Women are actually happier WITHOUT children

>Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, said the latest evidence showed that the traditional markers used to measure success did not correlate with happiness – particularly marriage and raising children.

>“We do have some good longitudinal data following the same people over time, but I am going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you’re a man, you should probably get married; if you’re a woman, don’t bother.”

>Men benefited from marriage because they “calmed down”, he said. “You take less risks, you earn more money at work, and you live a little longer. She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married. The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children,” he said.

Yas Forums once again eternally btfo'd

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who cares
men are happier with women having children

and men are actually happier without women who dont want children
roasties BTFO'd

Empirical positivism is SHIT. Your data, worthless. Fuck off liberal.

women are happier without children, taking BBC every week

surely that has nothing to do with propaganda affecting people's expectations

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>London School of Economics

Thank God I didn't go to study in that kike brainwashing den when I was young and stupid.

Roastie cope, housewife has the highest satisfaction of any "career"

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Who cares what women want or feel?

getting married/having kids is awful

>be cool wine aunt
>become part of study on happiness
>lie through your teeth as you always do about your state of mind
Why would I trust these childless hags on whether they are happy or not? What prevents them from lying?

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> tell women for decades that being a mother sucks
> do study and find out modern women think being a mother sucks

thanks professor

Are you happy?

Ok, and anyone dumb enough to believe that can just die childless and end their genetic line.
I'm fine with that.

Wow a far left shit tier news website advocating for women to not have children? I'm completely shocked, who would have expected that?

obviously in this economy and environment, having children is not fun.

>Become Alcoholic
>Kill yourself when you hit 40

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Happy as a metric is inherently biased from perception and it speaks more of culture than actual neurological truth.

>WHAAAA FUCKING ROASTIES this isnt true we need go BACK to the way it was BEFORE where u could get FREE PUSSY even if you're an INCEL KEK LOSER who in todays society only gets to lick up after TYRONE

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Women only care about themselves, why is this news?

Yup . especially when youre a Narcissistic asshole and the only thing that matters is your own reflection .
Other than that

Imagine hanging yourself over an asshole like that.

Are they satisfied though? Are they really "happy" or are they experiencing pleasure.

Holy shit you posted a screenshot that totally negates the thousands of peer reviewed papers that show that women are happier without children.

Did this study poll childless women on their deathbeds about how happy they were with their life choices? Realize how few people truly care about you right now and imagine anyone who isn't family coming to comfort you everyday when the end comes.

>The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children

>She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married.
Women live 6 years more and are 4 years younger than their husbands on average here

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>you take less risks
because your testosterone is lower due to sex. Higher testosterone promotes risky behavior
>you earn more money at work
Because you're trying to provide for your kids. Keep in mind that, the more you earn legally, the more you end up paying in taxes, supporting the whole ZOGged system and the welfare leeches.
>live a little longer after marrying
how the fuck did they measure that? Press X to doubt.
>woman dies sooner than if she never married
The difference is probably because, when a woman has kids, she passes on some of her stem cells to the offspring, which stunts her regenerative abilities. However, considering that procreation is literally THE biological endgoal, anyone who has failed to procreate and raise their offspring to be able to thrive in the world has failed as a lifeform.
>Eternally btfo'd
Also, trusting an (((economist))) authority about anything.

Sage and repent, brothers, sage and repent.

that image made me laugh, thank you, Hans!


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Lies. Childless women are miserable losers.

Hahaha funny comrade, back to coal mine now.


>if you’re a man, you should probably get married; if you’re a woman, don’t bother


marry another man?

>defines happiness as not having stressful responsibilities and living longer
The happiest thing on the planet is a tree. Let's maximize "happiness" by killing everything but that tree.

>roastie killing herself over her ex
ultimate alpha status for that guy

Who cares what makes women happy?
Bitches are most happy when coked up and getting fucked. That isn't productive to society though.


Sage and reported

Women are not happy without digits

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>Women are actually happier WITHOUT children

Audibly kek'd.

Sure they are

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>the thousands of peer reviewed papers

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My mother works 50 hours a week and is depressed that she never got to spend time with me and my brother when we were kids. So imagine these women who never got married or had kids at all.

>Yas Forums once again eternally btfo'd

I'm wondering if they hate being mothers because they hate being single mothers. Did they factor in the happiness of married with children?

you mean these digits?

Pretty pathetic.
This doesnt reflect reality.
The partnership of another is often critical for your own personal growth.
Having perspectives challenged. Sacrifice of mundane shit. Ect.

The subjective emotional response of a woman after having children cannot be measured in happiness. It is love and fear beyond
Happiness of oneself is selfish. Once you have a child you would be willing to spend your life to better their life; even at the cost of your own.

The weirdest thing happened to me when I got engaged. Three women from my past literally came out of nowhere trying to reconnect with me. One girl I barely even remember meeting just starts pounding me with messages. I had to literally tell them all that I was engaged while they play pretended to be offended that I was being presumptuous. It's like they have a 6th sense.

even better.

This is the true blessing of the left.

Been pretty great for me

>The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children
let see the numbers, I dont believe this for a second.

How would they know that they are happier if they never had kids?
Unless they did have kids and who died and now they are happy?
These studies are bullshit.

right thats whey all the women I know are SOOOO happy and not on anti depressants

top kek and based

Whoever wrote this must never leave their basement. After 40 women without children become almost unbearable. They blame everyone for their failure to build a family except themselves. The see their friends taking their kids to dance practice or football practice and loath them for it. They see their friends go on family vacations is disney and they loath them for it. I could go on. I think a man can possibly be somewhat happy without kids, but women are social animals they need that family construct. These are facts.

Lets all have no children at all! Human race saved!

>dying with your phone, your only friend, on your hands

Yay, totally BTFO

All female mammals desire offspring, this is nonsense.

>Women are actually happier WITHOUT children
Clearly, just look at all the dead eggers being incredibly happy and loving people.

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How'd they measure happiness? With a ruler?


article gives no numbers or research methodology, and gives no links to any numbers

If people lived forever this kind of research result would instantly reform peoples' life plans.

Wtf, user? Do you have no friends? Not having kids isn't the same as caring only about one's own reflection - if anything, the narcissist thing is to treat a kid AS one's own reflection.

She has very nice eyes.

but this only applies to whites, yes? because brown people are the happiest if they have between 10-25 children

>London School of Economics

The same school that brought us Robert Mugabe, the President-for-Life ruler of Zimbabwe, who trashed the formerly rich land into starvation.

>All female mammals desire offspring, this is nonsense.

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I can attest to this. I'm 31 and I don't have any children, and I LOVE the freedom. Birth control is the bomb.

An alpha asshole.

Strange because every single woman I know that didn't get married and have children is a wreck on anti-depressants.

The happiness of an individual is irrelevant. The survival of our culture is more important.

Extreme case of Alpha widow

>The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children

Also, coincidentally, the ugliest.

heh I was just playing TNT Evilution the last couple hours.

At like 22, sure. At 30+ I doubt it

Everyone's happier without children especially our generation where we just wanna get a house with a big backyard for our dogs to run fuck them kids get a dog

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All fun, until you're old and alone

>You take less risks, you earn more money at work, and you live a little longer
Oh hello there PragerU!
>She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married
>women die from seeing their husbands happy
Welp. Looks like Paul (((Dolan))) is right. Dying single and alone after spending your adult years fucking niggers and fighting for refugee rights is the best thing for women!

Any normal person is happier without children.

Do you know how much work those little shits are? And then there's the tantrums and random screaming sessions

It doesn't matter how many pills they eat since they experience less stress and live longer which is the definition of happiness.

Die jew. Fucking die. May you actually become a lampshade when before this pandemic ends.

Peer reviewed you enslaved juden positivist faggot. What if I told u there are peer reviewed studies claming cannibalism by indigenous pops is normal and better than Western warfare? Or if chopping off a man's genitals and creating an artificial cavity so he can have sex in it has been studied by medical academics and green lit to the point it's normalized in every country. You retard enlightening shitter. Go die to Xanax and positive psychology since you are just a neuron.

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> School of economics

>if you’re a man, you should probably get married; if you’re a woman, don’t bother.”
How do you marry an empty space?

You sound like someone who doesn’t have kids.

Three actually.

>I am going to do a massive disservice to that science
And science as a whole.
Sociology isn't a fucking science. None of this is true. Stop making threads about it. It's boring, and worse - lies.