What do you guys think? Based or not?


>Smith cited one scene in the pilot in which the vigilante avengers gas a former Nazi chemist in her shower.

>“Jews never gassed Nazis. Period. That I must even make this point is proof enough how perilous this slippery slope can become,” Smith wrote. “Amazon must not renew it for a second season.

>“By blurring the line between fact and fiction, Hunters muddies the historical record, disrespects those who perished, and provides ammunition to those who seek to deny the truth of the Holocaust,” he wrote.

>If the filmmakers “had taken the time and trouble to listen to some real experiences,” he added, “the flashbacks to the Holocaust in the series could have been real things that happened to real people, rather than the fantasies of scriptwriters.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=jSTMDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA747&dq=palgrave handbook revenge&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwrvv0m_TnAhWvknIEHbSfCjoQ6AEINTAC#v=onepage&q=revenge

The big business is in seeming the victim, not in getting revenge.

I’ll just leave this here.
>In another example, Mr. Wiesel chides the young male camp inmates for shirking vengeance after the liberation. In English (and similarly in French), the passage reads: "On the following morning, some of the young men went to Weimar to get some potatoes and clothes - and to sleep with girls. But of revenge, not a sign."
>The Yiddish, in Ms. Seidman's translation, passes a much different judgment on the scene: "Early the next day Jewish boys ran off to Weimar to steal clothing and potatoes. And to rape German girls. The historical commandment of revenge was not fulfilled."
Two different translations of a passage in Elie Wiesels “Night.”

>At most, they can kill you only once.
>At most, you only have to kill them once.
>But in life, a coward dies a hundred times.

long live the National Socialist Revolution

watched the first episode just yesterday. godawfully written beside a few shock scenes. FUCK THAT!

because normies will see how ridiculous the show is and question how ridiculous the holocaust "evidence" is

And this.

books.google.com/books?id=jSTMDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA747&dq=palgrave handbook revenge&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwrvv0m_TnAhWvknIEHbSfCjoQ6AEINTAC#v=onepage&q=revenge

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>The big business is in seeming the victim, not in getting revenge.
If you're an american whose ancestors fought for the allies in ww2, the kikes will get revenge on you soon enough

Alternative Headline: Kikes find out that their "nazi" murder porn is having the opposite effect on the goyim that they intended, and now want to shut it down

Oy vey, our lies must be believable! This Spielberg guy needs to turn the chutzpah down a few levels.

My family mostly fought the Japs. Some of the boomer generation already looks upon this as racist. Absolutely faggotry.

Nothing wrong with the show, killing Nazis is based.

Redpill me on this show

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>the series could have been real things that happened to real people
looking forward to masturbation machine episode

>how ridiculous the show is and question how ridiculous the holocaust "evidence" is

This 100%.

Normies will start researching people like Irene Zisblatt who apparently ingested diamonds DOZENS of times and shat them out without any disruption of her bowels as well as the Holocaust Rollercoaster of Death.

>killing Nazis is based
Killing communists is more based.

We'll see, we'll certainly fucking see bitch.

Netflix is literally the most Jewish thing ever invented.

Ill never buy a Jap car. I haven’t forgotten.

>my uncle was an actor for the show.
>he played a nazi.
>in one scene jews shoot up a nazi hideout.
>1 bullet was real and killed him for real
>10.000.000 ayrian germans are killed by jew EVERY YEAR

My great opa told me the wrong side won
Go fuck yourself you fucking faggot

Literal anti-white propaganda.

There's a "skit" in the show that talks about "how to spot a Nazi" woth some Jew and a mutt girl and I shit you not she says "white people" and that's one of the ways.

Nazis: Want to murder everyone they consider the "other"
Communists: Want to strive for a more humane, equal society
There's no equivalence tbqh, only the Nazis deserve death out of these two.

a jew lies to black people about the ethnicity of slave owners and then uses the negroes to ruin the entire space program

> opa
fucking based. live long, friend

Basically encouraging violence against anyone the kikes deem as Nazi, i.e. lukewarm conservatives. They try to use ridiculous acting to turn it into a parody of sorts, but the agenda is still clearly visible

>rather than the fantasies of scriptwriters.
wasnt this 'show' a fucking comic first or graphic novel?

how about they focus on important things like getting amazon to cancel that shitty jack ryan series

Jews never gave a shit about muddling the historical record, it's all they've ever done. What they're really afraid of is radicalizing Whites by showing us just how much they hate us.

>Communists: Want to strive for a more humane, equal society

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Like what happened with

>Yes, they found Brad Pitt funny. He really was funny. But the sadism directed at Germans did not amuse. In the last scene of the film, where Aldo the Apache graphically carves a swastika in the forehead of Hans Landa and pronounces it “my masterpiece” — pathetically enough, this is probably Tarantino’s view of the film — there was no laughter.
>For the subliminal message was coming through loud and clear: we are all Germans now, and every time we turn our eyes to a movie screen we are seeing the face of Jewish vengeance.

>Want to strive for a more humane
How come they always end up creating inhumane, totalitarian societies then?


that wasn't real communism, real communism is a humane, equal society

>that wasn't real communism
Air tight argument user. I'm a commie now.

you're not a real communist, you're just a democratic republic with socialistic policies

They don't want to give the new nazis ideas for the Holocaust that's about to happen in less than 2 decades.

boycott them

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Based. It truly is /ourshow/

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the Jew hunters actually gas a Nazi in their shower? did they make make lampshades from his skin and soap from his fat?

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Its the most jewish thing I have ever seen and I have seen fiddler on the roof.

I am not even a neo nazi and have nothing against jews but the Jewishness was so in your face I could not make it past episode two.

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Smith is retarded

I’m confused. Should I watch then show now because it upsets the Jews?

Out of curiosity Red Black meme flag would you purport violence to those you consider other?

Not in the slightest, this is just a mildly intelligent Jew telling the others to shut the fuck up and stop poking whites.

The biggest killer of kikes is their own hubris, they do shit like this all the time in history and it ends with them getting slaughtered so they try to be too obvious for fear of kicking the hornets net.

Night is a work of fiction, like all holohoax propaganda

I want to see the holocoaster!

>Jews never gassed Nazis.
But I bet they thought about it

>they thought about it
That's a guarantee. Literally every accusation that comes out of a Jew's mouth is projection.


It's literally based on a novel.

Funny how the Spielberg foundation doesn't have any problems with that movie.

>black movie director whose been producing nothing more but woke white-bashing epics, claiming he had no interest of hiring white leading roles for extra apeapeal
>jews doing damage control, pretending they didn't read yt comments accusing them of anti white attitudes, now trying to "shut it down" with the accusation of "anti semitism" in what is the same kind of mental gymnastics they pulled after that "Superior Ashkenazi IQ" article

and more

>If the filmmakers “had taken the time and trouble to listen to some real experiences,”

Like rollercoasters that lead into ovens. Pressure plates that lower into big pools of electrified water, masturbation machines, stuffing babies into soccer balls and playing game with them, cracking open baby skulls against cement walls, lining up 20 Jews together and firing a shot for a 20 for 1 kill. Human skin lamps, shrunken heads, ground up human bone and ash fertilizer, human leather couches, human soap, etc.

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The ads are so jewish it makes me laugh.
>I need a team
>what you need is a tribe. Chosen by god

Like what kind of delusional kike thinks that's actually a powerful line worth of being in the trailer of your jewish show?

Someone post the webm.


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>a tribe chosen by god

Do they actually say that? That’s one of the most blantant Jewish thing to say ever. They are just rubbing it in our faces at this point.

obviously this is why they really dont want this thing around. it draws attention.

he says it right like 20 minutes ago

yeah the whole series is really in your face. its jewsploitation. turns out jewsploitation is really ugly

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Do you feel it pinko nigger? Your inevitable death? If the chink flu doesn't get you, the death squads formed directly after collapse of emergency services will.

We all were literally waiting for this, this is our moment to get rid of parasites like you.

Correct, they were not real communist societies. But they were created by communists. That is what happens every time communists get power, they don't create communist societies they create totalitarian shit holes.

When were they ever slaughtered, though? Dumbass Christians just kick them out, forgive them, and let them back in and start the cycle anew.

Not even shitting you there is a literal scene where they torture Werner von Braun to death because, and this is just a paraphrasing, "space wasn't worth using slave labor" and they electrocute him and he pisses his pants and then they kill him

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