TN user here. I live 20 minutes south of Nashville and I was on my backporch reading...

TN user here. I live 20 minutes south of Nashville and I was on my backporch reading. I heard a loud "siren" ring for 20 second patterns for about 2 minutes. I cant descrivebthr siren other than it was extremely high pitched and soundes like it was coming closer and further away. About 5 minutes later the sky got dark grey and is about to storm.

I have lives here for over 15 years and I know what a damn tornado siren sounds like, what an ambulance, those tdot cars or whatever theyre called, fire trucks, and police car sounds like. What is this? Is a quarantine about to be put in place? I read an article yesterday that Spring Hill is specially equipping their police to throw "Corona Infected Suspects" in jail. What do i do anons? I got my home boarded up like fucking fort Knox and got my dogs on stand by. Should i go grab my shotgun just incase?

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Yes it was a corona siren you fucking moron

Why the fuck would they make a fucking siren sound like that for corona.

user, I...

I havent read anywhere about a corona siren. I'm not crazy, but whatever the fuck that siren was just didnt sound right. That siren was high pitched and hellish. Am I about to enter a quarantine or a lockdown??????????????

Nashville user here. Kill yourself for being a scared little faggot. Stand up and live or die like a man.

I aint scared, im just trying to understand what the fuck I heard cause that shit aint a fuckin corona siren. We're gonna be herded like fuckin sheep here and put on lockdown.

Friend. Everything will be ok. I promise. We may be out of work for a couple weeks. Laws may tighten. But we will win. I'm willing to die against a wall. Are you?

TN user here, about 15 minutes away from Spring Hill. Keep me updated.. If you all are about to get quarantined, it's all over for us here in Franklin too.

The hell are you talking about dying against a wall son?

Why are we gon die against a wall? What and who are we fightin? (((Them)))?

Go get your last meal of Puckett, it's too late for me.

user stop taking drugs

I dont take drugs. I think theyre bad for you. All I've had today was a grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, and some chips.

That siren means somethings gonna happen to us. You'll see Tennessee on the news next week just you wait. We're gonna be put on curfew I swear.

Can you explain exactly what happened?

As I said, I was on my back porchbreading and then i hear this weird siren noise. It was a very high pitched noise and it would go on for about 20 seconds straight and then stop for a moment then continue for about 2 minutes then stopped all together. Then it stopped. About 10 minutes later the storm arrived. I have heard a lot of sirens as I lived by and on many US bases, i live beside a fire department and police station. Theres tornado siren stations everywhere I even have trian tracks about 5 minutes from my home. I dont know what this fuckin siren is.

That is interesting. Maybe it could be some construction out near Beechcroft road? I know they're prepping to put an onramp to Saturn Parkway. Do you happen to have a recording?

In the US civil defense sirens can make several different siren tones for different alerts. I think most use a "Steady/Alert" tone for tornadoes or severe weather while others are used for different emergencies.

No I dont. I left my phone inside. I dont like my phone by me while I read. It didn't sound like construction it was very high pitched. I used to live in wyngate when it was just being constructed. Duplex about 15 minutes from me and I've seen and heard that road. This sounded new. It was more feignt than a tornado siren, but it had some weight to it. I'm willing to bargain we're gonna be in lockdown or quarantine pretty soon. The 1st case of corona in TN is somewhere around spring hill or franklin.

You're not exactly wrong. There was an user a couple weeks ago close to Rippavilla that was talking about his parents possibly being infected. I would not be surprised if that's your patient zero for Williamson/Maury county.

It sort if sounded like this but at a set sound and not chiming, alot louder, and turning on and off every 20 seconds for 2 minutes.

Also, yeah. Lockdown could be coming. I'm scared shitless, user, not going to lie. Trying to take care of my parents but they keep going out. Could be a monotonal alert sound, but with upper harmonics? Not sure, I've never heard anything like this.

Me neither thats why im confused as hell and i was hoping y'all would know some shit.

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Same man. Have you been anywhere? I haven't been out since Wednesday myself. Was curious what the stores are like down there.

I went to the Thompson Station Kroger and things werent too bad. You had big holes in the shelves but all was fine. 1 pack of toilet paper and only 1 pack of water left and it was Dasani. That was on Thursday. Havent left home since.

TN user.
Shopping today meats are okay. But packaged meats like bacon, sausage, deli meats cleared out.
No toilet paper or towels except for in small places.
My kids goto school in spring hill. I hope precautions are being done properly.
Kroger is fkd
No sirens here.
Im just outside of downtown nash.

My civil defense siren did that the other day I got nervous but nothing happened. I thought it was an alert for the vol fireman.

Who else hears noon test everyday?

I gotcha. Glad it's not getting too crazy yet. I can't say the same for this coming week though. It's weird. Do you have Discord? I wouldn't mind having a close user to talk to in case everything goes haywire in the coming weeks.

Hows Nashville? I was just up there Monday. Hows the recovery?

I aint normally out at noon. Im either in class or driving at noon. I'll sit outside tomorrow to listen.

I do have a discord but if it's cool w/ you I'm gonna keep being user. I have a talent of finding the crazies on here.

Shit is gonna hit the fan this week I can feel it. I bet we're gonna be put on lockdown or somethin.

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Does anyone have the CDS alert meanings?

Show us user.

I totally respect that, user. This is Yas Forums after all.

Keep us in the loop though, say something if you see anything spooky. Maybe make another thread. /cvgMTN/? (cvg middle TN)

If i do see anymore freaky shit I'll name it /cvgTN/ because all 3 regions are affected.

Mboro fag here. Didn't hear anything by me. I also would be interested in a middle TN thread. are schools closed in your area too?

Cheatham county user here. I say we put the Nashville faggot against the wall. Stay out of Cheatham county Nashville faggots!

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Williamson County schools are enterimg Spring Break, almost all colleges in mTN are online or extended spring break rn

Meme flag talkimf about the world ending and being put ahainst a wall. user felt left out of a TN happening

UT, Belmont, Vandy, MTSU are all on extended spring breaks. It's crazy out here. How long has WCS been closed? A week and a half?

Also on a related note, I heard Williamson Medical is shutting down an entire wing to care for Corona patients. I have a feeling we have a whole bunch more than they say.

I had a thread earlier where I was paranoid i might have it. A couple of doctors offices down here are closed. Only walk-in clinics are still open or places further away.

WCS has been out for a week and a day. Got a mom working in the system.

Charlotte NC here

Been hearing sirens all day

I don't have them I need them

Be careful drinking water there. Parents in NC RN and E. Coli is reported in the drinking water in Union county.

God damn. Did the infrastructure go to shit that quick?

Apparently so. Screenshot taken yesterday

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We got 32 confirmed cases. One of which is in Murfreesboro I know for sure.

Stay safe from the coronados.

Vanderbilt had a case announced today.

NC user here surrounded on three sides by water do I just pack my toilet paper on the boat and leave?

Take your meds schizo

Most likely testing the system with a different tone in case it's needed in the eventual quarantine (which is still 2+ weeks away)

The corona will pass. Since you live on the water you dont have to worry about going hungry as you can just put a crab trap down. Normies are such a hivemind and they hear buy toilet paper and they do. Then if they hear it's common to break in and rob, then they will. Id stock up on ways of defence.

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>I read an article yesterday that Spring Hill is specially equipping their police to throw "Corona Infected Suspects" in jail.
>"Sir it's illegal to be sick around here"

local jail uses an extremely high pitched siren sometimes, no one knows why though so it's kind of pointless

Call me a schizo if you want. TN is going to go on a quarantine or lockdown this week or next. I can feel it in my bones. At least williamson and davidson

I can live off the water here easily been here my whole life.

What part of NC are you? I was born in Fayetteville and i spent a lot of time in Morehead

Nashville user also here. Grab your shotgun and prepare for the virus cops

Whats with you nashville anons and meme flags

VAfag here. Why would a comfy inland state like TN be the absolute first to have a statewide lockdown?

Dept of Health mentioned casually to expect neighborhoods and cities to be locked down, now we have rumors of planes and trains being limited. But to lock down a whole state...well, what will you keep yourself busy with if there is a lock-in? And what is a porchbread

I was born in Morehead city right now I live in Beaufort.

I dont know if i meant that TN itself would be locked down but i did say that i think davidson and williamson county will be locked down. A lot of tourists come down here, and a lot of boomers travel here too for the civil war history.

Beaufort is so pretty. How do you even afford to live there? And own a boat? What's your secret to wealth?

I cant I'm working for some people that gave me a nice place to stay and pretty much run of the place. I help with whatever needs to be done around here. I myself could never afford any of this I dont make near enough.

Man I'd kill for some El's hotdogs. I'll probably go down to my grandparents and get some during the summer.

Funny enough I was supposed to eat there with my mom the other day we didn't make it though. I usually get the super burger all the way they have the best slaw.

Werent they gonna renovate their store front? How's that going?

My company is headquartered in Nashville. They are sending every one who is non essential if their position allows to work at home for 2 weeks starting Monday.