This is why Yas Forums is idiotic pushing this panic. How do you not get that (((they))) will use this to seize guns and arrest/kill "white nationalists."
This is why Yas Forums is idiotic pushing this panic. How do you not get that (((they))) will use this to seize guns and arrest/kill "white nationalists."
LoL at illinois
fuck em
So the plan unfolds. Their master plan all along.
You should be concerned because confiscation is next just like during Katrina
Maybe not even a master plan but super convenient
its champaign
you know
reasons with shills..
wtf jannies?
Reminder that this is a nothingburger and will peak in about a week and then blow over because of Farr's Law.
okay, here's what you do:
1) call him a faggot
2) that sounds like an infringement
3) vote that faggot out of office
Voting totally works, which is why we have 30 million illegals in the country and red flag laws. Exactly the things we voted for!
Yes their master plan of banning gun sales temporarily in a small city populated by democrats.
Champaign? Is that a super liberal college town?
>March 8th
That didn't age well
Perhaps it's time we started treating invaders like invaders and tyrants like tyrants.
Commies will Commie!
This is why we have to turn off our TVs and stop the lugenpresse panic promotion!
It's just a shitty cold, look at this:
H1N1 was much worse and killed many more people and nobody batted an eye because Obama was president!
Fuck off, hapooner shill.
>ban gun sales is equivalent to taking away guns you ALREADY have
Oh, ok, as long as it's only temporary
>totally fine to deny those who do not have guns the ability to obtain them, particularly in a time of potential unrest
i hope you come and take it retards will deliver
nypost confiration pending number 456678879
what shitbrains you are,you ll eat anything that fit your logic
a week?2 months maybe
Shoot her.
The more you spread panic about this disease that's literally only killing old people and people with fucked up conditions already, the more you enable jews to seize guns and do no knock warrants to execute eebil nazi white nationalists.
Violence is never the answer.
when was this taken?
I'm local
Weird when locals post. I think that was today. I wonder who you are...
I mean, you're an absolute moron for not having this shit on the ready, but this mayor is overstepping her bounds.
That, and people can just go to the next town and buy them. nbd
No, they will just extend it indefinitely.
>How do you not get that they will use this to seize guns and arrest/kill white nationalists.
They will, and you love to see it.
Looks like those anti-American traitor leftist politicians want white people utterly defenseless when the politicians black and mexican pets start to riot, loot, and rape.
the more you live in denial and don't quarantine your self and understand that in this time of widespreading condition all the countries evolved will be quarantine at least at 60-70% with no work or home work etc is just pathetic.wake up,this is a bioweapon man made virus that designed to spread asymptomatic for so many other reasons and it is not an accident,if you are not in the age of mortality rate 60+ you will live problably so quarantine your love ones and shut the fuck up!stop fear yourselves and be is happening and it could be much much worse,so do what you have to do and don;t five instructions to me who shout about the incoming pandemic 2 months with all other anons.fuck you normies!
Get the fuck out of Chicago.
Diminos falling.
Sarcasm detector a little off
A major tenant of Leftism is making sure white people don't organize and can't fight back
That is why that Israeli Lieber was arrested for releasing the Corona virus.
Now that group is using it to take all your rights away.
No, it is a big deal, because every single time something like this happens, it creates a precedential effect. Same thing with red flags. Nobody resists, so they keep doing them.
If I was asking I wouldn’t be using violence now fucking would I??
Shitskins are the footsoldiers that will be used to kill the white population, just like in South Africa
Yes, U of I C is located there
I'm with ya, problem is people are too comfy with life even if its "all falling apart" its going to take something serious to get people to drag the tyrants in the streets
Shutting down the entire economy and allowing jews to pass "emergency" laws banning guns, is fucking stupid. As a Gayreek with literal shitskin invaders attacking your border, you should understand the importance of whites bearing arms. It would be better if the plague killed 10 million than allow jews to ban even a single law restricting guns.
Your post seems vaguely satirical but you are correct. Coronavirus might end up worse than swine flue after the same time has passed, but the panic is unjustified. People only give a shit because they are glued to their tvs and social media 24/7. Things like this are not that rare, they are going to happen every now and then. How is civilization going to function if every time a difficult situation arises we all lose our minds and abandon our economy? The stock market is going to recover like always, but the damage being done to small business and people trying to build careers will not 'bounce back'. We need to seriously strengthen our minds, we are acting like cowardly rodents scrambling for safety in a hysterical state of mind.
*pass even a single law
You're right, but what am I supposed to say, "go out and kill that mayor." I can't do that, friend. I can only suggest that kind of stuff in minecraft :^)
They should ban that mayor's head from his shoulders.
based and libertypilled
>It would be better if the plague killed 10 million than allow jews to ban even a single law restricting guns.
there are protocols and exercise that will be in effect,depends of the country you live.the will be in effect.the virus and the whole situation is A PLAN it is not an accident,we warned everyone.Protocols don;t change,even the internet,power loss etc could happen (in some regions,states,countries,will happen.Check event 201.they exercise the incoming pandemic.where the fuck do you live?on mars?whatev er is going to happen is staged and well planned(also random things will happen-not everything are under plan/control).what the fuck?are you masturbation working and pay taxes all the time?where where you the last 2 months?
>Weird when locals post. I think that was today. I wonder who you are...
I'm a local shitlord. I've been here a long time.
good pic
I hope the coof takes out everyone you love you faggot. If you couldn’t see this was a bs virus to take away our rights like 9/11, you deserve the worst.
Spreading panic means you're helping the op
I agree, panic is no excuse to abandon our rights for safety. They are also trying to pass a bill to force all employers to give ridiculous amount of paid sick leave to their employees. Sounds nice but it's just more govt. regulation designed to kill small business. They've already raised the minimum wage so high that some low-margin industries can hardly make money anymore. Now they want businesses to pay them for nothing. If that passes than say goodbye to small business.
Sometimes I wish I was President.
Yep this thing was a jew deepstate virus and Chinese release was for plausible deniability
Also, did anyone actually READ the article? It says that she HAS the power, not that she has executed that right to. Though, if she does, I don't think it'll go down well. This is where rioting and looting might actually start, because she can also ban alcohol and other sales
As long as we have SBA loans favoring nigger tranny startups and not eebil white nazi racists, I'm ok with the system
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The only reason it's still spreading right now is because media-induced panic is making people gather in Petri dishes called grocery stores just to hoard toilet paper.
Stop talking about it and it will literally go away in a couple of weeks.
You understand that once you have the force of law behind you, that's all the wrote, right? You see what happened with red flags? Herrppp derpppp molon labe derpppp said all the boomers. Guess what? Every single one of them except literally one went down without a fight. The force of law means 15 cops armed like soldiers show up and surround your house and take your guns.
Idiots like you who don't understand the law and don't pay attention to what's going on in legislature/politics are the problem. You pretend everything is fine as long as you can while your rights are being taken away. Quintessential boomer mentality. Lazy, disengaged, self-righteous.
Meanwhile in MO, I called my local gunsmith to see about getting the scope on my .243 remounted and they said the wait time was probably 4+ hours on a first come first served basis.
>bought guns back in January
>4,000 rounds of ammo
>come back home
>load of Yas Forums
>"lol its nothinburger guys"
and here we are now.
>Spreading panic means you're helping the op
yeah,that we were told here about the incoming pandemic and we all saw how that ended,being in quarantine
i will never forget the shills in here.maybe you were the nothingburgers back then.most of you surely were them!and i have no panic,i am preppered and comfy,having full communication in my suburb area at 3 km wide of what is happening
t. Dr Based