Why are the welcoming their destruction?
Why does the UK do this??
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Fucking italophobe cunt
Stopping flights won't protect you silly lol
The WHO said so
Well it's probably way too late anyways by now, but yeah it's still weird.
I’ve read it’s thier plan... let the virus run through the population. It’s inevitable anyway. They actually *want* it to go through the schools, because kids are not going to die very often...and they will develope immunity.
It's called herd immunity
I honestly hope to god Her Majesty's government passes a law making it a criminal offense to spread lies about herd immunity and the coronavirus
Don't be horrible to people who have a totally rational distaste towards greasy spaghetti niggers. If you washed maybe there wouldn't be any italophobes.
This is a good article from iSteve explaining the UKs approach...
Canada too. And Ontario just announced limited testing (but natives get tests because muh racism). We're all walking ghosts
All the boomers will clog your entire fucking health care system if the virus can just spread around freely, you fucking idiot.
Fuck you subhuman Anglo.
We'll be fine, we've survived years of Pakis and they all fucking stink so I think we can survive a month or so of dirty chink flu.
>they will become sterile
We are building up herd immunity
While Europeans cower in their houses we will become immune, and then we'll invade their shitty countries that have completely shut down and infect them all
what do the elites care? theyre tucked away in their bunkers.
Same shit in Canada. We're fucked. And I couldn't be happier about it. Enjoy eating shit, Canadians
Who do you think votes for the Elites every election.
hmm lets see:
>braindead lefties
Lets not forget the countless examples of people like your Merkel actively praising the destruction of your own country. You think she gives one lick if a bunch of boomers get sick?
Calm down, Hank. Eat some fruit loops and enjoy the country that you needed France's help to have to yourselves.
Mad that you lost to a bunch of inbred farmers? Trust me, we know how that feels.
You clearly have never been to Italy, I don't blame you. I have never set foot in bongland either, and not planning to!
>coronavirus spreads anyways since it is uncontainable
>suffer massive economic loss in addition to minor loss of elderly population and immunodeficients
>herd immunitychads
>coronavirus spreads anyways since it is uncontainable
>suffer minor loss of elderly population and immunodeficients
Think about it logically, my mutt brother.
WTF this is racism and bigotry at its finest.
How can I contact your local police department and denounce him for hate speech?
Seriously someone has to post this on Twitter, it’s unacceptable this unpunished racism towards us but if you touch the Muslim you get fined by the thought police. ;)
Don't you think that a government has an interest in not looking incompetent so they don't lose voters? Also in most First World countries the 60+ boomers are the greatest voter block.
>boomers die slowly so the healthcare system doesn't get clogged
>all boomers rush the hospitals at the same time
Which do you think results in more deaths from non-corona diseases and accidents?
Herd immunity, bro. It's just a flu.
You can't depopulate if you don't spread the infection around.
lmao take that generation selfish, you're death fodder now
It's pretty frustrating. We had a good run though.
So? I'm sick of paying their pensions, while mine will be shit.
I hope they fucking die
They created the virus, they want to depopulate the world
So what? Covid is everywhere
Are people going to line up, open their mouths and get spit on?
It's called 'herd immunity' where we infect like 60% of the country and hope it all turns out alright. Will it work? Most scientists seem to be saying no. Is it funny as shit bants to watch all the old people slowly drop off so they stop clogging up the fucking street when I'm walking behind them and they're taking like three fucking hours to go ten metres and I can't walk around them because they've decided to be right in the middle of the fucking street and there are cars going past at like 50 miles per hour? Fuck yes, it is.
While the rest of the world is just starting the spread again after ending their cuck lockdowns we will have already peaked and entered recovery. Then we can start the recolonisation of europe while theyre at their weakest. The british empire will rise again. GAMERS RISE UP
because the country doesnt give a fuck about its people and wants more shit skins
>unhygienic pakis get virus and go sterile
>lonely whites don't get it from lack of contact
>old population drops, alleviating health system
This sounds like a good thing for the UK desu
I hope they open mouth spitting booths operated by hot young teens legal of course but only barely.
Why do you follow that creature on twitter?
Absolute losers of Europe. Germany at least fought to the bitter end with honor.
>and they will develope immunity
Follow up studies from patients who recovered from SARS suggest that the SARS-CoV-specific antibody response is short lived. In these patients, SARS-CoV-specific IgM and IgA response lasted less than 6 months, while virus-specific IgG titer peaked four-months post infection and markedly declined after one year.
Quarantine doesn't work unless you have a draconian state. Italy is proof of this.
How many kingdoms do you talk about ?
Says the country 99.9% of people dont even know exists.
Yes lets get herd immunity (if that's possible) to a virus we know little to nothing about. I'm sure it wont have lasting health effects.
Good at this points whites deserve the hellhole they made. Time to lie in it.
Lol, you can at least buy decent guns in Finland, cunt
It does seem strange to me that we are the only country that is employing this tactic.
But I guess we are genetically superior to all others so whatever
Lets be scared little bitches and hide in our houses. Id rather die of corona and die like a man than be a little cuck euro faggot hiding in my apartment. You were cucks when hitler raped you and youre cucks again to some virus, grow a backbone.
You can buy guns in england you retarded mutt
Are mutts fighting covid-19 with guns now ?
>Quarantine doesn't work with niggers
Fixed. I'm actually surprised that at least 60-70% of our country is willingly quarantining and not being total retards.
I guess despite being filthy nigger loving moors, we still care and worry for our elders (and at least that's good).
Can I order pizza from you Mario?
Bunch of pussies itt
Britbongs trying to build up herd immunity to a virus we know nothing about.
What if the lung, testicular and other organ damage is real? It was also said you can´t really cure corona and it keeps coming back.
Willingly infecting 60% and more of your population doesn´t seem very smart.
This nigger said it wasnt a big deal
This is a plan straight out of Justin Truseau’s playbook.
“If you kill your enemy they win.”
Thus britbongs
“If I kill me, they lose.”
This is why you lost your empire you fools.
Bruh i have so much sperm i need the virus to damage my testicles to save me from myself
Remember. You are an Englishman and thus, have won first place in the lottery of life.
The weak must fear the strong
Why is everyone else acting normal but brits have this retarded idea pushed by the elite with seemingly 0 proof?
Tories want to kill off the old and the ill. Sick bastards.
Yeah unironically non-jewish whites no longer have the survival instincts to deserve to live.
>waaaah *coof coof* y-you c-can't *wheeze* j-just infect me *coof* i have a family *dies*
god shut the fuck up you stupid virgin
Our Health Minister Matt Hancock has just released the latest public advice behind a paywall....
Wtf?! I got impregnated just reading this post!
>non-Jewish whites
>implying there are Jewish Whites
The news told them you gain immunity, They believe it now. The state of pol. Particularly britbongs.
its called boris' puppet masters not wanting people to stop working even if it means their parents and children die.
>you are unlucky and get severely ill from covid or something else
>all hospitals are already filled to the top with boomers
>you die
>retarded idea pushed by the elite with seemingly 0 proof?
you don't even know what the idea is. Listen to the press releases from Boris and his doctor pals ffs
no, it isn't just 'let's all get infected', it's a staged response so as to draw out the inevitable peak as far into summer as possible. Yes, it will involve people catching the disease. We can't avoid it. Fortunately, it gives us herd immunity.
They're taking a more global approach rather than the immediate, retarded approach that you would put in place.
It's the UK, they've been doing that for a long time. This is just the newest way to destroy their own country.
lol UK about to turn into ground zero.
God save the queen!
UK has lost their fucking marbles and just gone "just get pozzed" route.
why contain it meme manifest
It's because the virus can't be contained, all that's left is to delay the spread so the NHS can cope and minimize the loss of life. Fucking amazes me other countries don't follow this method but maybe I'm treating as if their healthcare is on the same level as the UK's.
So many people are going to die from this that it's going to make a world war look like a fucking joke. But hey, anything to stop us from ruining the economy for a month while everyone else is, right?
Good. More resources for the rest of us. The only people complaining are the old and infirm because their leeching days are numbered.
>ground zero.
American education
I don't.
Herd immunity won't work your government is wagering your lives. Look at the recovering Asian countries that's the right strategy
Didn’t her majesty just cut and run?
Every country has this approach. It's just that other countries know the capacity of their healthcare system and don't take stupid risks.
>genetically unfit immigrants die
>old people die
>whole country has herd immunity within half a year
>the rest of world will cower indoors for the next decade
>British Empire returns
How exactly do you delay the spread without extensive quarantine procedures? Oh, right, you don't.
Cause it's only gonna kill 2%. And maybe it'll kill the Arabs?
Maybe this is Parliament's way of avoiding another Queen's birthday?
you assume herd immunity is possible, you assume there is not antibody-mediated enhancement, you assume that reinfection is not worse than primary acute phase
UK assuming a lot of things
you better start praying
Show bittie or GTFO femabong
I've been told by the government to cough on everyone.
what's great is all you brainlets in the world will just die now
>totally rational distaste towards greasy spaghetti niggers
Your country is so fucked. It may take centuries to breed out all the stupid.
Iv already been licking windows my entire life to prepare for this moment, now its my time. Im going to start licking trolleys and door handles
Been licking the trolly handles all day in Tesco.
Not having a government that believes in eugenics
this plan is precisely to alleviate pressure on the healthcare system. By staging, they think they can draw out the peak long enough that it occurs later, when there are fewer patients in hospitals due to winter-related respiratory problems. A lot of action is still being taken - people are working from home, events are being cancelled etc. What more do you want at the moment?