I miss him

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he'd gas your mutt ass before you could say word 'brötchen'.

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It's so sad it makes me want to cry

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You're not even a country and all your surnames sound kikeish. After we exterminate the mutts you're next subhuman filth

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he reincarnated as coronavirus

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They're first

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14/88 BROS! Don't mind the glow!

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Protestants were a mistake. Also, Catholicism. Orthodoxy should’ve been the only religion worldwide.

>falling for Hitler meme

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keep *OUR* bloodline pure, bros! HEIL 4ever!

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We all do.

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cope slav. anyone who is anti jew and anti capitalist is on his side.

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But he didn't gas anyone.

Donnie 2020, let's drain that kike swamp.

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name a better trio, MIGAbros.

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Catholicism and orthodoxy are pretty much the same religion except orthodoxy is in slight error about some things.

same bro

Who is the short jew with him?

Aren't nazi's suppose to be 6'5, blond hair, blue eyes??
WTF is this manlet shit?

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you can't talk.

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how these libs can even compete?!

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Same, nobody killed as much whiteoids as him. 45 million in the world war and the rest due to the result that followed. He will one day be hailed a hero for the Jewish race but for now we need to demonize him for leverage on the whiteoids.


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yes, and we have like 200 Jews, thanks for the update you memeflag fuck. You obesity is showing even through these posts, Billy Bob Joe.

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What city in israel has the statue of hitler?
What day is the National holiday for him in israel?

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Absolutely disgusting creatures in that image.

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this can't be happenin, bros!

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lol'd at the pic

fuck christcucks, bros!

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Hitler is overrated.

I mean sure , he was preferable than the Soviets.

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I believe someone can do even better.

we must keep US of A white and free from poor moslem Euroshits, 1488 bros!

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Like i said, that will come in the future. For now the goyim must be demonized. Jews knew full well that sacrifice they were making for the betterment of the Jewish race. American Jews couldn't have cared less about the Jews that were killed but they deeply cared about the leverage they would receive due to these actions.

Look at the Roman empire, it destroyed the Hebrews BUT without them we would still be an irrelevant desert cult. Them taking us in allowed us to subvert them, then subvert all of Europe. Now you can't find a Jew that speaks negatively about the Roman empire. In 100 years public opinions about Hitler will change among the Jews. We will acknowledged the opportunity he provided for us. Without him there wouldn't even be an Israel.

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are you jewish?

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its hes fault europe is so fucked

no just an Untermensch slav

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> we have like 200 Jews
Russia literally killed itself by annexing some of your land because it was so jew infested what are you talking about?

yes, like LITERALLY everyone in Poorland.

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no it isn't. Its the EU's fault.

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BS, you jews have known from the start. I've seen the secret jew only notes that got passed around your houses of "worship" before the war.

Wish I had saved them

imagine worshipping kike on a stick!

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It's the jews fault. Stop acting like retards.

There is one enemy and it's the fucking jews.

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Fuck off

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Me to user....

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How weak worm one men would have to be to hide behind a memeflag, anyway?

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It's hilarious but that book praises Turks, suppose it's fitting the way Germany is going out right now. Reap what you sow.

It is the idea that matters, though.
Today nationalism is being revived by larping anime faggots, tomorrow we'll have strong-willed free men marching at parades.

Good times are coming back bro, just 4 more years!

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The golden era...sigh...

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send your energy to Don, bro!

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now this is epic!

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Why are poolaks so autistic

I like them

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