nogging and knocking down generators or power lines after all the repair crews come down ill.
I presumed as much, I'm just curious what CDC read team ops even are, I googled it and couldn't find anything about a CDC red team or anything related.
>powers been out for a few weeks now
>"tracy cant handle the isolation, she's been showing her asshole to everyone and anyone who passes by the window for "likes" so she can feel accomplished for the day
don't know. I'm in the driver shitter at the hookie off 12B/13. I'll ask after i get out.
Good advice, thank you
I’m still a little shaken up. I just froze. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there. I just casually took a left turn and immediately did a uturn and got the fuck out of there. The national guard soldiers just stared at me. I doubt they were trying to spook me. But it’s just weird. Especially in my small town
Confirmed reports coming in from all states of OP being a faggot
I couldn't imagine the CDC even having anything like that except in movies. But I'm just some dickhead on the internet, what do I know?
Imagine living in a 3rd world country.
Seconded, we have confirmed faggotry.
They have tents set up from what I could manage to see from my car. They were wearing national guard uniforms with masks. They didn’t have any tac gear or vests on just rifles. Some of the guys where wearing normal clothes so I’m guess those are the doctors
Honestly you people laugh at blank manga hoarders, but you really dont have enough blank manga yourselves. The average american uses 16 rolls per day. If you have a family of 10, that's 1120 rolls a week. Over 4400 a month. BM rolls will be worth their weight in jews in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Im picturing germany
Sorry this was the best shot I could get before they swarmed me.
>the governments most valuable teams/assets are public record
That would defeat the purpose. They are secret for a reason
I’m waiting.
>t. Portland
this may be the fastest pasta i've seen in a while. It was four rolls five minutes ago.
>tfw Yas Forums is directly colluding with the mainstream media's coronavirus scare while simultaneously acting as if they understand the MSM's bias toward panic resulting in page-clicks.
Yeah. They are
lmao i fucking love and hate you at the same time
how did you know they were these 'red team' things? you're definitely larping lol
I agree but that still sounds fucking stupid.
Saw a line of MRAPs with no markings drive by earlier
I pay respect to the mighty piss jug of pee
they had fuckloads of NG in joplin after the F5 leveled the place. nothing to worry about, if anything they're there to do rescue ops backing up EMS. don't let your imagination run wild with this shit. if there was something you weren't supposed to see, uniformed police would've had it blocked off.
secret... disease control people?
they're not working on futuristic military hardware or advanced cryptology algorithms. why would they be secret?
Source: MY ASS
What were the MRAP colors? How many, what vehicle type, and what road?
B2 flew overhead earlier
Loudest sound I’ve ever heard
>t. northeast ut
There was a brief brown out today. My wife thinks I'm nuts, but I know they were just testing the waters.
I think Monday will be the day they instill an interstate travel ban. I could be wrong. It's either this Monday, Friday, or the following Monday.
Get ready folks.
Red team Ops are a civil unrest response training program focused on quelling a potential civilian uprising in an urban/suburban area. They’ve been doing them for a while now
Lol ok martial law in 2 weeks
Screen cap this kike nigger
That explains something. I was just driving home on the 436 in orlando, and there was quite a large outage on the way home. It was pitch black on the road.
Guys I don't want to alarm you but a FEMA camp just flew over my house.
fuck you, you made me laugh
Sonoma county is run on geothermal and solar, and they try to scam everyone in mendocino county into being forced to subsidize their bullshit green energy. I hope they all coof to death
Thinking the same thing.
Soon the roving packs of niggers will be out...
they wouldn't be. the only reason to protect their identity would be potential infiltration or espionage, but that usually only applies to disclosure exempt employees, e.g. NOC's
>red teams
Idk, but no one said anything about these guys and they just showed up a few days ago. Talks be getting around town and everyone has their theories. I ran into them today by accident. They aren’t hiding but they are closed off some roads and have tents and shit set up. Looks like a temporary base or some shit. I honestly have no idea user. I don’t think they wanted me snooping around. They didn’t say anything or point guns at me. Just weird. The guys in normal clothes aren’t from my town so I’m pretty sure they are cdc because of the tents. The tent had an eagle on it if that helps. Couldn’t make much more out of it though
I was in Joplin finding my grandparents soon after it hit and they were very helpful. The big difference here is that that was a localized disaster and there was a known problem and series of issues. This is not comparable at all but I get what you’re saying.
Fuck off
alex jones has spent 20 years telling these fucking nutbags the government would use martial law to disarm them, now when we might actually need martial law, his bullshit might fuck it up.
this is not the designation for domestic psyops, nor are domestic psyops affiliated with cdc or the national guard. the fed has these programs, but you're being a clown.
wrong nation, gommie
if you can get a photo, that would be invaluable. if you're too much of a pussy to take one looking at em, put your phone in a pocket, set the video camera on so that it's just barely peaking out, get out, walk in view of them, then leave. That'll give you a recording of them without them noticing you're filming.
Proof or larp, no offense
Colorado user here they've opened the hellmouth and now the hordes of satan are invading. I don't think this is a nothing burger anymore guys.
go go go
we are live, boys
it's on
NG are locals, remember that. they wouldn't take some cockamamie order to shoot patriots or disarm them, and trump would never give that order.
didnt you get the memo about being nuked? fall over, dipshit
Unfortunately it ain't always trump giving the orders, especially when shit gets delegated like it inevitably will be
Now it's 6 million.
Thank you user. I have a lot of friends in the marines so I naturally trust soldiers over any other government agency. They were in town yesterday handing out water and MREs. Idk how long they are supposed to be here. I didn’t think we needed them.
Hello neighbor. I drove to three different towns today. No food anywhere. We have about two days before people start taking the shit they need from where ever they find it.
>filenaming convention
based Kyocera phone owner
Have fun when after posting that video seeing your first "UFO" flying above your house, you haven't been posting here very long if that has not happened to you
My name is Van, I'm an artist, I'm a performance artist. I'm hired to people to fulfill their fantasies, their deep dark fantasies. I was gonna be a movie star y'know, modeling and acting. After a hundred and two additions and small parts I decided y'know I had enough, Then I got in to Escort world. The client requests contain a lot of fetishes, so I just decided to go y'know... full Master and change my entire house into a dungeon... DungeonMaster now with a full dungeon in my house and It's going really well. Fisting is 300 bucks and usually the guy is pretty much hard on pop to get really relaxed y'know and I have this long latex glove that goes all the way up to my armpit and then I put on a surgical latex glove up to my wrist and just lube it up and it's a long process y'know to get your whole arm up there but it's an intense feeling for the other person I think for myself too, you go in places that even though it's physical with your hand but for some reason it's also more emotional it's more psychological too and we both get you know to the same place it's really strange at the same time and I find sessions like that really exhausting. I don't know I feel kinda naked because I am looking at myself for the first time, well not myself but this aspect of my life for the first time and it's been harsh... three to five years already? I never thought about it... Kinda sad I feel kinda sad right now, I don't know why
They know more than we do user. If the government is allowing people time to prepare and handing out assistance chances are that's the case
They're on the front lines, protecting Prez.
what? UFO's don't exist retard, government planes do. Just because I'm talking on pol doesn't mean there's an FBI guy being paid to watch my ass, the government has better shit to do.
nothing is fucking happening
we’re all at home with sniffles waiting for SHTF and hitting F5
>no food
>no toilet paper
>faggots still posting "nothing burger"
I aint feeling too good boys, i think i might have the coronas
It’s not a “psyop” it’s a domestic civil unrest response program. And do you actually think those departments aren’t all headed by the same people? Ever heard of compartmentalization?
Only way I could do that would be to walk across an open field or through the woods. Either way it would be very obvious what I was trying to do