Why are so many trans people communists? I've seen the connection so many times that it's insane
Why are so many trans people communists? I've seen the connection so many times that it's insane
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are you trans?
Because they crave negative attention. They make better opponents than allies, so good.
So they don't have to pay doctors to do difficult painful surgery and give them hormones and chemicals
Mental illness cynicism suicidal tendencies and -ism autism.
Because only people who are utterly worthless support communism
Occupy Wall Street was kneecapped by first muscling out all the regular people and making it full-blown communism, then when that wasn't getting results fast enough, they added identity politics.
It bought them a few years where normal people were disgusted with using the government as a balance to the financial sector because it was associated with communist trannies who wanted to force the progressive stack on everyone.
Communists accept them. Also a lot of far right people want to kill them.
they already worship the (((state/media))) to the extent to take hormones and carve out their pecker, having them to larp for "free stuff" is a short trip
trannies are among the first to be lined up against the wall in any communist dictatorship
The unabomber unironically has the best explanation for this.
It's actually only a few who want to kill them. Most want to label it as a mental illness and cure them of it with asylums.
Identity politics.
Have seen way more of these people advocating for holding the surgeons accountable for exploiting the mentally ill than what you're proposing
submission to the neoliberal power stucture, it's the best way for them to get social status and indulge their extreme fetishes
Trannys are part of what used to be called the "gay liberation" movement which is now been renamed "LQBGT" or what the fuck ever.
Anyway, back to the word "liberation". Ever wonder what they are being "liberated" from?
When communists take over a movement, they call it "liberation".
Gay liberation
Black liberation
Women's liberation.
These things have been renamed feminism, BLM, etc. but are still communist liberation movements.
Liberation from?????.....
She-males are basically lonely freaks of nature so they gravitate toward the only people who will accept them: the LGBT commie faggots.
It's not just trannies. All their enablers with anime icons who post #TransRights on social media are open communists too.
the elites were scared back in 2012 with the occupy wall street movement so they started pushing 'left wing = lgbt and open borders' propaganda to divide and conquer everyone
Brain Damage
> why are the mentally ill communists?
Both are symptoms of being mentally ill
The irony is these fags would be the first to be shipped off to the gulags under Stalin.
Because that's the point of cultural marxism. The dialectic is no longer proletariat-capitalist but female-male, LGBTQPZ+ vs. normal people, niggers vs white people, etc.
You will see that all these rhetorics ultimately lead to "capitalism bad"
They want other people's money to pay for the dick snipping doctor my
I was around 18 during Occupy, watched it (and the lesser-known movement before it) be subverted and co-opted in real-time by COINTELPRO and what were the prototypes of the shills you see today. We genuinely thought we could start a grassroots movement to fight the corrupt financial/government/business/military apparatus and were shut down HARD the minute we gained any traction. Turned me off politics for years, which is exactly what they wanted.
Fast forward almost 9 years and it's all commies and trannies, or a combination of the two. Fucking pathetic.
What I wanna know is why are they ALL obsessed with Hegel
Educational indoctrination and think tanks
Do not feed the wildlife. How will they learn to forage for cocks in the gutter if you get them addicted to gibs?
Answer the call.
LGBT people are weird where they use pronouns when it doesn't match their actual sex.
This is true. We started with rebellion-minded, serious people who were discussing ending the Federal Reserve and ended up with every interest group imaginable screaming about how there weren't an equal amount of women or disabled gay latinos at any given time. The smart people said 'fuck it' and left the subverted idiots to crash and burn. It was our own fault for not having a strong enough command structure. The whole 'everyone's voice is equal' just turned into a non-stop shouting match.
>reject social norms, demand individuality
>suppress individuality, demand conformity
Is their mutual hatred of capitalism really so strong that they don't notice how at odds their actual goals are with each other?
“Transgenders want people to accept them for who they are yet ironically couldn’t accept themselves for who they were.”
>Juche with Tranny characteristics
I notice too that a lot of commies on social media or either trannies or curries or have some weird sexual identify like being asexual/poly. Even socialists consist of more down to earth people.
Can it come back with the new bailouts/crash?
Too bad occupy and tea party couldnt team up to acheive their common goals.
Because leftism IS a religion and trannies are the members of the cult that have gone thru baptism/circumcision to show their devotion. Hence also their privileged position in leftist communities.
show your flag
In Hungary you don't have trannies; we have enough to export over here.
They never demand individuality; they always want the state to keep meddling in private affairs to give them special treatment and always side with "minorities"; they're average leftists. It's like gays; they start as a moderate, rational movement demanding civil liberties and then end up forcing others to bake cakes and conform or else they're homophobic/bigoted.
I've seen more moderate socialists denounce Contrafags as "tankies"
ok troomer
Maybe, but people are so divided now that more likely they'll just attack each other instead of the real culprits.
This is what should've happened. The Ron Paul types were allies who wanted the same things but D&C was strong, even then.
Are they actually communists, or just LARPing neoliberals? Fagshit only succeeded in the USA because richfags and jews were backing it, and Contrapoints and company know that. This is why capitalism never punishes them, and never bans them from social media. Wealthy jews funded the Bolshevik revolution, so that was a fake and gay LARP too. Feminists claim to hate rape culture, yet support the men who rape most and attack the men who rape least.
I'm not good at organizing my ideas, but my point is that many things make more sense when understood as fake and gay LARPs used by certain interest groups to acquire, excercise, and maintain power, rather than taken at face value.
Because liberals and fascists alike want to kill them or for them not to exist?
Trans people literally can't be communist. Some are just liberal larper online that we put up with cause it's not that big of a deal. Most of them are part of a psyop to discredit and weaken legit leftist movements while making leftism unappealing to the black community thus preventing any more civil rights movements. They want it so nobody takes us serious and just laughs at us. Either way, the transgender commie larpers will be first against the wall and shot when the revolution happens for the damage they've done
I guess that's why the liberal system has tolerated and encouraged them. It's also why twitter bans people for "misgendering" or "deadnaming" trannies.
See point 12 on They're two types:
- the neoliberals who would bend over for Biden come November, usually white and middle class
- the antisocial ones who think no politician achieves their ideology and never votes as a result; probably members of CPUSA
It doesn't want them to exist. There are liberal trans advocates but not all trans people are liberal.
Transgenders are an extremely privileged class. Protected and supported by the liberal elite, media, corperations and the establishment. They will get their karma soon
>what we do in private is none of your business
i hate faggots so much
Bourgeois counter revolutionaries because of their unrelenting greed for special privilege ?
Rational, moderate civil liberties are the first phase of the tranny program. They never believe in that stuff. They only use it to get their proverbial foot in the door. Cowardly conservatives obsess over fairness and principles, and are also wont to bend over backwards to accommodate the very people who would destroy them, hence they invariably accept these appeals to civil liberties. Then the subversives begin phase 2.
Check out this lying commie. The only truth he told was the last sentenceabout killing them all when they don;t need them anymore.
The communist world movement is using the faggots, pedos and transvestites to attack and weaken Western culture.
Where was the origin of this webm? I must know.