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also sage

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>when the spit hits your eye
>when giancomo says hi
>that's coronaaaaaa

Global pandemic

Delirious from lack of spicy-a meat-a ball-a

Good thing Coronavirus doesn't spread through the air...

Italians are singing before dying, I love Nature

Let them have their fun

People showing solidarity so that nobody feels too alone in quarantines.

They had a round of applause for the medical workers nationwide earlier, too.

Man, the normies are going to get massive cabin fever. I guess the 'net will help them, though.

Virtue signalling cringe

>Italians sing to defy virus
yeah ok.
If any of you fuckers start singing at me when we're in quarantine, you're going on the fucking list.

This has been news all across countries.

But citizens in Wuhan did the same:

At first, cheering

Days later, screams for help

They just like to sing u faggot sharia law bong

I like to not hear people signing so can they shut the fuck up and stop polluting my ears

>normies cant handle being neet for 2 months
surprise surprise

Yeah, I cringed a little
Also, sage

yes, spread your infected breath towards the streets in union.
Frigging extroverts.

The cringe is not about the virtue signaling (at least it’s not for niggers and anti racism), it’s about the fact that the social media orders to do these flash mobs and the herd execute the command.

I’m more scared of this than from the virus

i'm just going to leave this here, make of it what you will

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When you know you're about to die, then there's no reason not to pretend as if you're in a musical.

I really wish I could hear a beautiful song about pasta right now.


Pavarotti syndrome
every italian is a noisy singing bitch

Nobody cares whether you like it or not faggot


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>Netherlands 50%
We holocausted the wrong people

o sole mio~

This is their death rattle

Media ran with the 'ISN'T THIS JUST GREAT THIS SINGING GUUYS' instead of the other videos from Italy of people filming the dead bodies in their living room since nobody can remove them

Italians know how to fucking PARTY

in America, singing out of your window will make you a target

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it doesn't though

perhaps they have simply adopted the most reasonable system:
Pee: 0% wash needed
Poo: 100% wash needed

>do Europeans wash their hands?
>has turkey
>no greece

What sort of simpleton fucking redneck are you?

Checked. Do you believe they’re contrived acts and not a genuine Italian attempt at raising moral. I believe that’s what you implied, but I want you to expand on your point. If the internet didn’t exist would this have happened organically?

Simple I may be.
But I do not wash my hands when I pee. My zipper is not dirty.

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>Pee: 0% wash needed
God why am i trapped on a planet with subhumans?

>perhaps they have simply adopted the most reasonable system:
>Pee: 0% wash needed
>Poo: 100% wash needed

Nonsense. If you flush, you've touched what people have after wiping their ass.
Clean hands are contaminated again by turning the water tap off after the same shitty hands touched the tap to turn it on.

turkey is european, how about that?


But your dick is, retard.
and so is the fucking door handle to the toilet

>touching a public toilet
The only winning move is not to play.

Italians are anty neet's. They need attention and groups.

gooks were doing the same. did you ever notice how darkies always seem to suck the oxygen out of the room whenever you have the misfortune to have to be round them ?

WOW she is DARK

It’s a genuine act but it was started by the media of every kind, not a group of people, that’s why it happened so quickly and throughout all the country. They pushed the message on every website and media outlet.

They’re testing how much they can control us

reported for announcing sage

Clean your dick and your door handles you fucking mong

>reaching into your pants to grope around for your male organ
You'd have to be an ape.

When that coof hits your nose
Like your hus-band Carlos
That’s caroooooooona!

sirens. they use do sing to sailors. entice them to jump into the sea and drown. now they entice you to break quarantine so they can infect you.

what the FUCK netherlands?

*coughs and dies*

>dying dagos

They’re all Indonesians and surinamese

You motherfuckers included Turkey in EU but not Norway? Most homosex image I've ever seen, and I've seen how canadians look like.

Sucks to be you. Even our Walmart have non-touch toilets, sinks and paper towel dispensers.

I don't touch any of that with my hands when forced to use a public toilet. I either take paper in my hands, or my elbow to do those things.


Literal nigger behavior. Southern Europe should just learn how to shut the fuck up and behave

piss in the sink instead and bring hand sanitizer

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People actually wash their hands after they go the toilet? Your immune systems must be dogshit. I will literally eat hand food, seconds after I’ve been holding my dick to piss or wipe my arse after a shit without ever washing my hands. I stand on my tippy-toes and inhale dangerous mould from the corner of my bathroom to condition my lungs too. You lot are pussies lads.

Are Niggers obeying the quarantine?

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We did that too, most of them will die here

Parents and even school always taught me to wash hands after a shit but not a piss. In public toilets I do wash them with water after a pee.


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Thank you for your reply. I’m not an expert on your country’s history or current social climate, but I would like to suggest a counter campaign of reading Mussolini or Hitler speeches from balconies. This may be a bad idea, but I would find it funny.

She cute

How would I know, I don’t even leave my house during normal times.

Spoiler: no

Your wish is my command user.


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>italians coofing out their windows

That's gotta be the gayest thing I've ever seen.
Godamn you Italia. I thought you were based.

Italy Just flew over my house

This is what happened


You can hear PORCODDIO so it’s legit

Based Ottomans

yeah, and do you wipe with your hand or do you use paper like a pansy weakling ?

I mean, no other country has the amount of faggots and trannies you guys have, you might be the most homosexual country in the world.

They aren’t dying of Corona they are dying from lack of attention, New Jersey is next!

This is literally what happened in China before they cut the internet

why the hell do we have this reputation anyways? they are not that many.

> I stand on my tippy-toes and inhale dangerous mould from the corner of my bathroom to condition my lungs too. You lot are pussies lads.

Pretty cheeky move, UK. A few years from now you can live off from the donations of your youtube daily vlogs about how to deal with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

prove it.

Kosovo and Bosnia masterrace


I want to stick my cock in her :/

>All those anglos mad that Italians aren't hoarding toilet paper
You literally can't make that shit up.

Gaius Julius Ceasar Mussolini is running for office.


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There is no way Sweden with their 10 million citizens have more than you.

They did the same in Wuhan. It quickly changed to screams.

I generally just spit on a page of the Talmud, screw it up and kind of plug the hole with it until the shit all dries up so I don’t get any on my boxer shorts, I’ll then perch over a full sink and just teabag cold water once or twice every few months and wipe away the crusted shit that’s collected on my abnormally long arsehole hairs, with my hand.

It’s the 5g


That shit is not Italian.

We don’t do polpette every day