>mfw it's going to take a pandemic and millions of dead boomers for burgers to finally implement the UBI
Mfw it's going to take a pandemic and millions of dead boomers for burgers to finally implement the UBI
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Won thousand dorra 2: electric boogalo
Holy fuck thank god above.
"Never let a good crisis go to waste."
The Democrat mantra
>He doesn't want NEETbux
Kill yourself, bootlicker. NEETbux would save the economy forever.
UBI only works if efficiency causes mass unemployment, where there's an abundance of cheap goods that nobody can afford.
COVID has the opposite effect. The supply chain is calling in sick and will cause a wave of delays in production. Doesn't just mean you won't be getting a new xbox this christmas, it means truckers won't be getting new tires and won't be able to deliver your food.
Giving everybody 1,000 won't make that food any more readily available. It will just make the food on the shelf more valuable. Until we end up in a hyperinflation bubble
Nah, poor people would still waste it, be broke, and then demand more gibs. Look at how many working class folks win millions in lotteries just to be destitute a decade later. There are of course a small minority who are genuinely down on their luck, but 90% of people are poor due to their own stupidity and awful life and financial decisions.
Make it 2000 dollars fuck a grand, wont even pay my bills.
>Kill yourself, bootlicker
Stop talking about your fetish.
We already have a vaccine you fucking cry babies.
You are a fucking retard. Of course poor people would use their money, dumbass. First thing they'll buy is what they need to survive and the rest will be for entertainment or lifestyle. This is great for businesses! NEETbux for life for all citizens would guarantee nobody will suffer while being poor. Poverty as we know it wouldn't exist, it would simply be middle class and rich.
I'm praying for you Americans to finally get your well deserved neetbux. This precedent will help neets in all countries. All a neet needs to live is enough calories, water, heat and internet. The age of the normalfag wagie is coming to an end.
>T. Jews
and just a fyi for anyone ITT, programs like UBI actually do the opposite of inflation and provide a deflationary pressure. If you print money then yes there is inflation -- But Yang's plan doesn't call for printing money but instead a Value-Added Tax. Everyone pays in, but those who consume the most pay in the most. This tends to be the wealthier. The wealthier also spend their money slower than someone living paycheck to paycheck. Then everyone gets the same amount back: $1,000/mo. By increasing the purchasing power of the lower tier, you increase the velocity of money (how quickly the same dollar bill is spent). Each time the dollar exchanges hands economic activity is generated. The more often and quickly this happens, the more the economy grows. As the economy grows there are increased production efficiencies and more competition in the marketplace. This brings prices down. Since the total money supply didn't change, boom: deflation, not inflation. Yang isn't a politician. He has a degree in Economics from Brown and a Law Degree from Columbia. He knows this stuff, and he knows politicians from both sides aren't doing anything to help us, so he is.
I can't imagine not investing lottery money wisely. It's really shocking how they behave. Maybe I should buy lottery tickets.
>Create virus
>Get everybody indoors
>Government nationalizes everything
>UBI introduced
>Everybody rely on government income
>Mark of the Beast implemented
Thank you, sir.
>>mfw it's going to take a pandemic and millions of dead boomers for burgers to finally implement the UBI
and reset the economy and shut the borders or fucking secede
>Everybody rely on government income
Where do you think money comes from?
>Day 1: $1k per person UBI implemented
>Day 2: Loaf of bread - $100; Gallon of gas - $200; Chicken - $50/pound; etc. ad nauseum
It'd be a license to price gouge, and that's not even getting into how the UBI itself would be paid for.
I'll need a sauce for that, but even so, COVID is a nothing burger, the mass hysteria the world is having is doing more long term damage.
God bless President Tulsi, but this plan would make that damage permanent.
That's not how inflation works. No new money would enter the system, and prices for basic goods could obviously be frozen for a while if the government decides to.
>this amount of /leftypol/ cope.
Who said I was a leftist? I voted for Trump, you faggot. But I put my principles above any meme ideology. NEETbux are inevitable and no damn amount of shilling would ever make me not support NEETbux.
>hello fellow MIGApedes
UBI is the final death sentence of this nation. It would turn everyone into niggers.
I like the idea, but it worries me. Immigrants shouldn't get it, obviously. Can you be sure the democrats won't allow it? Also women will get it, furthering their independence from men, which is probably even worse.
Fuck you bootlicker, shouldn't you be slaving away for your master now? Get back to your cagie, wagie.
Wake up and get redpilled about the world you live in people
Only US citizens would get it unless other countries decide to implement their own NEETbux. Alaska has NEETbux for its residents, but it's only $1000 a year per person.
now do italy
Great video!
You see all that panic shit out there? That's people doing similar things in mass for self preservation. UBI does not benefit society because comfortable people make their own trouble to run from. Same with jobs that are completely pointless to your personal life. It's just UBI that fills up your time so you don't stop participating. It's why we have robot and computer tech, but still have menial jobs for people who need to be kept occupied.
UBI is basically another form of Negative Income Tax.
It's not a long term solution and will invariably fail.
So you think genetics have nothing to do with it? Got it, liberal.
It's not going to go through. All they could get passed was a shitty patchwork compromise that won't work long term.
NIT isn't universal. It's just a basic income for the low end.
>I can't imagine not investing lottery money wisely. It's really shocking how they behave. Maybe I should buy lottery tickets.
Yeah, it's odd to me too. I think most people would rather live grand for a year than "normal" for the rest of their life. I'm not sure why.
Bah, I hate it, but you're right. A lot of people go crazy without some menial shit to do, to make them feel valuable (even if they contribute very little, and spend most of their time complaining about it).
>I don't get it, you'd have all this time, why not spend it doing something that you actually WANT to do?
>>It'd get boring only having fun
Republicans politicize everything
what about Republicans want for the family? What about encouraging stay-at-home moms?
Post yfw by 2025 the 3/4 of the world's population will be chipped in order to receive ubi
No it fucking wont, because nobody would have fucking incentive to make products or be competitive. If you know your inventions, and - therefore your products are essentially free due to fucking losers not working for their money like the rest of us - which is what UBI fucking is - then what fucking incentive is there to literally produce anything when the government is essentially enabling you to get everything for free just because you exist? When everyones rich, nobodys rich. When everyone's getting paid, for essentially just doing fucking nothing - then theres no fucking incentive you brainlet.
Do you think supermarkets, and farmers, aka the people who feed the fucking country, will take kindly to their products being purchased by what's essentially just the government giving spending money to a bunch of fucking neets, meanwhile others bust their asses to put food in their houses?
Why are you all so fucking autistic about UBI neetbux shit? The ONLY time UBI would work is if we're all in isolation / lockdown, making it impossible to work, and therefore feed ourselves or keep our electricity on. But guess what nigger, farmers and electricians still need to keep working, so you're essentially saying their knowledge is worthless, the time they spend working is worthless, and the energy they've wasted throughout their lives trying to educate themselves to help the community is fucking worthless, amirite m8?
>Today in things that will never happen
UBI literally ONLY works in a fucking pandemic end of the world scenario where literally nobody can work because everyones on fucking lockdown. Thinking it'll work any other time makes you a fucking simp brainlet nigger-tier retard. Period.
If I produced something and I knew that the only reason people could now suddenly afford it was because they're being given money by the government just because they fucking exist, I'd end my product indefinitely.
UBI would work, yes, in a pandemic because nobody would be able to preform even the most basic jobs during a TRUE lockdown.That means no fucking trash pickup, too. And I'm sure you know what happens when theres no fucking trash pickup. We turn into fucking commiefornia / jewyork / delhi supapowa 2020.
>hurr them evil democrats i sure tell ya
get fucked boomer and go back to fb or reddit you fucking kike loving nigger
How would laying everyone to nit work help us lick up the pieces after a disaster
>we finally have the cash to get the pipes fixed, but 90% of the plumbers quit and now its going to cost 10x as much.
The "economy" is the movement of useful resources through society. Currency is just something you use to compel labor. If everyone has it its worth less.
Pretty much this.
If everyone has money, the purchasing power of money goes down. If suddenly a bunch of incel neet faggots started making 1,000 - 2,000$ a month and I provide a service that keeps society from crumbling - if they can now suddenly afford my service, its as if im fucking working for free.
If they're able to pay me with gubbament neetbux, I might as well just have the gubbament pay me directly and cut out the fucking middle man
>No new money would enter the system,
>Who said I was a leftist?
You did when you suggested price controls you soulless freak. Youre just itching to turn us into venezuela andnyou dont even understand things well enough to onow why.
>My work is meaningless unless others starve!
calm down
>might as well just have the gubbament pay me directly
Which they woyld under ubi. The system becimes masturbatory.
Some people work, gov takes their money.
Gov gives money to people who don't work.
People who dint work spend money on products made by people who do work.
Whats my incentive to be one of the rubes busting my knuckles to get your air conditioner working?
Plumbers quitting their job would be losing money. It's a false dilemma with people quitting or not. Some people can just work less if they don't enjoy it. Nobody is going to quit a $60k/yr job for just $12k/yr.
New money doesn't necessarily have to enter the system to cause inflation. Inflation only means an increase in prices.
If every dude on the street suddenly had $1000 and spent it all, businesses would have to react by raising prices because their supply is still limited.
>If everyone has money, the purchasing power of money goes down.
Are you completely retarded? It's the mere antithesis of this
UBI = Increase in purchasing power = Greater economy
>this idiom will protect my ego from harm.
Figure it out already. We "live in a society" and that society only works because people are working to maintain it. People only work for personal gain. Take that away and quickly either prices will be insane or no one will choose to work.
I miss Yang, bros
People absolutely WILL quit lucrative trade jobs in exchange for basic subsistence. Regardless, people working less is still less, and will cause price increases.
You dint get it. Its like youre trying to use philosophy to argue water flows up hill. Its not a mystery what will happen.
>Whats my incentive to be one of the rubes busting my knuckles to get your air conditioner working?
More money?
>economic recession
Wow great idea we might be able to get our checks for like seven months
Oh look another "above it all" socialist has been beguiled by the "consumer spending" myth. Consumer soending is only good when the extra miney comes from higher wages. Its not the spending itself thay helps the economy. The money is just a permission slip for stuff. Giving people money does not create value. Turning trees into tables and seeds into food does.
The capital stock is what matters.
Is that the deal? I get even more money if i work more? Then that 1k a month is now 0k a month because ill be taking all of your neet bucks with my inflated prices.
No one should be getting free money at all.
>Take that away and quickly either prices will be insane or no one will choose to work.
Why should people be compelled to work?
How many people would drop tens of thousands of dollars and just scrape by at near poverty? $12k/yr is not a lot. People working less does not mean they just drop out and there are no other ramifications other than a possible price increase. They can do other work. They can reduce their hours and someone else can take the shift. This isn't a matter of water flowing up hill, it's just giving people $12k/yr and letting the chips fall where they may and it doesn't seem to be a disaster.
Explain why anyone works for more than minimum wage, then.
People on UBI would never be "rich". They would be surviving.
>Is that the deal? I get even more money if i work more? Then that 1k a month is now 0k a month because ill be taking all of your neet bucks with my inflated prices.
That has always been the deal. Income is not a zero sum game.
The same place it has come from for decades, the fed magic money printers.
wow you are stupid
the economies magik GDP number would get larger,
while standard of living would decline
nearly everyone in zimbabwe is a millionaire
you commie-cuck
What the fuck do you think inflation is? Do you think you can just print trillions and trillions of dollars and give it out and it will still be worth the same amount? You're about as retarded as the president of Zimbabwe.