Is there one single user on this board who has actually gotten it? I mean an actual confirmed case. You got tested...

Is there one single user on this board who has actually gotten it? I mean an actual confirmed case. You got tested, and you were positive for it. Anyone? Fuck off with “I had a coof and a sore throat for two days in January”. Nobody cares about the normal, seasonal cold and flu. Also, most here are under 35 so those things should be easy to overcome with no medical intervention unless you’re an absolute weakling. Stop being such a faggot.

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I have. Literally.

I got it now kiss me and let me butt fuck you deep

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ya im a coofer ama

I have questions. How do we know you’re not larping?

I don’t believe you have corona, but you’re almost certainly infected with the gay. Maybe you should get tested for something else user.

what it felt like dough?


You don't. I could tell my entire story and give all the medical papers that I stacked from 6 different im-person and online and call doctors.
Trust me, I have had it, fell in the shower after the second month of having it and asked God to kill me, had a pnemonia, every cough tasted like iron, no matter the amount of sleep I had, it felt like I never slept in all my life, every time I ate, it made me want to pass out. I had a cough that was so dry that it made me feel like I had cotton mouth, shit diarrhea for 3 months, lungs were super inflamed, was super irritated by everything and everyone, and cried to my wife at the third month. It was beyond hell, and gave me heart palpitations out the ass.

I would not wish that on anyone. I got it back in December and ended in middle February. My lungs still hurt from it every day.



Can you, for the love of of god, stop being a nigger for five minutes.

bump for interest


Corona shares symptoms with mass hysteria.

Getting tested is next to impossible right now . The guidelines state you have to have either travelled overseas even in direct contact with a known infected or have visible pneumonia in x Ray's. My wife went in. They turned her away. She is getting worse. Our child was in school with a kid whose parents both tested positive. Still cant get a test.

how did you get it?
Isn't that early for US cases?

This is why I believe USA has had it for awhile.

Edit: the kid with two infected parents was in his CLASS of 16 children or so not just same school. It's one of my sons best friends at school.

ah that's terrible I pray your wife recovers
I knew schools would be the worst spreaders

no, and there are no names released of all the mass dead in Italy.

give me names and places so I can verify they existed prior to the death announcement. otherwise, this thing is looking mighty suspicious.

I have spoken to a few anons who have had the exact symptoms I have described above.
This situation began in December, and ironically, if you personally do some digging, Dallas had the most cases of pnemonia historically during this winter. My mother, co-workers...he'll, everyone I knew had a lung issue going on. I find it highly concerning also that I just moved to Dallas last July, and I am originally from Wisconsin. Me and my family are use to very cold winds and sick people, so when we all got our first pnemonia here, it felt suspicious because this weather is very weak, yet everyone in this city had lung issues.

fuck off shill

Thank you user. Also my bill was $1200 for her to not get tested because only the ER will admit respiratory syndrome now.

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One of our family members and their significant other has it. That's all I'll say other than one of them is doing okay and one of them is critical with no underlying health issues.
Promise this is the truth no larp.


Fuck you Hans. This is reality of CDC guidelines at present and its fucking my whole life

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My wife is a nurse who was caring for a patient confirmed to have it. We are both currently quarantined and waiting for her test results. She had the nose swab thing done a couple days ago. If one of us gets it I'll make a thread. We should know her results by next Wednesday.

Both of us currently have sore throats and minor coofs, swollen lymph nodes under chin. I think it's just from our shitty furnace blowing dust around though.

I had it. I literally died.

I'm willing to bet that is waived
don't worry about that and care for your family
if we make it out of this I'm sure you will be ok be strong

I want to let people know that being positive on a flu type a test seems to be congruent with corona results positive. At least here.

bullshit larp. nobody believes you

Also doesn't help that my doctors were freaking about my situation and my cardiologist said I was a confusing case

They basically said until you need a respirator go home. Self quarantine.

I have the exact same thing you described on and off for 3 weeks now..

Paramedic here.
Transported someone recently who tested positive.
That's about as close as I've gotten.

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Not real. No proofs corona larp.
Can confirm some bad flu was fucking with people in Dallas though. That flu was also a wannabe badass

Fucking hell my aldi's closed down today early because someone passed out there 2 hours ago

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This is all I can release at present to prove I'm not larping. Hope that satisfies you dick

>Is there one single user on this board who has actually gotten it?
a) we (yes I said it) don't go outside
b) we're paranoid enough that we'll probably make it.

Normally I'd call people like you a LARP. But my twin Brother and I both fell seriously ill with flu like symptoms a week before Christmas. I have mild asthma and he has somewhat severe asthma. I wanted to die and had to take albuterol for the first time in 15 years. He had to be put on a breathing machine in the hospital to not die. Diagnosis was non-influenza viral pneumonia.

Fun fact, we were living in a hotel with a lot of Chinese for a contract job in that area.

My Nintedo flew over my dads house.

oh shit where at?
we have a case in pittsburgh now but I'm sure there are 1000s


I'll pray for you tonight

I got swollen lymphs as well

my brother got this from a flight attendant in late december went on albuterol
gave it to me and I use the rest of the albuterol and been buying that primatene mist shit but I'm good now

The saddest part is we will only eliminate 5% of boomers, 5%.
I am a 32 yr old. I contracted it last week. I lick everything now. Mostly my hands and spread them on bus rails, but also, the muffins at starbucks,I went to mandarin last night and most sprayed the rice.
Boomers ruined my life and will get my vengeance. I am fine btw, thanks for asking.

also my lymph nodes behind my ear were huge when I was sick in December

Damn, that sounds crazy user. Sorry to hear that, hope you make a full recovery.

Who, me???

This seems to be a major problem in the States. Hard to fucking believe we’re this far behind. Probably a big reason there are not a lot of confirmed cases.

How old was the patient? How severe were the symptoms?

I could print shit like that too in a few minutes

Those Who Recover From Coronavirus Can Be Left With Reduced Lung Function, Say Doctors
Even coronavirus survivors can be left with lung damage that takes 15 years to heal

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Ok guy I'm phone posting I dont even have a PC or laptop let alone a printer

What a stupid fucking question.

AMA here: bitly/33jA08Z

Need a dickpic first

I got it now.

No, because it's a hoax.

i work out at a grocery store in a city with a bunch of sick people. last few days have been complete panic with the store just filled to the brim with people. I'll probably have it within a few weeks.

I had the same problem. Haven't traveled, not old. Doctor at urgent care diagnosed me with a viral respiratory infection, and reactive airway disease, which didn't entail any actual testing, and it's extremely generic. I mean, I'm feeling better, but it's not reassuring. They have me on an inhaler, and steroids.

Like I said 1200 bucks

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She's not there because of corona obviously.

i had it but Dr. Purr cured me

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Again. The tests resulting flu type a are also positive for those infected with corona.

And again. At least here.

sauce on that?

Americans are all going to die because the small hats want the big line to go up.
RIP user.

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So assholes are counting in people who are having regular influenza as corona victims, I know that.

On January 28th I was tele-diagnosed with bronchitis after going a week with a high fever (102 to 103), dry cough with a little productivity in the morning, and shortness of breath. I was given a Z Pack and Albuterol. Fever went away in a few days. It took me a month to fully recover lung capacity and quit coughing. I'm pretty convinced I had it.

I'm a teacher in a school with a lot of Chinese and Korean kids, many of whom traveled there at Christmas. Several of them were very sick and missed up to two weeks of school in January, and several other students experienced the same through February.

My cousin from Sandy Hook caught it

The two parents infected that have the kid in my kids class both tested positive for type a flu and corona. I think based on small sample size it could mean a regular flu test can be an indicator. It's not equivalent to type a but it sets off a positive test reading in both. That's my low sample size guess.

Stfu kike honestly you're glowing. I never said anything of the kind. I am simply saying there seems to be a correlation between type a flu readings and corona where I live and people cant get tested

No names, no dead young people. no proof.

where are the names?
