China hate thread

>rude and loud
>poor hygiene
>can't invent anything
>unbelievably cruel and barbaric, boils animals alive because they think it will make the meat taste better, or simply eats the animal alive
>no empathy for own kind
>universally despised by the rest of the world
>poor work ethic ("Cheap Chinese shit" is a common household sentiment)
>cheats and steals only
Remind me again why they haven't been erased from the earth?

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Other urls found in this thread:

t pajeet
Chinese are at least high IQ, clean, civilized and light skinned with beautiful women. They’re on par with whites, no matter what.

Fuck off nigger

All of those points can be said about you as well , dumb burgerclap.

That kid is based \m/

Because some of them look like this.

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t bat eater.

Chinks are working overtime when it comes to damage control lately!

Attached: 1584110157489.png (858x1780, 274.72K)

okay chang.
>poor work ethic ("Cheap Chinese shit" is a common household sentiment)
That's stupid. It's not the work ethic, its the quality of the raw materials.
>unbelievably cruel and barbaric, boils animals alive because they think it will make the meat taste better, or simply eats the animal alive
We do that with lobsters.
>can't invent anything
They invented the Gunpowder and Compass. They haven't really invented anything recently though. That said, all manufacturing is in China, so that's really bad.
>cheats and steals only
You're mistaking them for blacks.

Not the chinky ones. Its like blacks vs niggers. Come on son.

>implying that’s an actual Chinese woman

reply to this post if you hate china

are you somehow trying to imply this is a "look"

Attached: niggers in lsrael.jpg (400x400, 125.84K)

Well, good enough for me

I'm going to cook you op

CCP is posting from America huh?

You could very well be describing Kentucky you fag.
Reminder that "X hate" threads are all JID

compare that subhuman to this

Attached: U17_leany_csapatkep_20170811_Madar_David_001.jpg (2048x1365, 1.31M)

compare subhumans to what?

The only one that can even remotely compete with
is bottom 2nd from the right.

will people finally open their eyes now and see the chinks for the worthless subhumans they are?

Your shilling won't work, chinkoids.

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you have very high standards

Lay off the bats Chang

No, all those swimmer girls are much prettier than the chink insect with her alien face.

Those girls are all surprisingly unattractive

>muh lobsters
>eats chicken alive until it bleeds to death

the only unattractive one for me is the blond one in the middle

lol, like you could get any of them

Gross lol get better taste

Fuck off Chink no nigger ever gave the planet coronochan

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oh yes I like my women like battletanks

Attached: Albino Beauty.jpg (450x450, 38.88K)

Sucks to live around them huh poorfag?

The bottom far right chick is ok

It's hilarious that one Chinese professor that basically stole the coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it in Wuhan, probably to be spread to an enemy army is going to get found out and China will pay.

Those retards in China are perfectly happy to be scored for compliance by their gov't who then spreads a virus that kills thousand of them.

On the other hand:

Because they multiply by the billions?

I think I fapped to more indian pornstar than chinese ones.

Huang, vechai, and Xiong get the fuck out.

athletic girls are often single because they have high physical standards but most guys they would consider are after someone more feminine-looking. Chads that are into super-fitness chicks often have the pick of the litter.

lemme guess. Water polo players? Would explain the face and shoulders

>Small invertebrate = dogs

Congratulations, you're an official chinese!

>can’t invent anything
You serious rn?

What is Chinese exclusion act.
McCaren act
Asian exclusion act.

They were all in place til few kikes came up with 1965 bill, bought off few goyim politicians and passed their bill

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Internment camps now

>poor work ethic
Now you’re retarded

Genetics have on/off switches. If/once we fix Chinese environment, they will change. Communism makes everybody apathetic and immoral.
This applies to all manner of judaism; be it circumcision, islam, not just communism; note that Christianity differs here from all other jewish influences. Despite their flaws, they are not immoral/amoral in their day to day lives, whereas every Wallstreet goy is simply an individual jew, and communists are merely another tribe of jews.

Ban CCP-sympathizing Chinese students from American universities

Attached: 1552945773814.png (480x792, 271.04K)

>Now you’re retarded
>bridge collapses, hell mouth opens in sidewalk, escalator eats people, etc

where is the penis?


Attached: axis.jpg (502x750, 204.44K)

Yellow fever faggots making up excuses for yellow rat bastards. China rats are filthy trash.

I for one welcome my new gook masters. Burgers are known to be far worse

Jesus Christ Romania, cool it

I for once stand with Israel and big Zio-Cock
May they steamroll the middle east until the end of time

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This board is starting to wake up to the threat of the bug. They are swarming these threads now like never before. Look for American and Canadian flags, they are posting from VPNs.


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You love wide shoulders dont you ?

The overwhelming majority of your disgusting race desu

Shut the fuck up, you bat-eating chink.

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The Chinese are a disease.

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That's hard to watch. Memes aside they really are like insects.

the things I would do to her.
I would drag my dick across 10 miles of broken glass just to smell her breath

of nigger mind with nigger thought the nigger god brought niggerness into the light the light now
niggard lost its purity in place of it the Nigger the Nigger that is Nigger and none nigger shall be
but Nigger of mind and nigger of soul and nigger of niggerbody the nigger’s body flush and full of
nigger heat and nigger history the niggerheart of each nigger forged in nigger fury a nigger to
force the life. of nigger mind the nigger morning came harsh like nigger breath niggerblack like a
nigger copulating with another nigger to make this Nigger even more nigger. mastication of what
the nigger made not. of thought no nigger knew but brought anew this nigger age old nigger
hatred into the nigger world that world that once knew no nigger now no longer new due to
niggers. nigger at god’s left hand come from nigger gods now disproven by nigger scientists
white niggers white like I but nigger underneath. a nigger known by its maker, also a nigger. so
from a nigger came a nigger to procreate niggerdom from nigger to nigger. a suit for a nigger a
seat for a nigger a salary for a nigger and a nigger book of poetry to be read niggardly in front of
a crowd of niggers, crowding where the niggers crumble this civilization now left to niggers. a
nigger of thought and mind a mind of niggers with niggereloquence and niggerarrogance and
nigger children fat and nig-lets not yet given the nigger ‘ger’ wherein the violence of the nigger
comes to completion. a harsh sound nigger to say on a tongue fit only for a nigger. with
niggersweetmess the world comes now full of capitalisticniggers and opportunisticniggers and
niggers that are neither being nor beast but only Nigger. of nigger mind and nigger thought with
the nigger, God brought niggerness into the light once without niggers.