Ummm guys? I think I found something that can explain the corona situation in Italy and Spain
Ummm guys? I think I found something that can explain the corona situation in Italy and Spain
So why do Bosnians and Kosovites wash their hands so much? Any Yugo here help us out with their thinking
>any country below 100%
Humans were a mistake
Pretty much matches the confirmed infections from couple days ago except with switzerland which was fairly high.
I am surrounded by savages.
What did he mean by this?
why soap to take a piss? urine is sterile, and the germs on your dick are good enough for your girlfriend's tongue.
they're afraid of being ethnically cleansed again
Well, it probably doesn't matter, but one pisses frequently and it's good to be in practice of washing hands whenever possible.
your dick ain't sterile
I only wash my hands when I poopoo, get piss on my fingers or touch the toilet. When its a clean peepee it isn't any more dirty than anything else. I wash my hands before cooking, eating, touching kitchen ustensils etc. but my dick is always squeaky clean so there's that.
Did you expect to get it from your own dick?
i eat with my dick
Can't say I am surprised.
Go to a themepark and just watch the toilet area for a minute.
So many people not washing their hands.
I doubt its even that high.
Most people probably said yes because they know it's wrong not to do it.
Correlation =/= Causality, faggot.
I can confirm that Russians (men, at least) rarely wash their hands. In fact it's so rare that the number of sinks is usually insufficient. Normally there's never a line at the sinks in a public restroom, but now there *always* is.
In other news, I'm pretty damn sick at the moment.
Also, note that these are self-reported figures. The actual numbers are almost certainly lower.
Still says something, especially in this plague matter, you dirty pasta nigger behind a memeflag
Aren’t they Muslims? It probably has a lot to do with it.
what the oter guy said. they think they're genetically similar to honorary croatians, just smellier and dirtier
Wow good for you, Serbia. Very impressed
do you people piss on your hands or something?
I hardly touch my dick when I piss
rip toothpaste u dirty niggers ha ha ha
I've been saying this for weeks on Yas Forums. The wogs don't wash their hands.
That small?
>Spain being 1% off from France
>Netherlands having the lowest at 50 yet no circle
>Fucking Bosnia topping it off with 96%
This has to be the gayest propaganda ever made
Not only do they not wash their hands but they compulsively LICK THEIR FUCKING FINGERS. They lick their fingers like it’s going out of style. I’m surprised more aren’t dead desu
Luckely i'm a grower
You have too many negros and they are just immune and they bring down the stats cuz they never wash. Please think before you post, you frog eating subhuman
I voted NO because after using the toilet I always take a shower. Always.
A hold over from the Islamic Ottoman conquest of the Balkans was the teaching of washing hands before praying and eating (Muslims were surprising cleanly at this time compared to others), so having this idea drilled into you for 500+ years just becomes a daily thing that gets passed by family.
How did they do this stupid survey and try to pass it as true. fakest and gayest news
Unclean copuntries needs to wash it, btw this is women included.
Aren’t we all
and scratch their groins. I grew up around wogs. I've observed their behavior patters.
why would you wash your hands after you touched your PP?
yeah, if you touch an door nob that 400 others touched the last few hours it won't be sterile.
your dick is as clean as it gets after you take a shower. then it keeps growing the same bacterias that your armpits have.
If you don't pee yourself or sweat your dick is as clean as your back or your buttcheeks which are covered with clothes.
your fucking hands otoh, are filled with germs and a shitload of other things because they are exposed to the outside world.
don't touch your dick with filthy hands.
>why would you wash your hands after you touched your PP
One might argue that you should wash your PP after touching it with your hands
>no one washes hands
>only 8 cases
Immunelets all of you
Well my BBC is cleaner than a public loo, assuming that I don't touch in anything in the toilet.
Yeah, true.
>dirty pasta nigger behind a memeflag
muslims use their hands instead of toilet paper.
its no surprise they wash them afterwards.
Did you even read my post you burger ass 13% nigger hive?
Guys, i come from a timeline where Kosovo isn't located east of Romania..
That's just not true, Bosnian Muslims do use toilet paper there's a reason stores like Bingo stock it. Every Bosnian household I've been in has toilet paper from Bihac to Gorazde.
>pink skinned cave dwellers are filthy
black folk ain't shocked
Nigger, I wash my hands BEFORE touching my dick, not afterwards
if anything you should be washing your hands before you touch your dick.
Years of AIDS have taught you well
I still consider this to low, even 95%
there is no excuse, even if you don't want them to be clean its always refreshing to give your hands a clean
the spanish have always been a dirty people. probably why spanish flu started there.
Insert obvious joke on ethnic cleansing here.
yes, this is why doctors piss all over the hospital floors
It didn't start there... but whatever they teach you in history class how it was wrong to civilize pajeet and niggers so all is forgiven.
It's because italy has sold all their designer textile factories to the chinese.
white people wash their hands and meds dont, what else is new.
No one :
Netherlands : 50%
"SHIT" - The Netherlands
Urine is NOT sterile
>Spanish Flu
>not Spanish
you slavs are so fuckin retarded
>tfw germaphobe living in The Netherlands
I can't believe we have the poorest hygiene of Europe.
Brb washing my hands again.
italians are rancid foul smelling people; feces