Guys, I don't think this is something that just kills old boomers with diseases. The latest news from France is that the vast majority of those in ICU are young, previously healthy people, struggling to stay alive. Lots of young in Italy starting to show up in ICU. This is shaping up to be a massive disaster. Be afraid, and don't expect blumf to take any corrective action. This is the big one!
Young people dying in record numbers from covid19
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did those guys look at him like that
why not
im a huge gay retard thats just making assumptions but they're watching him through their monitors and being fed audio that has a slight latency. they're realizing whats happening right next to them.
What is happening right next to them?
And so it begins ...
>record numbers
Well they would have to seeing as this is a new disease and there are no numbers. One death in a new category would be a record and two would be record-breaking.
>no source
>trying to spread panic
OP is a shill.
Smokers? Vaping?
Or in China did the young people stay away from the hospitals and die at home, thus not being classified as CoViD19.
>The latest news from France is that the vast majority of those in ICU are young, previously healthy people, struggling to stay alive.
They took anti-inflamatory, which enhances the virus effects. The government suggets taking paracetamol instead.
Apparently he's committing suicide by poison
ffs gib souce, a video or something you fucking larping boomer nigger or fuck off
AND NO some twitter or r*ddit post dont count
Yeah mate, I’m terrified
what if those poeple on twitter are doctors?
you have been warned. majority of those in ICU in ventilators are YOUNG. massive numbers of young people are dying at home etc. healthy, non-smokers, no comorbidities. this is the big one.
'You have been warned'
'this is the big one'
just open your eyes you dumb hick. READ the latest articles on cnn, msnbc etc.
They mean niggers, OP. Niggers lie about their age to gain refugee status. Corona can kill as many "child" immigrants at it likes.
What is this?
>Brits completely infect their entire population with the mild strain
>months later when it inevitably mutates, everyone else will be taking the brunt of the damage
Herd immunitychads win again.
My country doesn't give a fuck unless you're near -death, then they'll maybe count you as a case and send you to the hospital. It took a full day of my time to get tested, and then when it came back positive, I was just told to "stay inside dont go anywhere"
I'm supposed to see my doctor in 4 days to see if it caused any permanent damage, but unless you're a serious case, they won't even count you as someone with corona, despite testing positive for it.
cultivate n falun dafa, user
here is proof of its effect
and, although one should not practise with the intent of being healed of illnesses (and i really don't care about that, i want to attain enlightenment in this life), naturally culitvators are free of sickness
here's a study about terminal cancer patients who started cultivating in falun dafa
"A total of 147 patients (96.7%) reported complete symptom recovery with 60 patients confirmed by treating physicians. Time to Symptom Recovery was 3.6±3.3 months, and SFS was 52.7±61.1 months.", meaning they were cured and remaind cured for as long as the study was conducetd (over 4 years); they were predicted to die within 5.1±2.7 months
Thanks, I'm going to look into that. I think I'm through the worst of it though, I can walk now, and my talking is almost back
No source, again.
No, it's from a French newspaper interviewing a doctor. Denmark has the same thing going on.
About 1/2 are 20-40 in ICU
>READ msm articles by going to their websites.
Yup, you’re a shill
Fuck I should get myself infected early.
He commits suicide by drinking poison. This was at the Den Hague warcrime tribunal, while the judge was speaking out his verdict.
There's probably no corrective action he or anyone else can take brainlet.
After letting the thing go under the radar for a month or so, China did in fact take VERY heavy corrective action, that may shock you if you look into it.
Arrests without due process, lock-ins of entire apartment complexes, cremations. The fucken lot mate. It's like something out of a spooky Russian pandemic simulator.
You take one look at that, and you tell me there's a single thing any western leader could do in this situation to even slow the spread. Likely any such efforts would be like building a sandcastle wall to try and stop the tide coming in.
Likely, these efforts would also expend energy and wealth on something useless, that we need for surviving a virus we are all clearly going to contract.
Once the number of infected equals the number of respirators in a region divided by .0025 (the mortality rate for healthy young) then all new admits will be young people.
Ergo all old people go to the glue factory at that point.
For example if your state has 100 respirators then once 100/.0025 =40,000 people get infected per week (you’re on a respirator for a week more or less) then all old people will be left to die.
Let this sink in
eh, i don't know
it seems to hide the body, but no problem, friend
no. it ends
French MSM.
Quick notes via French user:
It's not a flu.
It's worse than expected.
Young people with no medical background in respiratory distress.
Patients need an average of 20 days in intensive care.
Recovered will be exhausted for 6 month and will need reeducation because of neuromuscular damage.
He thinks he's a legend now but I had no idea who that was.
this. young people are starting to die and you morons are here doubting it.
Why is Italy so different than Denmark and Norway? Mostly old people in the ICU in italy. Doesn't make any sense
what exactly is supposed to be sinking in, the fundamental principle of triage that has been part of medicine for hundreds of years?
it's like one of those vegans telling me 'those chicken nuggets you're eating used to be living chickens... let that sink in...'
Local newspapers say that over 50% of the patients in the ICU over here is under 50.
This might be worse than we thought. I'm kinda freaking out.
>my source is a frog said it in some other thread
Nice source, retard. Post an archive or fuck off.
what where your first symptoms ?
I think I have it. Dry cough, fever, tightness in lungs. It's over
>take care of yourself young user
Fuck /pol spergs
okay so how do we reduce/cure cytokine storm?
This fucking newspaper make you pay to read this article:
Ok the triage is obvious to anyone with a brain you are correct. But the point is 40,000 infected isn’t a lot and that’s all it takes to create some real chaos. The chaos is the real takeaway.
We’re massively underprepared and hate our government spooks over here. Plus we’ve got armed niggers.
Trayqon is gonna shoot Dr. Lebowitz once he finds out that his Cheeto eating momma won’t be cared for.
Where are you located fellow Leaf?
>Source: Trust me, bro. My dad works for Nintendo.
>okay so how do we reduce/cure cytokine storm?
Don't catch the 1918 Spanish flu I suppose.
what was the story behind this guy anyway, why did he do it
Started with a bit of a sore throat, I think that was the first indicator. This was March 2nd That whole day was fine, then when I woke up I got hit with everything, I had intense nausea, high fever, throat was fucked, coughing really hurt, and chills throughout my body, everything felt super sensitive, balls ached, light burned my eyes, stayed like that up to March 10th which is when things started to get a bit better, that's when I lost my chills, fever, and was basically left with a cough, stuffed nose, and plugged hearing. And today, it's basically the same, but the cough isn't as bad. I'm willing to bet I'll be 100% again by the 17th.
Alberta, Edmonton area.
This is what happened to the Spanish Flu. It mutated a variant that killed younger people and went wild. At least the Spanish Flu waited over the summer before mutating
Nah, liar. You have nothing better to do. Bored in isolation.
please be in cfl coronanon
>The latest news from France is that the vast majority of those in ICU are young
link or gtfo
Italy has no young men that aren't black or sandniggers.
Well I heard that young people are doing great. They have a small coughing fit and a bunch of yellow gunk comes out, which is collected and sent off to the next county.
Literal shamwow.
At the very least this will help cull some of the smug commie millennials who are taking this as some universal sign that their death ideology is destined for victory
>The latest news from France is that the vast majority of those in ICU are young,
Jesus, I hope this isn't true.
Nobody wants to outlive their children.
For the love of god, I need this to be false.
For all of you that are young, I am praying like hell this thing only kills the elders.
I never asked god for anything in my life, but I'm asking now.
>two had burning eyes and kinda weird throat yesterday
>today eyes are fine but slightly runny nose and scratchy throat
Am I fucked
Romain Bardet
Has been afflicted since 2014, SAD.
yes, stop lying.
50% are young people. young deaths increasing everywhere.