Surely someone on Yas Forums has contracted covid-19 by now! If not, I'm calling a hoax

Surely someone on Yas Forums has contracted covid-19 by now! If not, I'm calling a hoax

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maybe it only infects centrists

Not confirmed, but I have all the symptoms, it's the worst flu I've had.

It hits the bottoms of the lungs first. You know how it feels when you work out too much and the next day your muscles are all sore and tingles, it's that feeling, at the base of both lungs.

Pray for me pol. But I've made peace with my God. See yall on the other side of whatever the hell this bullshit simulation is.

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I had extremely mild symptoms about a month ago for a couple of days, most notably shortness of breath, sore throat and fatigue.
Back then I wasn't really up to date with the news (didn't know it was starting to be seen seriously over here) and was busy with work and other stuff so I dismissed that as a mild cold.
By the time it got serious the symptoms were long gone so there was no point in getting tested.

this is the opposite of what ive heard it hits lungs last and fast

No one Yas Forums goes outside

Ηere but I'm only just entering the second week of symptoms :(

I had it but already recovered.


They have, the odds they will see your thread might be small though. I had a thread about this in Yas Forums and one of the original confirmed cases from Sweden was there answering questions.
>inb4 proof
This is Yas Forums, we get no proof.


Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Also, I developed those symptoms 2 days after I fucked a girl who was visiting me from a town near the epicenter of the outbreak in Italy. She claims she's fine but I don't trust a single word from a girl who cheats on her boyfriend.

Were you tested? If so, how bad would you rate the sickness you experienced, was it worse than any flu in your life?

My son is being tested today, I'll let you know what the results are.

There was a Swede today, but I didn't save thread sry.

I've been sick all fucking month, dizzyness, getting out of breath, swelling of the troath, now I'm getting a difuse pain in the chest

my sister had been sick for weeks earlier with different symptoms, diarrhea, cough and fever

a chink in my gym was vacationing in china in january and came back to brazil in february through italy

fucking hell

It is a hoax, all diseases are, and that's because contagions don't exist.

There are no contagious contagions that exist outside the body and directly effect people, it's all fascicle science that's a hand me down from the Greek days 200 years back where their response was to inject people with mercury mixtures.

Basically Corona doesn't exist.

It's strange how only larpers contract the virus.

Don't bother. Nobody here cares.

>Using an exercise analogy on Yas Forums

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I’m sick as a shit for two days now, started last night with a super dry tongue and throat.

Woke up this morning with nose completely clogged, mild headache and joint pain.

Now tonight I am clogged up completely with fatigue but no headache or joint pain anymore.

Level 10 faucet nose.

I will ignore each and every post ITT that doesn’t have doctor signed statement of having contracted Coronavirus as should everybody.

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With the lack of testing no one knows for sure.
A few guys on AUS/POL/ recon they have it.
I smoke ciggies and the cooling of the weather gives me a cough and slightly runny nose every year.
A few people at my work are doing the heavy throat clearing ahem fairly regularly.
They all started doing it on Tuesday.
I'm not worried about dying if I catch it but a 2 week lock down will fuck me over as I'm a casual worker.
Stocked well enough to live like a king for a month.
If it's a nothing burger my food bills are going to be small for a while.

What's the deal with the fucking toilet paper? Newfag preppers you're supposed to buy food, FOOD NOT ASSWIPES YOU RETARDS.

>nose completely clogged
Totally this.
>mild headache and joint pain.
lower chest pain bottom of both lungs.

>Don't bother. Nobody here cares.
You'll care when you catch it.

She probably gave you herpes.


No no no my cousin has it. He got it on a cruise ship. He said it felt like his nutz were on fire and an ice cube was in his rectum.

Begone shill.

Unless you can download the virus, I'm pretty sure we're 100% safe.

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80% of patients are asymptomatic and most of the rest 20% show little symptoms

I bet if you went out and tested 100 people on the subway randomly about 10% would already test positive


I just want this dumb hysteria to be over. All these dumb faggots outside making it hard to buy things. Corona is getting old fast and people are just pissing me off.

That's the virus

My father got it from unpacking boxes of clothes coming from China, he was in the hospital for about a week but was released after his temp broke. Almost died from liver failure. Docs said he never had the flu, mono, or anything else it was a "mystery" to all their tests but the symptoms are exactly like corona. My mother was sick in bed for three days, mine was really mild compared.

If they hadn't of tested him for basically everything they could think of without any positive results I would have said he had flu and I had bad Chinese food.

It's impossible to get tested but I am pretty sure I have it. Was freaking out on thursday because I was feeling it getting more difficult to breath. Now it's better though, before my throat felt like a tennis ball, now it's just sore.

My brother has the flu, I've been taking care of him for a week. My asthma has been acting up for a while now but it's been a wet couple of days. Guess I'll know for sure in a week.

I got it
I'm only in my 20s. It's no worse than a bad cold but it's lasted at least a week now.
Lots of mucus lately. Probably had more stuff come out my nose in the last 72 hours than any other hole in my body

the fucking red pill in graph form

A close family member of mine has a fever after having physical contact with another family member of mine who, while lacking any sign of illness, recently flew her from another state. While it's perhaps unlikely she has coronavirus, given she lacks other symptoms, I nevertheless am concerned.

so uhhh, it never came to mind to get tested? Lol faggot, larp somewhere else

Pretty sure I got it in January

I had it yesterday. I had a scratchy throat and felt sore and out of it for literally one day and now I'm fine. Buuuut my penis did fall off.

So you didnt have it faggot! Just a cry baby larper wanting to join the bandwagon and feel like one of the few who got it.
Like those zoomers saying they are dperessed etc.

Can you tell more? How it starts, what are the symptoms?

Lol you faggots larp so bad. Yas Forums IQ is def below 80

I caught it... just eat lots of chicken soup, drink lots of liquids, take a few Advils... it’ll pass.

My nose is fucked worse than ever before and I’m 31yo, I also made the mistake of trying to unclog it by taking mucinex.

I no joke have purged 16oz of clear/warm liquid from my nose in the last 4hrs, I can’t keep up with it so am just blowing it out on the floor and wiping my nose constantly with my forearm.

Why do the people here think it's legitimate?

WHO is mixed in with the Rockerfeller foundation.
The initial people who contracted the virus and did interviews were all Free Masons.
The symptoms are no different from a cold, and thus people who 'contract' it can be differentiated on what level?

We've been through this about 10 times before recently with Ebola and the rest. Why is Yas Forums flaring up still when it's an obvious conspiratorial pandemic?

I am Brazilian bro, I have had every fucking thing you cannot even imagine.
Trust me, if this Covfefe is real, I got that shit, all strains.
>inb4 huehueheuhehueuheuhe monkey man
At least I have a shower head to wash my asshole while I am isolated, I am not an amerimonster.
All joking aside, I was tested and found to be infected with Corona. I am in Quarantine for the next 11 days. I am well rested and eat well, drink lots of fresh juice...It is a walk in the park compared to fucking malaria....
Hemorrhagic fucking dengue was a LOT fucking worse, for the second time (after Malaria), I was sure I was going to fucking die.

Fuck off Canada.

If he never travelled to the previous hotspot countries, don't contact with confirmed patients and have no symptoms then why would he

I hope when it comes into contact with your rape baby DNA that it will mutate and attack only greeks and turks

yeah the scam level is very, very high

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none of us leave our mother's basements, how could we get it?

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

The telltale symptom among young people seems to be shortness of breath that lasts 2-3 days.
All the other symptoms aren't specific to corona and could be something else.

>Level 10 faucet nose.
That's where I'm at. Day 3 and just got the coof this morning fever 101.3. So far 2009 H1N1 was worse than this. I don't know if it's another flu or the real coof, but since I haven't been outside the country, they won't test me anyway.

multiple anons have allready reported infection.

Proof you faggio.

Eat a dick gasshuffing bogan never speak to your betters in this manner again boy. I’m not even joking with you. Learn your place.

how do shut in spacs get the virus?

You lie, migatard. 60 million was H1N1 global cases

Sore throat
Body aches
Inflamed sinuses with nothing coming out (different from common cold where you can unclog your nose if you blow it)


Trouble breathing (I'm here)


Pneumonia? (we'll see)

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I'm serious. I think I had it and I think it went away in a day. I am transgender though so it's possible my hormones make my body completely immune. We are here to inherit the earth after our beloved Corona-chan wipes out feudalistic straight society.

It's highly likely trans people create Corona-chan in a trans-only lab and unleashed it for this specific purpose the only effect it had on me was mild sickness followed by penis shrinkage / penis removal. My dick fell off while I was peeing and it hit the handle of the toilet on the way down because it was so large and flushed itself. I thought it was strange but today my boypussy is growing

how in the fuck do you use a whole roll a day. it takes me 2 weeks to exhaust a roll of scott. and one pack of the "ultra biodegradeable" baby wipes. jesus christ you people need to eat healthier if your poops are that messy.

show gape

Only 7% of your posters are worth a shit. The rest of you are as bad as you, shitting up this board.

Lol. I don't even know anybody who knows somebody who has it.

That's exactly how I feel.
My body is starting to weaken.

>but since I haven't been outside the country, they won't test me anyway
Same shit here.
Unless you have come from overseas or in contact with someone who has tested positive they won't test.
Not enough tests available.
Unless you feel like you're dying it's best not to go to the doctors as you will probs get it if you don't yet.
For most of us it's nothing but I wouldn't want to be an old person right now and am glad my dad is a fair way from the nearest town.

I had a dry cough earlier but I'm sure I'm OK. If I'm not oh well I don't feel like going to see a doctor I'll just pretend I have a flu until it gets really bad.

Transgender? More like Transcendent.

Good luck user.

>You get what you fucking deserve

This is a coronvirus thread.The more irritating, but less harmful virus called Australia can be addressed elsewhere.

Have two boys home from college, had to pick up one from the airport. Now have deep wet cough with tingling sinuses plus feel cold to the bone. Anyways, I'm a nurse and going into work tomorrow since I'm afebrile. Wish me luck.

How do you deal with the clogged nose and shortness of breath? This is my nightmare. I had a totally clogged nose for like a week for the first time in my life back in november and it alone was hell. Couldn't fall asleep at night.

thanks user. Do or did you have fever? How long after infection it starts?

I may be rude questioning you, but am interested in this, so i know If I or people around me start developing symptoms.

hope you get well soon

No but taking hormones is best for any all people who want to become allies with Corona-chan. Its the only way. After society completely collapses we are going to inherit the planet and roam around in hovercraft, pillaging town after town and having group orgies wherever we see fit.

The primary way to rid your body of Corona-chan as a straight is by removing your penis and testicles as this is where the virus stored itself and multiplies. Unfortunately straight people have a penis-lung connection that causes severe pneumonia so removal of the penis or destroying the balls is the only way to rid the body of Corona chan

I say again, removal of the penis or destroying the balls is the only way

I have it right now but it’s shit it, given it an absolute pasting. Anglo genetics are winning

We're all infected but our symptoms are subclinical.
The boomer holocaust will proceed as planned.

Im stuck in Spain indefinitely with no way to get back to the US. Not even the embassy wants to help, I'll be dead from this thing in 3 weeks tops

In an area where confirmed cases were some boomer is hacking his lungs out

Worst dry cough I ever heard

Noped the fuck out of there so did 5 other people

It can only be cured by removing the penis... or destroying the balls

Drink. Green. Tea.

>not confirmed Then you dont have it

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It'll be addressed right here. Don't worry about contagion conspiracies that have been running the game gamut for 2000 years plus, don't worry about the obvious conspiratorial elements in all of them or the fraudulent science behind current understandings of disease anyway.

I'm sure it's just all an honest planet all working together, hand in hand, looking to overcome.

>test results are back
>turns out he was sodomized by Tom Hanks

for what purpose? so you can be forced into a quarantine?

>My father ... Nintendo ... my cousin ...Sandy Hook ...

Every fucking thread. At least change it up.

>Surely someone on Yas Forums has contracted covid-19 by now!

Yes but no one is getting tested.

Tests are scarce.

10 billion cameras in everyone's hand and not one new picture of the sick......hmmmm. Media counting every new case in the nation ,,,,,i say fake .

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Yep. Im sure a lot of us have it, including healthcare workers like me. But are we, who care for our most vulnerable being tested? Nope.

Honestly you (((people))) laugh at The Emperor of Mankind, but you really dont have enough data yourselves. The average person dies from 1 Ork per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 Orks a week. Over 100 a month. Orkss will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone kills them.

describes the common cold

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