you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3 rolls per day. If you have a family of 5, that's 105 rolls a week. Over 420 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>The average person uses 3 rolls per day
>average person uses 3 rolls per day.
Jesus christ lay off the soda and fried meay you fat fuck.
Nothing is stopping me from wiping my ass with my hand and then washing my hands.
Its just shit after all. Toilet paper is a civilized convenience definitely, but if the world is a choice between 5 dollars for a roll of toilet paper or washing my hands really regularly, I'll just wash my hands.
I just got my dick sucked for a roll of charmin extra strong
>The average person uses 3 rolls per day.
No they don't. Jesus, man, maybe you should see a doctor.
>Hoard toilet paper
>Starve because you cant eat toilet paper but you can always wash your ass
That's funny, I only use one roll a day.
What are you eating?
Stop posting this
this is becoming the best pasta 2020
The worst forced copy pasta meme on this entire site
exquisite pasta sir
I use 6 rolls a day because I have a belt sander strapped to my butt crack
This is a pasta, this and "I laugh at you goyim" have been reposted hundreds of times just today.
It’s even higher for Americans. 3/day is just the universal average, for Americans it’s like 5-6 rolls a day (on average)
>The average person uses 3 rolls per day
What the absolute fuck are you eating that you need to shit that much?
>you people laugh at cash hoarders, but you really dont have enough cash yourselves. The average person uses 3 bills per day. If you have a family of 5, that's 105 bills a week. Over 420 a month. Cash will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
I need 5 rolls for month you fuckin retard. What the fuck are you eating? Laxatives?
My fellow Americans can keep freaking out about toilet paper while I have a nice clean butthole because I bought a bidet years ago.
polacks gave something wrong with them
If I had to use that much I would just use the fucking hose.
fucking kek
Lurk more you fucking faggots. It's obviously a pasta, it started with one roll everyday, then two, and now three. Tomorrow it'll be four, and there will still be faggots talking as if it was the first time the thread was made.
>only 3 rolls/person/day
Stay mad, Europoors
>3 rolls per day
Or you can just shit your pants I guess
>Not doing your BMs at work
I can't remember the last time I had to buy toilet paper for my house. Still got four rolls unopened for my weekend plops.
if anything this virus is a redpill how many retarded people there are in the world. washing ones ass requires no paper and if your smart you wipe once or twice then jump in shower. Idk how retards think oh man how am i gonna wipe my ass hurr durr hurr its the apocalypse.
>3 rolls/day
The stat would be a lot higher but India brings it down, like have you ever gotten a really bad grade on a test and it bring your whole grade down? That’s what India is doing to it
>mfw new fags expose themselves every time
Whatcha gonna do when shitmania runs wild on you?
Honestly you people laugh at nigger hoarders, but you really don't have enough niggers yourselves. The average person uses 1 nigger per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 niggers a week. Over 100 a month. Niggers will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.
Here’s the original
Pasta is for rando board, numbnutz.
Get a clue.
Any tips on how to reduce tp usage? I don't think I'll make it on only 3 a day even if I use every side of the roll.
Just don't go for a &&&& hoard that instead, and then you don't need bog paper.
>The average person uses 3 rolls per day.
This troll just keeps getting better.
>using toilet paper
>at all
I get a clean pinch about twice a year. What’s the science behind this? How do I master getting a clean pinch every time?
>The average person uses 3 rolls per day.
Nigger I use 1/4th of a roll per 3 days, just how many times do you shit?
What kind of average person is that?!
Not everyone is here 24/7 like you frog. Some of us have other things to do, like fapping and fighting people for toilet roll
>all that glorious TP
You use three rolls of toilet paper per day, OP?
>3 rolls per day
Speak for yourself, starving europoor. I always use at least 5 a day. Americans shit themselves once an hour
>3 rolls per day
the average american, everyone.
This is such bullshit. nobody I know uses 3 rolls a day, I use 6 rolls on a slow day and if we are eating some foreign food you can double that number.
Just buy some sponges ffs
>3 rolls per day
I don't even use a full roll a week and I crap daily and only at home. What did the Cossacks do to your genetics when they raped your people?
Use probiotics and you will crap right too. They won't do anything about disease though.
Just poop at work
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourself. The average person uses roughly 15 rolls per day. If you're American you then tip another 35, naturally. If you have a family of 4, that's over a thousand rolls a week. Maybe six thousand a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few hours, because everyone needs it.
This is unfair statistically. Since Britain is mainly Muslim, Pajeet, Chink or Island/African nigger you have the vast majority of your population either using their hands as toilet paper or just shitting in the wild and not doing any cleansing.
This guy is lying. Anyone who claims they don't use at least 3 rolls a day is claiming they don't shit at all.
Everyone knows you are lying.
Let em hear it.
Your asshole must be like a trannies open wound gash, oozing shitty blood 24/7. Just nasty man.
Not everyone shits in the jungle, monkey
>the average person uses 3 rolls a day
Nigga what the fuck are you eating
You must have some serious problem. Or you take too many shits per day, probably because you are full of shit, or probably you need more rolls for clining your ass and your mouth too, cause what you say is pure diarrea.
yours must be a crusty dingle berry orchard. I use enough paper to properly clean the area in full.
My wives son goes through a roll himself every other day.
My grandfather was irish and couldn't afford tp, he taught us to shit in the shower and heel it down.
I use 1 roll everytime I shit. How can people use less?
>the average person uses 3 rolls per day.
Wtf? I usually shit at work, FREE TP! And on the weekends, I dump a couple loads, but nothing that necessitates 3 rolls per day, you fat fuck. Maybe 3 rolls in a month.