Imagine how comfy they are right now

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only black people can find a way to still live like that in 2020

Damn thats a quality longbow right there. Based uncontacted niggers.

They're not black. Race is more than skin-deep.


And unironically happier and getting more pussy in a month than most of all of you combined do in a lifetime

Indians nigger

They kill all outsiders thats how they avoid corona-chan.

coronachan let me lick those feet

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But are so low IQ that they barely comprehend their own existence.

Maybe that’s the redpilled key to life.

>survive corona
>die aged 34 due to simple infection

They'd all still be living like that if we hadn't attempted to domesticate them.

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None of them have ever eaten a shrimp po boy :(

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Are you sure?

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I wouldn't call rape, cannibalism and chimping out comfy.

Attached: niggers chimping out on each other.webm (202x360, 1.62M)

What chain has the best shrimp po boy?

>quality longbow
You can just order one from UK.

Imagine how comfy they won't be for eternity.

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>they all have friends and get sex

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They're not THAT kind of niggers, whyte boi.

How can they be dumb when they don’t have Yas Forums?

why are they so dark if they're indian?

Let's make this thread 5 times a day!

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You haven't even seen it up close or seen it used. Stop talking nigger.

>tfw the guy spamming this post finally went to sleep 16 hours ago and I'm still awake when he starts spamming it again

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Will they ever build a boat and find out what's out there?

They are actually smarter than you think. The reason they are very anti foreigner is due to fears of spreading diseases. I suspect they have an IQ higher than the average Yas Forums user

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>walk barefoot
>step on a sharp twig
>wound gets infected
>die from sepsis a week later

fucking based and primalpilled

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I’d say higher than all of Yas Forums.

The Chad Sentinel Islanders vs the Virgin Modern Man.

Uncle Ted was right

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Good thing he sired 6 kids before the age of 30 so his genetic line will continue.

Friend and I agreed that if we ever want to just end our lives that we will gear up and travel to the island and hunt them for sport. Heck maybe there’s some crazy shit hidden on the island that no one knows about.

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The sole of the feet gets rock solid with all those years walking barefoot
A twig wont do anything

average life expectancy is 30

This. They're more likely to die from a snake or spider bite.

>be jungle nigger
>wake up at 5AM in a dirt hut
>run around the jungle looking for things to kill
>go to the ocean and try to kill easier things
>have a swim because we have no soap
>yell at other tribespeople because we lack communication skills
>fuck a 14 year old
>feast of random burnt animals

I have actually met semi nomadic jungle tribes, all I can say is that they aren't pleasant people

Why are niggers so evil?

>the urbanite cannot even fathom the existence of herbal remedies
>the urbanite cannot even grasp aspirin existed (as willow tree bark tea) long before big pharma chemically isolated the compound and replicated it, selling it in plastic boxes the urbanite feels he can trust because they're shiny

maybe the happening isn't such a good idea, maybe it's just the chance whites want to be niggers for a few days

>t. faggot who'd be easily raped, killed then eaten in a happening


>The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers ?

>What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress, regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

>This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as today. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling "equality" rises supremely shrill. The Under-Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization.

>These are not pretty facts. But we had better face them, lest they face us, and catch us unawares. Let us, then, understand once and for all that we have among us a rebel army the vast host of the unadaptable, the incapable, the envious, the discontented, filled with instinctive hatred of civilization and progress, and ready on the instant to rise in revolt.

----"The revolt against civilization : the menace of the under man"

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Dont forget this tribe murdered a few innocent people for no reason at all and the government didnt do a god damn thing about it except creating a no fly zone.

Bodies didnt even get a proper funeral. Pathetic. If that was my family member I would have storm the beach with a small group of mercenaries and wipe them out or enslave them and become their god.

That’s called protecting your borders.

Imagine how inbred they are.

>TFW a bunch of primitive dindus did what all the white LARPer faggots couldn't and created an ethnostate

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They dont even know what borders are nor have they seen any other human.

Regardless even if they were a tiny wakanda style island nation with representatives in the UN I would still storm the island and wipe them out.

Only a pathetic pussy would let their love ones get brutally murdered by savages and not do anything about even if they could.

Lol the true master race was them the whole time!

Imagine the irony of this...

He shouldn’t have gone there. There’s no way he could’ve converted them to Christianity since they couldn’t understand him. They even laughed at him.

>Only a pathetic pussy would let their love ones get brutally murdered by savages and not do anything about even if they could.
isn't this how you justified iraq, after going there in the first place?

They've seen other humans. 14 months ago they slaughtered an American christcuck who came to their island to try to convert him. And he wasn't the first victim. They've also killed some Australian fishermen whose boat broke down and washed ashore on their island.

He never said that. You're making us racists look bad, man.

Their population is so hopelessly inbred I wouldn't be surprised if our niggers could defeat these retards.

Dont get many chances to post this

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>I have actually met semi nomadic jungle tribes
yeah we've all been on holiday to america dude, it's not exactly uncommon

Can the blackest most disgusting abbos beat this tribe?