Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Guys?? What do I do?

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Build a time machine and prep two months ago

>AHHHH what do I do??
You should've prepped weeks ago, enjoy having your lungs fill with fluid anonlool

You're a retard. It's not getting the virus that will fuck you up. It will be the severe social and economic consequences you pussy.

Nothing !! Wash your hands !!!

>a leaf saying dumb leaf shit
Either you're braindead or a fucking shilling chink insectiod, you pick leaf faggot

find the person responsible and make them pay, in minecraft

Get a real mask (dräger/ekatsu/msa) and not 3M shit. Also way easier to get filters

Ok. So. What. Do. I. Do.

These 6300-series masks are the most common in America. Every woodworker I know has several and the 2097 filters (that I have a stockpile of for woodworking) even block radioactive particles.
t. 6300 for years masterr ace

That happened to me on basically all my orders and I ordered shit Feb 20th. I'll never ever trust anything online in an emergency.
Some cunt at Amazon fucked up my full face mask and not I can't find them at a reasonable price so I'll just use my respirators and goggles.


Where do you live? I'm gonna coof on you.

hardware stores might still have them

Stop being a mentally ill happooner and have basic hygiene. This isn’t that bad.

Do I look like a sub-surface miner to you ? Get out with that crap.

Tell me about it. My hemorroids are going to flare again without delivery


nothing to do just kys

>buying 3M garbage
kek, consider yourself lucky

I'll make due. Soon they will be avail again once the panicky Pete's are all stocked up

Lol I was just at home depot yesterday to buy some unrelated shit, all the prepper stuff is gone

should have bought respirators in january slowpoke

Dual purpose nigga. You can sand drywall and keep out the corona

Embrace the coofening

Get on a treadmill and go buy some fresh food. What's really gonna kill you is not the fact that you're breathing in le toxic airborne coronachan fumes, but the fact that you're an obese soiboi who already has a compromised cardiovascular system and 50lbs of excess fat.

Die of coronavirus, dummy.

Nope, was at Lowe's yesterday and Menard's the day before. Neither had any masks left and only Menard's had a couple of the $50 Acid Vapor cartridges left. I wasn't at either for masks (needed wood) but looked out of curiosity.

> not buying masks on ebay from price gougers and then filing a claim and reversing the charges after recieving them

Put bleach in a rag and use that

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lol had the same problem. got the mask later, looked up which had them still in store and traveled to another city to get it there. worth it.

Amazon fag here. Laughing at all the ridiculous and desperate toilet paper and mask orderers.

dream on. here in germany they are out of stock for almost 3 weeks now. government soaks up all the supplies. they even confiscated a container with masks in hamburg. the goods were ordered by swiss and send from china.

Sorry, bro. That order of 50 I squeezed in must have depleted the stock.

I mean, I already had 100 more, but better safe than sorry, you know?

this, OP btfo

Literally that meme of “guess I’ll just die”?
That’s you.

Lmao I go out and about without a mask or a care in the world. I was already in the habit of finding my hands with cold water whenever I go to the bathroom or before I prepare food.

Coronavirus is a meme unless you're a 400 pound yank land whale or 100+ years old

Stay in your house for a couple months, I hope you at least got food

I know where to get them online user. I'll order if I need them but I'm getting tactical masks

You should have bought those in January. You could have prevented this.

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Shop locally which you should have been doing the whole time traitor.

Plan B: Bunker up.
Mask can’t save you if you starve.
Virus can’t get you if you bunker up in your home, unless you’re in one of those shitty apartments with recirculated air, then if another tenant gets the vid you’re all fucked.

no more alishippping 4 u

This. You’re all morons


It's over.

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This and only this. Hope you don’t live around blacks because in month 2 they’ll be looting you ass for sure tho.

It starts with one thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard you try.

We tried to warn you.

You plan like a double nigger. Why would you rely on an online retailer for life death supplies like toilet paper?

Because I'm already 100% stocked. I want this for fun.

I could send you one for 1000$

Get a 50 gallon barrel and a water filter with a bunch of filters, fill it to the brim with filter tap water, go to restaurant suppliers and buy each of these in bulk (20lbs of rice, 20 lbs of beans) and buy all the sardines/canned meats you can. Get a gun (I prefer lever action) and buy 1000 rounds of ammo for it.

Forget it, agent. This campaign of yours is bullshit.
Corona isn't even real. It's all media mind control. You've already succeeded. Why bother anymore? The next phase is coming whether you push or not. We lost. The whole fucking planet lost. You got us. Drop it.

Hardware stores were out even before this week when the average Joes started to buy them up. If you're going to be prepared you have to do it long before the crowds.

Dont leave your house lol

3m is fine and also by far the most available for filters.

>full face drager mask hanging on the wall, will probably only use 95's

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Masks are a placebo anyways, you need a full hazmat suit to be safe, anything else is useless.

Local paint store

I work from home. Not leaving until i get the all clear. Just going to sit cosy until it all blows over.

This is a COOF free zone citizen, our drones have detected COOFing in the area and you have been randomly selected for voluntary immediate incineration. Thank you and God Bless America.

7500 pwns the 6000 ranges. btw you can't filter radiation, only particulates.

>buys a mask from china
you burgers shouldnt have exported all your labour to china