The stock market was literally the only good thing he had going. What does Trump have to offer to get re-elected?

The stock market was literally the only good thing he had going. What does Trump have to offer to get re-elected?

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What do you except from a tv personality with a huge ego

The only thing that matters in a country is the well-being of its inhabitants.
Stock markets indexes are just manipulated numbers.

Depends if we live through this

He'll grab you by the pussy and make you squirt tuna juice you lucky faggot

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He's currently getting BTFO'd by a strategic Chinese bio-weapon.

No, it’s not faggot.

I’ve lost money of this bullshit. My whole family has. He’s lost the boomer vote.

He can offer to show his massive dong.

He's not Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders for starters.

stock market is not the economy

>I’ve lost money of this bullshit.
>he didn't short the first second wuhan flu passed 100 cases in the US

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Trust the plan.

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To be fair if Bernie was president the market wouldn’t have crashed

You massive faggot would have noticed that every western country underwent a massive stock market crash these last days and the USA is the one which managed to overcome it the best if you 2 brain cells connected

There are actually retards who blame Trump for coronavirus and they should be wiped out as well.

Oh Fuck off I blame all the media shouting fire in a movie theater like a pack of niggers

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Trump didn’t cause the Corona virus but he did cause the market to fail

Stock market took a dive because of Corona panic caused by mainstream media you fucktard. The day that Trump announced a state of emergency, stocks skyrocketed. I made a bunch of money buying at the bottom of the dip. Not Trump's fault that you're a fucking retard that doesn't know how to manage your stocks.

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They are more than just that. A lot of these numbers are tied to peoples savings and 401ks. People are watching their hard earned fortunes shrinking before their very eyes and this isn't just some millionaire billionaire thing, but regular every day people as well losing thousands upon thousands of dollars. Even your family is losing money right now. It doesn't matter the bracket of what wealth you're sitting on be it 50,100,200,300,600, and beyond.

Decline in immigration, no wars started, unapologetic nationalism, and he’s funny. Biden offers none of those things except a bit funny because he has dementia.

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You don't even know what stocks are, do you?

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See. Have a nice retirement, or not.

As far as the market, you don't lose money if you don't sell. Stay in for the soon-to-be recovery. If you bought on margin, go find a highrise window or find a loaded gun. Trump has the know-how and backbone to get us out of this mess. The hysteria has really gotten old.

You haven’t lost any money until you sell.

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The DOW is literally 5k points higher than it was on election night.

My gf whitey family invest some of their savings in the stock market to get revenues (and if I hear well, it's something that the common amerimutt does). They are totally gonna freak out.

This is obviously a troll, but how the fuck does someone lose money when all the indices are still up 30% since the election? Gambling? Cocaine? Whores?

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The Dow is getting ready to not only come back, but explode 5,000 points higher than the recent high. Buy now or cry later. Screen cap this.

Donald Trump personally spread the virus and controls the stock market. Looks like this is another failure for Trumpfags. Any day now he will be gone.

How do you figure?

Four more years

What a surprise this fucking open border faggot works as a (((professor))) at (((((((New York University)))))))

He’s pumping money into it and it still is barely treading water. Wouldn’t be surprised when it gets really bad here with the virus (remember this shit is just starting and we are massively less prepared than China or South Korea or Singapore) it drops to 2008 levels and we get a few major bankruptcies, the whole shit show might come crashing down.

more aid to israel, MIGA!

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>China shuts down production for a month, disrupting everyones supply chains since Globalism has been trending since the 80s
>secondary fears of Corona, cancellation of tons of money generating events

Lol It would have been much worse under Bernie since America would be at least 15 trillion more in debt to fund his retarded social programs.

Cult 45 cope. Before the massive selloff, the economy was Trump's greatest achomlishment.

You're right, there wouldn't be a market to crash.

He’s not a socialist gun grabbing leftist

Don't fucking care you kike. Kill your banking institutions by generating panic for all I care.

Obamacare payment is 0.

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>a MSM panic induced sell off will last until the election
lmfao imagine thinking >we got him this time!
plus the economy is great

I don't understand how you can blame anyone for this shit.
Anyway, wages are still up.. for now. This is temporary though. Nobody should be afraid for their long term goals. I personally wouldn't pull anything out right now.

Stock market crashed because of China stopping output and the fact that everyones supply chains depends on their crap products and have for decades. Corona panic is a secondary cause.

Trump doesn't want to jail you for saying the n word online. Vote for trump.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Trump has the stink of death on him now.

its wasn't 50 years ago but now the stock market is everything to everybody. monday is not going to be pretty.

Something has been bugging me all day. We have a site where you can see how much the oil fund has dropped or increased in real time, every single NOK changes every 1/10 second. It has stood still all day. I've been watching this for years, and I've never seen it do this before.
I can't understand why.

>market see huge groth in times of crisis
Friday saw one of the greatest daily growth in the dow jones since 2008. Guess what happened that same year?

They also crashed because both production and demand are predicated to decrease. The thing is this crisis is probably going to last longer than the coronavirus itself since people aren't going to just start travelling like before, it will take some time.

Make no mistake that was the entire point of the virus.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>What does Trump have to offer to get re-elected?
He's not a dipshit democrat who will destroy the country through their idiotic policies of "just give money to everyone everywhere" without actually thinking of where that money come from.

Dipshit Dems that want to increase our deficit by 2.5 TRILLION over the next 10 years, and "make the rich pay for it", motherfucker the rich don't even have 2.5 trillion.

It's insane. I will vote for Trump every single election year even if he's not running if it means not voting for some dipshit liberal democrat who only cares about the rest of the world and thinks US comes second.

The real message Yas Forums should be pushing in the normieshpere is the stock market crash was caused by the failure of Globalism worldwide. The world economy is dependent on China and they shut down for a month so the world economy took a huge dump. Globalism is to blame here and everyone should point that out. The Globohomo failed bigtime and blaming Trump or even Corona panic (a factor but not the main cause) is COPE.

This is also very true. My company was freaking out about China for a while.

1 roll a day?!! you and your fat junk food sloshing family might but normal people use about 12 sheets.

If anything, the dollar has grown much stronger. Everything went down, even metals and crypto


If all you cared about was stocks you should've voted for Hillary. TPP would've boosted the stocks even more.

Mullen growing all over my property, I'll be fine. Its better then TP.

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Whaddya know....Reaganomics fails again.....

This fucking pasta. It's posted in every thread, it could be about trannies, and some nigger is posting this one in it.

>What does Trump have to offer to get re-elected?
This ---------->

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