This one is for real

I was at a grocery store in Southern California and the lines were all the way back to the meat section. Not a single shopping cart was available. Even the wobbly ones with seized up tires were being used. I usually scoff at these pandemic scares, but this seems to be for real.

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>going to the store now
How stupid can you get?

California is finally getting to experience socialism now. Got to love those bread lines and limited choices!

Pic related is trader Joe's in LA a friend sent me. This was yesterday, I cant imagine what it's like now.

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The gun stores throughout riverside county are packed today. It's hilarious too, there's tons of newbs

>what do mean i have to do a background check? ive never been arrested
>you mean i can't buy it and walk out with it the same day?

I'm hoping it will change their voting patterns, but I doubt it.

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southern california is mostly hispanic, so there's your answer

These are the people that get to decide who the next president is

thank goodness that the president is basically just a figurehead now

Sensible chuckle

CoronaChan is doing God's work on Commiefornia. Praise Kek!

Hit Whole Foods in Hollywood yesterday, there were more shoppers than items

>I'm hoping it will change their voting patterns, but I doubt it.
I think that storyline flows towards "If I can't have it, then I'm being oppressed. I demand that the oppressors oppress those that are oppressive so that I can be in charge... But I wouldn't be oppressive, promise."

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walmart announced it will be changed its hours. closing nightly from 11p-6a

My brother lives in LA, sent me this

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>this seems to be for real.
yes, normies are scared for real. doesn't mean the pandemic isn't a media psyop.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Is Walmart usually open 24/7?

Most are except for those in enriched neighborhoods.

they literally only ever close on christmas day. and even that is enough to cause people to chimp out

Yes, the ONLY day most Walmarts close or have different hours is Christmas

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
>because everyone needs it
except they don't, because there's lots of other items you could use to clean your ass.

SRS how the fuck can you support 24h open shops. Its so unsocial for the workers here. Here in southern germany all shops HAVE TO CLOSE at 8pm and that is good. In the early 2000s even stricter laws were in place.

The Low IQ/Low Info idots queueing up in store lines listen to fake news and hasn't dealt much with personal repsonsibility in times of difficulty (storms, blackouts, etc.). I already have dry/canned foods and batteries for 2+weeks - - doesn't take much mental or financial effort.

This one seems for real because more people are buying food. Are you fucking retarded, show me the videos of Americans in masses at hospitals. This shit has no true reflection on how bad the virus is

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

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don't forget the chinks

My friend got his first gun today on the same day he changed his address at the DMV. All done in one hour.

It's great because I can go shopping and I don't have to be near to unhygienic sharters or navigate my cart around brown people.

Why is that good? I wish we had 24/7 stores. Our stores close at 22 pm.

>TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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One model from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested that between 160 million and 210 million Americans could contract the disease over as long as a year. Based on mortality data and current hospital capacity, the number of deaths under the CDC's scenarios ranged from 200,000 to as many as 1.7 million.

It's jobs and it's much easier to stock/clean the store when people fuck off.

I already have a good stockpile of food since I live in an earthquake zone. I went to pick up some bananas, saw the lines and walked out.

Imagine beeing some worker in a enrichend neighborhood and having to work all night.... Also you have 12 fucking hours during the day to buy stuff

Who the fuck uses toilet paper its disgusting you should take a shower instead holy fuck i hate usa

>if everyone goes shopping at the same time everything gets bought
>who could have foreseen this bullshit???????

Your friend is already dead. I'm sorry for your loss

Cause you live in a cucked state. I can buy a gun and walk out with it on the same day.

>been prepping since january thanks to you fags
>cupboard full with masks, hand sanitizer, vitamin c
> two fridges and the freezer full
>head to safeway yesterday for microwave meals for the kids, figure school might get closed for a week
>it's fucking chaos: an old man yelling at the safeway cashier to open more lanes, old lady got her purse stolen from her cart, i waited in line 45 minutes, everyone tense
>get home, school board closes school for four weeks!

thanks Yas Forums, you gave me the heads up

I work at Harris Teeter. We got one and a half trucks this morning. Filled up the store pretty good. Minimal amount of TP and bleach coming in. No hand sanitizer for foreseeable future. Lots of customers who don't ordinarily shop here, tattooed with Obama-lookin' kids. Not as busy as yesterday though. Getting overtime pay this week.

The scare is real, the pandemic is fake.

All Harris Teeter stores are now closing at 9PM. They just sent out the email today.

My sink is right next to my toilet so I'm set.

I lived 6 months in the Normandy area of France and absolutely HATED the hours. Same thing as you said, everyone closed at 5-8pm despite it being light outside until 11. If I want a croque monsieur and some jupiler at 9pm then why tf is there no one open?

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I probably use one in two weeks, lol.

LA will be quarantined then erupt into chaos like an inescapable blender of plague famine violence and death. The nation will say it mourns, but in our hearts we will not.

You live in a communist state, congratulations.
Yeah, those newbs that don't understand their constitutional right.
Backround checks take 10 seconds.

Stop posting this pasta you faggot

just because the normies are freaking out that doesn't mean there is a real threat. herd behavior is not generally known as being intelligent behavior. even smart people when they get together in a crowd can become stupid. none of us is as dumb as all of us.

this is a media induced panic so those who watch tv news are the ones buying all the tp. those actually checking stats from the cdc and other professionals are still confused as to why everyone is freaking out.

Only the insecure and wealthy are afraid to die, I've lived what is considered a decent life -- I don't fear judgement.

Oh shit that's my local one on Glenoaks!

witnessed and yet you're a little bitch who is spoiled by convenience like a little babby waaaaah i want thing nao waaaah

I love seeing people fall for this

My cough is dry, I’m smoking tobacco, like a mad man am I fucked?

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Let's say you shit twice a day. You use half a fucking roll to wipe your ass each time? A roll should last me like a week if I'm careful, and I'm usually not.

> going to the store to actually pay for something

Lmao faggot never gonna make it. Shoulda just walked out with the bananas like a real man.

Hopefully it blows over. I'll just resort to banditry if things get really bad.


god i fucking love this new pasta

then don't say anything nimrod


I use cats, they are very absorbent and self cleaning.

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I'm at HT too in NC. No samples, heard the asian and salad bars are closing, and now the stores are closing at 9 to cope. I've never seen the shelves so empty. Good thing I got all my shopping done way ahead of the normies. Thanks, Yas Forums!

>shower every time you go to the bog
It's alright in Saudi mate but not here, it's bloody baltic out and I'm not freezing my bollocks off drenching myself.

I do it ironically, now you're the sucker falling for me

>pandemic is real
>because stupid people are panicking
Where did you go to medical school?

>Southern California
>no spics in the picture

What is Trader Joe’s like now?
Probably restocked by now.

Haven't heard about the bars closing but we we're assuming that was coming. Did they post the social media policy at the time clock in your store today like mine? :)

Medical school is a Jewish scam. Literally any witchdoctor or shaman knows more than any (((doctor))). Medicines are just refined versions of natural products.

>his vibrators don’t have rechargeable batteries

>shortages under capitalism are acktchually socialism

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K. Don’t care what you say.

>cucked state
Yes, I know, but I already have two guns. Its just funny because everyone is behaving like the zombies are coming any day now.