What is his endgame?

what is his endgame?

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Chav genocide.

Crashing the UK with no survivors.

but chavs cant get coronavirus

Herd immunity

6 months from now Britain will be the only country in Europe prepared for coronavirus outbreaks. 200IQ move from Boris

>what is his endgame?

... to completion of THE PLAN!

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Being annexed by the states

Possibly true. The coronavirus would have to compete with myriad STDs for simple sugars and other resources.

that requires a large percentage of the population to have been infected, which for sure would lead to many deaths

Unironically? To become the 21st century equivalent of Pericles.


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By the millions

>His (Pericles') most controversial measure, however, was a law of 451 BC limiting Athenian citizenship to those of Athenian parentage on both sides.
Should have been done in this country since the beginning but I doubt he would ever do that

chavs are in the best age range for coronavirus

Make a better wig for himself.

it looks to me, listening to them, that they're gambling on kids getting it first. studies are showing really strong resistance to the disease among the the young. if they get it first the saturation rises at low cost. plus kids have got parents to care for them.

Gonna let Wuhan Flu tear through the "Asian" population and do the dirty work that the brits are afraid to do.

>having to google Pericles

even if kids have a fairly strong resistance if they get ill and stay at home, the parents will too, and they'll just get infected in the end anyway
additionally, solely infecting the young sounds like a great way to pressure the virus to mutate to be more aggressive against its host

I didn't have to google him retard

we are all going to die and i have accepted that

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>huh durr i'm a racist, I'm a nazi and nazi like genocide
>bruv don't cancel the the footy, woogei boogie is a great goal scorer
>i work a dead end job and only the unemployed will get it, Darwin, mate
>sorry, gran, GDP

i dont know but thanks for all the knowledge you misfits, freaks, outcasts and intellectuals provided me with. i was sneezing and coughing for like a week, a few nights ago i just got drowsey for no reason and had to sleep. i felt fine the past couple days but i am fucking concerned. im going to die alone and this is going to be shitty. i am going to play video games until mid week. if im fine when it reaches mid week i will go on an adventure and see my loved ones. not sure how this will work because im paranoid of public transport but il figure something out. stay safe anons. i thought this was a huge larp but its actually fucking serious. may god protect us all. and just to add, i know the fucking kikes are the driving force behind this nightmare. hope you niggers make it

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Are you feeling well?

you may be right. i'm not a supporter of this policy at all. borders should have been closed by end of jan at latest, severe restrictions well before. if they wanted to flatten the curve they drag it out. Most sars cases have occurred over the years since it went out of the news, and they've been managed at a low level.
the problem with this is the r_0. with globalism there's no escape from those numbers even with major restrictions, especially with the lifetime of the virus outside of the body, all incoming goods would have to be disinfected. then once it's in it's in, and with that r_0 there's really nothing you can do.
i don't like it but i see the hand of cummins all over this, they've been running the models for every scenario since december, i know that.

Some of you (boomers) might die, but that's a sacrifice I am willing to make.

(should have done the same here)

>dat jew Suger has my interests at heart, in it together

Replacement policy 1 0 1

do you know how tough the quarantine is going to be?
by the sounds of it were never gonna have an italy style quarantine until we have at least 20% of the population infected or some shit

Be the last functional economy

Make Israel great again, like most of them.

>what is his endgame?
Make Israel Great Again.


dude, i've been stocked for weeks and sitting tight. brief out today with a bleach soaked cloth in my pocket for touching things with, goggles and mask. i do not want this thing, ever.



Don't you want to help the herd?

fuck knows what happened there, i replied to myself:

Nope. I want to wait for it to mutate and weaken.

Pick one.

not mutually exclusive. spanish flu mutation killed it.

by it do you mean 100 million people

it severely weakened the virus. you knew that. i thought this was a straight up convo but now you're playing catch.

wouldn't mind. watched him give a pericles talk the other week. half watching this now in another window. cheers user.

Getting through this crisis as soon as possible with as few as possible deaths.

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Guess who survived the deadlier second wave that targetted the fit and healthy?

Once the elderly are quarantined we unleash it and become godlike once we're immune.

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what do you mean

Herd immunity for the vulnerable.
Actual immunity from the second wave for everyone who gets it now.

not if the vulnerable are quarantined for 4 months


this would be watchable if not for the spasticated donkey act the sociopath Boris puts on. I knew someone like this growing up, he said i punch and his nuts granny went schizo

Except you can get reinfected

many elderly people live with other people though


i mean two things. the herd immunity is something i mean to benefit from, not contribute to, as far as i can help it. second, the longer i can put off catching it the better chance that the version i get is not the one that expresses all of its horrible genes, i.e. one after millions upon millions of small, random mutations which might have turned off some of the deadly shit. i might succeed, i might not, but this isn't something to play with. the people for whom the world is a fucking game board play, i just want to live my life.

you're immune now.
help out until the rest of us become immune and then we reclaim the lands stolen from us.

good if true, should have been done a week ago

stop being a faggot and take your lumps.
are you a paki?

I love it, everyone keeps clamoring for the government to do something up to and including destroying our entire economy but they're not willing to find alternative accommodation for nana
fucking spastics

I'm a white englishman, and fuck you. I hope you lose people you love.

the elderly get quarantined, the rest of us do our normal stuff.

It's been like ten years since I've seen an actual Chav that fit the stereotype. They've all grown up, got Barrat New Builds, and have evolved into Deanos.

Please ask your queen to dissolve parliament, lock this boris shithead up and return to a christian monarchy where no one works on Sundays and redcoats oppress minorities as they please. Thanks, your American cousin.

Making combovers fashionable again.

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>could be
>could be
>20 days
I hope there's a military coup just so i can see wage slaves cry over the death of liberalism