South London here. Explosions and sirens
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It might be happening lads. Anyone around Croydon hearing this
>Troops on the streets in the fight against coronavirus: Government plans to draft in Army to keep hospitals and supermarkets secure, escort food convoys and build tented field wards next to care homes to cope with crisis as deaths almost double in 24 hours
>NHS says it will NOT test frontline medics for coronavirus unless they have suspected pneumonia or acute respiratory illness
Sounds normal for saaf landan
Please God
I saw chav girls wearing hazmat suits at ASDA
South London just flew over my house
just part and parcel, mate
i feel like i'm coming down with a cold
Nothing at all is happening here; a bird just flew over my house
happening ambulances andpoliceoutside
>Government plans to draft in Army to keep hospitals and supermarkets secure, escort food convoys
Holly shit...
B..but its not serious goys i mean guys, promise
Explosions and sirens have stopped. It definitely wasn't fireworks, atleast no normal fireworks.
i guess the capability to use tens of thousands of troops as truck, ambulance drivers, porters, temp nurses is a factor.
I'm curious if the government is making any moves right now for potential temp quarantine facilities, my bet would be cruise ships, large stadiums, etc. cruise ship could be a floating hopsital pretty easy, park it at a dock, nobody gets in or out without getting past a checkpoint.
bong bros, why do you have food like this?
>TROOPS ON THE STREETS... is what we would be saying if there were troops on the street
Why are journalists such utter cunts?
> looked out window
> nothing
you fucking liors
Can confirm a siren just flew over my house
Maybe it is the super mutants, hide away now!
that looks fucking great
OP, why are you doing it? Why are you talking shit?
did one of the shitskins blow himself up again?
Has anyone seen this?
>unadulterated liberalism
When is Sadiq going to stop washing his hands and close the mosques? I worry that the many New Britons may get infected.
i've just been drafted lads kinda scared and excited at the same time
At least 5 helicopters just flew overhead, I live near Manchester, is it finally happening?
Did battersea powerstation blow up ?
>a helicopter flew over my house
either the muslim community know where his loyalty lies (with them) and not with the larping tranny and gay community. That he so openly promotes and advocates for in London.
Or the gay's and tranny's know he doesnt give a fuck as he's actual Muslim and would happily stone them all in his home lands.
Which one?
east england here, heard two explosions in the last 30 mins
Genuinely just had 3 choppers go over the flat lads. What the actual fuck is happening
>Army being brought in to protect hospitals, supermarkets and food convoys.
End of days finally here.
Walked past a deserted Deanobox estate today lads:
You can just tell them about your dangerous political beliefs and they'll send you home.
Had one in Wessex just and been hearing loud shit in the distance since about 7am
"Boris Johnson is calling on British manufacturers to boost production of ventilators and other medical equipment to prepare for a significant increase in the number of coronavirus cases.
The prime minister has also warned private hospitals to prepare for an overspill of patients from the public health service.
In a conference call on Monday, Boris Johnson will urge manufacturers to join a “national effort” to tackle the virus.
Engineers have already been asked to draw up plans to quickly produce more ventilators in the UK amid concerns that critical care facilities will come under intense pressure as the Covid-19 crisis intensifies.
In Monday’s call, the Prime Minister will confirm that the government will buy up stocks of new ventilators that can be produced."
Wouldn't be the first time, never seen that many though.
>Believing anything written in the daily fail
>Ballymena: Youths attack man with severe learning difficulties
Isn’t this a monthly thing over there?
Praying for you guys.
isn't that normal?
fuck lads a brit/pol/ just flew over my house
Couple of Chinooks hanging round in my garden looking shifty lads, might call the police
was is long and deep like a big fire work or short and shrill like a firecracker?
thats the difference between an exidental explosion like gas and a military type explosive.
>Oh my god the daylee mayulll!!!
i work from home though
5 helicopters or 1 helicopter flying 5 times?
100% of the people who have died had too much toilet paper.
Let that sink in.
the jews ran dident they?
welp your fucked
>Or the gay's and tranny's know
*Or the gays and trannies know
Without thinking too much about the whole ordeal, I reached into the fridge to grab some strawberry yoghurt ; only after I open it and taste it I realized it is multi-frutti.
How could this happen; I am in shock
fuck me lads, a harrier just landed on me roof top
Be a shame if someone put a brick through all those windows.
Do you really have to put beans on everything?
It is time
could do with some time off work.
Justice for the Covid-96
Soufern saveloy here, just had an explosion in my pants when i thought of little madeleine mccann
>Isn’t this a monthly thing over there?
No. Would be excited here if it was.
This is good, just tell the companies "make the fucking things and we'll buy them"
>Among the manufacturing firms taking part in Johnson’s call will be Unipart Group, which makes precision parts and also manages large parts of the NHS warehousing and logistics chain.
>Unipart chairman John Neill said: “This is a critical initiative – there are a lot of talented people already working at a great speed on this, it has my and others’ full-hearted support.”
I bet it has, this will make him a very rich man. The hospital I work at is already clearing ward space and switching people to telephone appointments where they can. The extra couple of weeks warning is going to make all the difference.
hidden SAM turrets up on tower blocks all over london being activated, search lights on too
Have you been listening to Daughter of Albion on Youtube?
Things I care about:
Getting drunk
Things I don't care about:
Some cold
yes obviously
Seethenonce is a soft southern poof that’s scared of his own shadow. It all makes sense lol
>British army recruits desperately holding off the hordes of infected from taking all the bog rolls
where in croydon , i heard nothing
fuck off nigger
Isn't that normal there?
East London here.
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم اَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ رَبِّ زِدْنِیْ عِلْمًا
typical day in bongistan
pics or it dident happen
No, I do not know her at all.
Is she a youtuber?
Don't worry guys remember that time we got bombed, well still here aren't we
fuck mate im here too
took some video just uploading it now
why the fuck do you put beans on everything
I am livid; I do not like multi-frutti, at all!
uh guys.. the roof of buckingham palace just flew over my house..
my house just flew over my house
Especially pizza
this makes no sence, who the fuck would invade england and start with fucking london of all things.
unless you start live streaming right now im not believing a damn thing.
Lads there's some blokes wearing gasmasks and carrying rifles banging on my door and murmuring about 'got to deal with this street first'??? What the fuck do I do??
Why the fuck do you put sugar in everything
Its Corbyn, hes been activated.
Shout the N word at them to scare them off.
Overtime available at our many ventilator factories lads!
shoot him with the guns you dont have
>Engineers have already been asked to draw up plans
See! We were right to let them all in.
how gassy is the average brit?
Everything's fine you can stop panicking guys. Just go back to your homes and wait this whole thing out. Your government is in complete control of the situation. There's absolutely no cause for alarm.
What ever happened to this unfunny cunt?
most people down my street were just going with them
i did a runner
wtf is going on ever there
>imagine the smell
Aristotle just flew right up me bottle, chipped me Hampstead's, so I got a sherbet and had a right old rabbit with the strife who called me a trumpet so me old china have me a Godiva for me sherbert just flew over me kennel.
graffitimong heard a bang and got flashbacks to his friend getting hit by the 2230 to Victoria
why is there HFCS in your bread and why do you drink barbecue sauce?
throw your spoons at him
Wtf just got arrested for coughing I'm in the cells right now, this is my phone call they're talking of the death penalty
fooking ell lads,
geordie hier, the bluudy mackems are fooking crossint the tyne on fugin huge boats, they allreay took shields, shite lads am bricking it and praying to gazza
How the hell did you island monkeys manage to conquer the world?
It was really creepy desu. 45 abandoned houses that were never lived in. Empty police car also left there (my friend lives nearby and said the police car has been sat there for months)
oi you got a loicence for that couch?
its more of an insult to us then a compliment for them.
these creatures conquered the fucking world.
Meh. Here in rural Angus the best I saw was some teenage slapper wearing hotpants on the high street heading to the pub. I am too old to enjoy such a spectacle and immediately looked away and commented to the Mrs that I would never let our daughter go out like that.
In truth I was imagining the little slag moaning under my cock.
I envy you sarf coast boys with stuff flying over your houses. My house only yields stars above its roofline.
By taking risks like this one
deanoboxes are just unsettling in general too
Because beans are great.
Tim cook:
>In our workplaces and communities, we must do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Apple will be temporarily closing all stores outside of Greater China until March 27 and committing $15M to help with worldwide recovery.
Piers Morgan
>BREAKING: Apple closing ALL stores outside China, incl Britain, for 2 weeks. CEO Tim Cook says: 'The most effective way to minimize risk of the virus’s transmission is to reduce density and maximize social distance.'
So, again, why is British govt policy the complete opposite?
Alice Grant
>The real reason has little to do with the virus and everything to do with disruption of supply chains. Calm down Piers, you're getting hysterical
Is she right?
Is apple disguising the break down in china's output as concern for the public?!
Anyone have any intel on how corona has effected foxconn production?
huh, could really be about supply
she's a sharp girl
This guy reminds me of Shadiversity.
Probably left as a deterrent and theyve forgot about it kek
TOO MANY WU MAO DANG SHILLS 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安门事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥争 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权 Human Rights 民运 Democratization 自由 Freedom 独立 Independence 多党制 Multi-party system 台湾 臺湾 Taiwan Formosa 中华民国 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法轮功 Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖 Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 democracy 言论 思想 ideology 反共 Anti-communism 反革命 Anti-revolutionary 抗议 运动 骚乱 暴乱 骚扰 扰乱 抗暴 平反 维权 示威游行 李洪志 法轮大法 大法弟子 强制断种 强制堕胎 民族净化 ethnic cleansing 人体实验 肃清 胡耀邦 赵紫阳 魏京生 王丹 Wang Dan 还政於民 和平演变 激流中国 北京之春 大纪元时报 九评论共産党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 遊进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Free Tibet 刘晓波动态网自由门 法轮大法好 falun dafa is good 柴玲 chai ling 吾爾開希 Wu'erkaixi ئۆركەش دۆلەت
personally i've stopped using any heating and am leaving a window open all day to try and build up some immunity
Beats me, I guess the rest of you were just shit.
Not as much as the average Jew
I'm seriously tempted to drive there in the middle of the night and do just that. I'm surprised that squatters haven't moved in desu... I guess even they are too good for Deanoboxes
Me cat just smiled at me and my knees gave out.
This is getting out of control
Checked and Kekd.
She is indeed right, not as daft as she looks
usually a risk involves some sort of potential payoff
Dear Corona, purge the Labour voting shit, thanks.
shad is a fucking nerd and he could still beat 6 types of shit out of that faggot.
they were definitely used for something, or storing something
>South London just flew over my house
ALL of south London? Chap...
she's a mouthpiece just like katie whateverhernameis ffs
I lived in china for years. You know this doesnt actually do anything right?
pieces of it, anyway