Very Important: Answer this thread with honesty

The government is up to something.

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Also how is it that we got shocking videos of coronavirus patients having seizures, coughing violently, and bodies being stacked 3 to a bag from China, which censors everything going in and coming out of their country, but nobody can produce a single video or webm from Italy or the US of sick people?

To add, so far all I've seen from Italy is a video of healthy people singing from their apartment windows in solidarity, and an article from (((Newt Gingrich))) claiming things in Italy are even worse than the media hype.

I don't. What I did notice is that the ones that claim to have it or know someone who has it are typing their posts the same way.
This could be someone that's somehow changing his ID, location, and is making these posts to make us believe this virus is legit.
They claim to have it

Describes how it feels

And they space their sentences just like I'm doing now.
I think we have corona shills inbound boys.

Yes exactly. I have seen a video with boomers laying in bed with masks on in a hospital but they seemed otherwise healthy.

So does anyone here know somebody who has been tested positive for this?
Yas Forums has a huge online presence yet no information on this matter at all.

Check this out.

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It's real but rare. This is an excessive response.

Ok a friend's brother in law and wife were early victims, France - UK, they said it wasn't that bad and they're off skiing now.

Yes Yas Forums it’s just a big hoax

I live in Seattle. I have two neighbors on my nextdoor site who have symptoms (dry cough, fever) including one dude who has been sick for 5 weeks now, but neither one of them have been tested because county and state health officials are not allowing testing unless the person is already 67 or older, or has recently traveled to China.

They've been told by health officials to just self-quarantine. They are not included in the official stats because they have not been tested.

That's what I've heard. It's like a bad flu and some people get pneumonia. It only some of the elderly people, people with pre-existing respiratory conditions, cancer, AIDS, etc. who can already die from common illnesses.

only kills*

People who write this shit can't imagine how the world is. All your family and friends and everyone you see on they way to work is just a particle of dust on face.of the planet. No shit you don't know someone with corona.

Yeah they send the corona tests to the government right? Sounds suspicious.

I am ready to make a thread about anyone related as soon as they get it. I won't get it. I prepped hard back in January. I live with my gf and we are both students. Uni closed indefinitely and we don't leave the house. Our parents on the other hand all still have to go to work. I warned both sides but I guess it wasn't enough to drop the jobs so if anyone I know would be getting it soon, it's them.

His point is, it's not a big deal.

>everybody I know voted for Bernie, the primary must be rigged!

Yes, the tests have all gone to CDC HQ in Atlanta.

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This is the only 1st hand info I've had and I trust the mate, doesn't do online shite said all the "victims" fb friends were harangued by the media. Truth is though we don't know much for sure and certainly can't trust "authoritative sources", so many questions still unanswered

I kind of noticed this too but I'm not sure if that's just me being a schizo.

I literally have coronavirus fucking retarded my brother and my dad also have it

Yet. Its have everything to be a fucking apocalypse. Just by analyzing characteristics of this virus you can understand its a real threat. Thumbling down it is retarded.

>"I'm transgender though so it's possible my hormones make my body completely immune."

Found the bait.

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All of this just show how much influence the media and politicians can have on people.
>NO, not me. I am enlightened and coonsume only non MSM media.
Ok tell me how many TP rolls you have stashed right now.

The think the terms "schizo" and "conspiracy thorists" were made to make logical thinkers on current events look crazy.

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We have all survived the flu, and this is only a little worse.

>We have all survived the flu
but if what they're saying about Coronavirus and the state in which it leaves your lungs, you may not survive your next flu.

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The flu? Mate, this is just a coof. My nose started running for 10 seconds out of nowhere last night. I've had it and now immune.

they are executing people in their sleep, there are zog death squads ramping up operations, they are removing white supremacist terrorists. this hoax is to distract from this and keep people from going outside so that there are no witnesses to the mass murder of millions of patriots


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I kind of agree with this but we shall see. If Coronavirus ends up being a nothing burger, the media will have lost every lost ounce of credibility.

We either get a happening of epic proportions due to mass death or we get the absolute death of the legacy media. Covid 19 is truly a win win situation

Is the flu the same as a cold? Iv'e only ever got runny noses, so this shit kinda scares me desu.

Gay pic

This is just a new strain/mutation of the existing coronavirus so nobody had immunity to it. I doubt what you said is the case.

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Gay af

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I suspect this is the case, Anons if you've ever said anything mean about jews or posted a merchant, you're done for, they're coming for you, fortunately for me, I have done both of those things but I'm jewish so it's ok

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The coronavirus would give you a fever.

>I literally have coronavirus

You sure the government didn't just tell you that when you got the flu? Then again, you're probably just being told to post that by your (((boss))) Nice try but it's not working.

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Nurse told me he has 3 people in his hospital positive.

so... Iran is in bed with Italy and China, and every other infected country... to shutdown MURRICA (FUCK YEA)?

I do - family friend was confirmed for it in NY state, is recovering.
Also, pretty sure my boss has it, but the docs wouldn't/couldn't test him to confirm.



>died of hunger
niggers don't count as people, fuck off

I don't know anyone with it.

I also haven't ever been to space. Guess that means the Earth is flat, and the Sun travels around it.

Further I was reading on Twitter that the docs don’t do the tests. They call some gov official and they come in and swab then leave. No idea how truthful it is since it’s randos on Twitter but I read a few comments saying it.

I have had the flu where I thought I was going to die.
And then where I thought I was not going to die, which was worse than death.
I have been sick where I was sitting on the toilet and had to grab the waste basket so I could puke in it because I could not get up.
All in all eventually I got well again.

That being said everyone on this board should realize.
Nothing in this world ever happens by accident that gets this much media coverage.

What part do you doubt? The claims that this coronavirus causes permanent lung damage? That may be, I just don't know. It seems there's way too much propaganda to sort through and find the truth. BUT, if the claims of permanent lung damage are true, the flu will kill you the next time you get it even if you recovered from coronavirus and are cured/immune.

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china good, hongkong bad
eat your bio weapon viru- I MEAN bat soup OOPS pangolin*

>Also how is it that we got shocking videos of coronavirus patients having seizures, coughing violently, and bodies being stacked 3 to a bag from China, which censors everything going in and coming out of their country
I have been saying this for a while in cvg threads: most videos were "intentionally leaked" by the Chinese and Iranian, aka produced propaganda. Most terrible "symptoms" of Covid19 have as source CCD-controlled newspapers or Chinese non peer reviewed researches. The media is definitely fabricating a panic narrative. The problem is that the sickness is actually real, it requires treatment and intensive care in most cases. My brother is a doctor in one of the saturated hospitals in Madrid. This is not that big of a public health problem as an economic one

Co worker has it. Btw you very gay.

A guy in one of my uni classes has it. So I'm pretty sure it exists, but it's still mass hysteria

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I see you were paying attention to the dude in Maryland.

thats just the beginning, that department jumped the gun, but the story is being buried completely by the coronahoax

My brother's friend got infected...

If it's a psyop then it's really clever because anyone who gets flu from know on, completely normal but will automatically become a wuflu survivor, they can exploit the norm to prop up their narrative

No he doesn’t you dumb gook

>Some kid at my uni is coughing

Fucking NIGGER
Eat shit and DIE

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