Fuck off tarrantposters, we're full
This is a board of peace.

>Hospital infrastructure may not be able to deal with the massive influx of infections

>Kentucky Fried Corona: A KFC in Brisbane was forced to close due to a worker testing positive for CoV19

>Information and data cannot be claimed for ownership

>Casual workers missing out on wages due to Cov19

>People still in hysteria over supplies running out

>Shoppers catch onto this one simple trick to bypass buying limits

>Doctor contracts corona virus and is self documenting the infection process with ultrasound

Previous Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

its saturday

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we don't want your glowing thread, this is a board of peace

thanks mate for making a non glowing thread.

It’s “Hey hey it’s Saturday”

Get it right, leaf

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>systematically destroys australian culture over the last 40 years
>creates an every man for themselves society where people step on each other to get ahead
>wonders why shit like this is now happening

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Fuck boomers ... The Day of The Coof is coming

Their whinging bullshit will cease.

Staying inside for the next two days. I haven't prepped but I don't want be apart of it. This ain't the society I grew up in.

Don’t worry, Mum has secured the tendies

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Daily reminder that Hey Hey It’s Saturday is patrician tier race realism.

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being a neet and being raised in poverty has prepared me for this moment
I can live comfortably in conditions most would consider unbearable

“Overwatch checking in. I’ve secured the roof and have a clear view of coofers at the southern perimeter. Are the tendies locked down, momma bear? Repeat, are the tendies locked down?”

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off to hairdressers soon what haircut should i get? fuck i hate getting my hair cut

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Exactly. I’ve had the same exact thoughts this last month. Eeking out an existence living on nothing, makes watching the NPCs bugging out over lack of “necessary” luxuries an absolute hoot.

I remember seeing this live. What the fuck were they thinking greenlighting this, lol.

You can even hear John Blackman go "uh oh" before they perform. We're such hillbillies, I love it.

sounds like bullshit

literal retardation. shutting supermarkets means instant apocalypse

> exposing yourself to Coof Zombies
Fuck that shit. Number 3 with a home owned trimmer will mean you don’t get The Coof Of Death.

Fake and gay anyone could have made that

150% true

lad i work at a supermarket 5 days a week anyway i'm fucked either way

no worries.
Fuck Jannies, Fuck Glowposters.
I'm pretty much avoiding the city right now
Based & Chicken Tendies-pilled.
Yeah it's not so bad chilling at home really, it's a well deserved rest otherwise
It wouldn't surprise me if things were locked down to slow down the spread but i wouldn't think it'd go as far as supermarkets closing due to the vulnerable not stocking up supplies.

lmao thanks for the laugh user. She knows what i need to survive isolation. She locked them down. Also was able to get a few rolls of toilet paper cause we had 0.

At the time I was more left leaning, and didn’t recognise Connick Jnrs response for what it was: virtue signalling fake outrage QandA-level cringe.

Some cunt from Townsville flew to my city while symptomatic and found out he was positive while eating breakfast at a cafe. Thanks Ausbros

What was the joke Yas Forums?

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I work at a top-tier university that doesn't even enrol a fraction of the Chinese students that are currently enrolled across CBD campuses. We're getting ready to deliver everything online. No word yet on when but I'm expecting everything to be shut down by the end of the week.

I'm stocking up on non-perishable items. Sadly, it looks like we won't have much flour.

Sorry to hear. MFW stores aren’t protecting their staff with free masks and gloves.

What's an epileptic kid's favourite meal?
Seizure salad.

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reminder you can live 3+ weeks without food depending how fat you are

>if only you knew how bad things really were

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Soooo ... I guess your now just another internet University with diplomas in the mail. Can I order my internet diploma in Crystal Aura Teleportation Legal Studies from your website?


Threadlly reminder to download movies and vidya now. Telstra network will be at near capacity this week as they move all their workers to work from home and they get priority bandwidth.

>Sadly, it looks like we won't have much flour.
WTF Shortages already?

is anyone gonna bless the thread and make it official?

i’ll start,
>the daily ride

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i blessed it with my quads

>the bf

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checked nigger.

no fuckin way. If they slow our internet down any more people will leave the house for sure. Instead our internet will get unfucked and work perfectly during any potential down time the nation faces.

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>the gf

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Imagine the whole infrastructure gradually grinding to a halt as maintenance staff refuse to go to work. Gradually, shit stops working and no internets or phone.

the father, the son, the holy spirit
thread is official lads. proceed about your business

> religious tea bagging ceremony
Getting my nutsack out now. Do I place my balls on the screen to bless the thread?

Went to she shops yesterday arvo and half the shop was cleared out. I've got nothing stocked up and no supplies and down to 2 rolls of toilet paper left.

A bit worried. Can't even get my hands on anything

Welcome, fren

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absolutely GLOWING

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I wore face mask to shop yesterday and brain dead NPCs we’re giggling in the aisles.

Looking forward to seeing the corona corpses laying uncollected in the streets in coming month.

Fuck normies. They can suck corona dick death.

fuck i gotta go get my haircut wish me luck lads i'll give you a status on the state of normies on my return

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Slow day at ASIO HQ huh glowie?

Good hunting, hairbro.

>2/250 deaths



>not cutting your own hair

I see the ASIO jannie is working overtime

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What did they mean by this?

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Lmao I knew this was gonna be the video
>tfw no hamish friend to chill out and surf with

I been reporting glow threads and glowposts. Make sure you do the same frens. make aus/pol/ great again

what are the telltale signs?

snitches get stitches nigger. let people talk freely.

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glowposts and threads are what ruin it for everyone.
Anything inciting violence or the worship of domestic terrorism

You sound like a commie
>speech I don't like should be b&

nah cunt, glowposts are what get everyone banned, dickhead.

>didn't prep because personal virus research showed it wasn't anything serious unless boomer
>didn't account for the media blowing it way out of proportion
>now it becomes a happening because people are retarded
fucking journos deserve the rope, greedy unis deserve the rope, and traitorous pollies deserve the rope.

this, if anything this virus has shown that the multicultural experiment is a complete failure, and that our over-reliance on China will continue to fuck us over. But I can see that our government will throw open the doors to mass Chinese investment after this crisis to get the economy going, further fucking us over in the future

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>Anything inciting violence or the worship of domestic terrorism
Like what? Suggesting that we mass deport anyone who wasn't born here? How about blocking woolies every morning so whites can actually get the supplies they need to survive and letting all the invaders go in after we're sorted? Or are you just a oh noes he likes saint tarrant's actions kinda guy?

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this toilet paper buying is just chinks again isn't it. to send overseas like they do with baby formula

How accurate are Australian Corona tests?

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>woah cool it with the xenophobia friend

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Where shall we put the burial pits in Aus?

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Don't you twats know the world runs off US Eastern Time? Bake new bread plz. AUS/POL SATURDAY EVENING EDITION*

Non whites.

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this. fedposting, celebrating violence or just being a fuckwit is what gets the site shutdown. 90% of us don’t want to be associated with tarrant and violence. Only edgy kids and feds post him and it takes away from genuine aus/pol/ discussion. It adds no benefit only negatives

Use your brain, mate, no one wants to talk about some mentally ill fuckwit who went apeshit on a mosque for 4 days in a row. This is a board of peace.

Yeah pretty much, the videos I've seen a basically 80%+ gooks rushing when stores open. Normalfags are starting to wake up to the idea of the asian invasion.

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