>everybody's complaining about people hoarding toilet paper
>meanwhile pantries are out of bread
How the fuck am I going to make sandwiches now?
Everybody's complaining about people hoarding toilet paper
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Yeah everyone is just talking about toilet paper now, nobody mentions the chicken, bread, eggs, fruits, masks, hand sanitizer, or countless other products that are off the shelves.
Stop eating bread. Shit was different long ago when bread was a main staple of everyday meals. Eating carbs all of the time without exercise to burn it off will turn you into a fatass.
>muh nutrionionless food
Corona is really showing how weak our supply chains are.
"Just in time" delivery can't keep up with demand.
eat sourdough bread buddy.
>How the fuck am I going to make sandwiches now?
Step one is getting off 4chin and getting back to the kitchen.
Bread doesn’t even last long. Wtf
Now you understand the point of the toilet paper meme.
It's showing the faults of this and globalism at large.
You can make your own bread, bro. Its easy and delicious.
This is probably a better idea, though.
This. Keto is redpilled.
>buy flour
>make a sourdough starter
>be set for life
It’s easy, cheaper, not filled with preservatives, and it just tastes better.
Get a woman
I don’t think so, user. Unless it’s a sweet pastry or dessert bread, sugar is a waste.
Milk is gone too
Meat is gone
Produce next
Make your own fucking bread you lazyass.
Once you've made yourself a sourdough starter, you'll never go back to that awful supermarket shit.
If you are still going to the grocery store with the infected masses, you won’t be making anything much longer.
make your own, retard
maybe dont go to the store on a weekend that a state of emergency is declared
maybe wait for tuesday or wednesday
Bake your own bread, noob.
you are an absolute motherfucking retarded stupid cunt. a nigger is smarter than you. a nigger with down syndrome is smarter than you. if you have literally no FUCKING IDEA what the fuck you are saying you need to keep your motherfucking mouth shut.
hey cunt, the yeast is alive, it needs food grow and bloom, you give it sugar. i mean you are literally fucking retarded, enjoy your death you incompetent nigger
Dude all you need to make basic flat bread is flour, salt, and sugar. Also buy some deenz
>he's not baking his own bread
>he didn't get a bread machine a few weeks ago and has been experimenting with different bread baking techniques
come on user I thought you would be prepared for shit like this
>bread machine
ok cu/ck/
I've made bread without sugar.
Unless the USA is as bad as everyone says it is with sugar (that it's in literally everything) I think it's possible to make it with only flour water yeast and heatz
It's only ever the cheap stores that are sold out. Go more expensive stores of you don't like shortages. Peppers tend to be poorfags.
>baking bread during the apocalypse
you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger i have ever seen
>How the fuck am I going to make sandwiches now?
Put 1tsp yeast into 1 cup of hot (from the tap) water, add a bit of sugar. Let sit for 5 minutes or so
Add 1 cup more hot water and 1 cup milk (scald the milk if it's raw), 1-2TBSP sugar 1TBSP salt and 2TBSP oil (butter/lard/olive oil/whatever you like)
Add flour a bit at a time and mix. This'll take about 2 pounds of flour. If you plan to use whole grain you'll probably still want to use 50% white flour.
Once it's too thick to stir with your wooden spoon turn it out onto your counter and kneed it for 5 minutes or more adding flour as you go until it's smooth, firm, and doesn't need much flour to not stick.
Cover with plastic wrap or a damp towel and let rise for 30-60 minutes until it is almost doubled in size, punch it down then either repeat or proof it into loaves now. Proof your loaves (this batch makes 2 loaves) and let those rise to double in size then bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees. Let the loaves cool a bit before bagging for best shelf life. You can also roll dough into small thin strips in the proofing step, slash them a couple times with a knife and deep fry until golden brown, serve with melted butter and sugar.
I add 2 eggs, some cinnamon and a little more sugar in my raisin bread, you can tweak oil/sugar/salt to taste and you can use water instead of milk if you like.
"Bread" can be any paste of flour and water cooked. Stone age cultures started with grinding grains on a rock, mixing with water then cooking simple flat breads on heated stones. Matzo, noodles and tortillas are some modern unleavened flat breads that come to mind.
Use genital yeast.
I literally LOLd. Its funny because it's true.
I bet you went and bought as much tp as you could during the panic idiot, 1- 5 lb bag of flour is 8k calories, 300 grams of protein and a lot more nutrients than you get in rice, fucking absolute zoomer i bet you stocked up onm hungryman frozen dinners instead
i havent stocked up on shit because i want to die
>how weak our supply chains are
No. Toilet paper just takes up a lot of physical space. So stores don't keep it in backstock because they can use the storage room for things that have higher markups and take up less space. So it's stocked to order during nightly deliveries from the regional distribution center. And their backstock of something like meat is stored as the raw master cuts, which don't get cut into the roasts and steaks, etc, until it is ready to get stocked. And the meat processor doesn't do that until first thing in the morning. There's tons of meat and toilet paper. But they don't anticipate people being complete retards like they are now.
Also north america has a shit load of pulp mills. So things like TP are manufactured regionally and they can just crank them out like there's no tomorrow and keep up with demand on that end. But the bottleneck is how much space a store has to actually sell it out of.
I've worked at various logistical jobs my entire adult life so I know all of this first hand.
>I've worked at various logistical jobs my entire adult life so I know all of this first hand.
Meanwhile these panicfaggots have never worked a day in their lives and likely have never even done their own grocery shopping. I really wish we did have a real happening to cull the gene pool of these fucking parasites.
Pick one. You require certain sequences of amino acids for your body to actually be able to make use of proteins for protein synthesis. Otherwise your body will break it down into glucose (and lose about 30% of the total calories from it in the process). Which is fine if you're trying to lose weight but in a survival situation you want every bit of energy you can get from your calories consumed.
imagine wanting to get your protein from modern GMO wheat gluten as its killing people with diseases like multiple sclerosis
TP sandwich
And you think I'm just going to eat flour? Obviously I have other foods to make it a complete protein.
>not having a month's stock of food at all times
shiggy do
>Needing to eat
Ascend to my level
Water fasting is good for u
The panickers I've seen are all boomers. Fortunately I've only needed a few odds and ends since panic has set in here. If you go after the toilet paper runs out it's just normal shopping (except without toilet paper in the toilet paper aisle)
I haven't actually been on the retail end in over a year though. I'm on the wholesale/distribution end now. And let me assure you- there's lots of fucking food. Huge pile-up of inventory since people have reduced their restaurant patronage. But retail outlets can only hold so much inventory. Square footage is expensive and zoning keeps restaurants from having 40 foot high ceilings in their stock rooms.
>How the fuck am I going to make sandwiches now?
Flour, eggs, yeast, sugar to feed yeast, a little salt, oil, a bread machine, an oven, and some of the best bread you'll have eaten in a long time. It doesn't have the shelf life of store bought bread but a freezer and toaster make that a non-issue.
I mention the bread machine because I've made bread as a curiosity and really dislike kneading. Rice bread is possible with one of those too.
>over a year
I mean over a decade
where do you people live? my stores are all stocked, they're a little low on meme-paper but there's plenty of everything else
Have your girlfriend do it for you. Or your sister. Or your mom, depends on your resources. All you need is some yeast, sugar, flower and a woman.
It's helped me go from 240 to 170 lbs since summer.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Yeah went in to store. Barely any bread left. No eggs. No fucking chicken breasts. I get stocking up on meat, freezing bread. But are they just hard boiling eggs? Why?
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
How so? I keep track of wiping my ass, it takes 4-5 days to run out of a roll.
If you can’t make your own bread there really is no use for you in the new paradigm.
Lemmings don't think. They see someone grab eggs, and since they are in survival hoarding mode they grab 2. And then the next person grabs 3. And before you know it there's no eggs left, meanwhile none of these fuckers actually eat eggs. I heard a couple of store employees talking the other night when I stopped at a small corner store to pick up some milk (which thankfully the lemmings are probably afraid HOMOgenized milk will turn them gay or something) anyway the two employees were discussing the earlier bedlam together as they cleaned up and prepared to close for the night and they mentioned how people were making like 900+ dollar shopping trips, to a little fucking corner store.
It's quite obvious the lemmings are wracking up huge credit card bills that will absolutely demolish their financial plans for the next year. I don't know whether to cringe or laugh at them.
retards don't know how to cook
Wait a few days.. The stores will be restocked and nobody will be there because the hysteric brainlets are already stocked up for a couple weeks..
I went from 242 to 204 since early October
ha! fat britbong show old tits
>user doesn't make his own bread
The local bakeries make bread daily. My personal favorite brand sells out every single day and the next day, every day, the shelves are full of it again.
bake your own bread faggot
>noooooo you can't like socialism that means you want us to be like Venezuela with starving people and empty shelves! Capitalism allocates resources perfectly! If you can't afford $3000 to get tested for corona that's your problem!
Make sure it doesn't have L Cysteine in it. Just looking out for you bro.
word. Mine is making bread right now.
sugar is for the yeast you fucking mongrel
>But the bottleneck is how much space a store has to actually sell it out of.
Pretty much this. My local grocery store has "sold out" of toilet paper three days in a row now and is always restocked in the morning.
The US has been preparing for this kind of thing for decades. The only times there are shortages are when either politicians like Pelosi want to sneak abortion funding into the relief bills, or when unions decide that a crisis is the best time to go on strike for higher wages like in Puerto Rico.
It’s quite ridiculous. I honestly get the panic from people when the news has headlines like “why you should panic about coronavirus” “it’s time to start panicking”
But yeah I can’t believe these people eat eggs. Unless body builders bumrushed where the eggs were. Went to two grocery stores. Eggs were completely wiped out at both. But still plenty milk. Still plenty canned food, like beans, sardines, tuna. Pasta (spaghetti) was hit hard, but there was still plenty of fucking rice.
But no god damn eggs. It’s fucking retarded. Is everyone gonna make sure to make extra large breakfasts in anticipation of being stuck home? I have only a couple eggs left. Fuck this.
this fucking idiot, been spamming this shit for the past 3 days now in every thread.
I just went to Publix and saw the bread, milk, and meat shortages for myself. Approximately how long before the food supply is exhausted and people begin rioting?
34-36 hours at most
Armored and armed now. Good luck
Good stuff, keep it up!
The funniest part about the eggs is that they're perishable and replenished to 100% multiple times a week anyway.
Yeah I hope there's eggs next time I try the store because I lift and eat a 4 egg breakfast every morning. Down to 6, personally. I should probably reduce my breakfast to 3 eggs and hope some semblance of sanity has returned by tuesday morning.
There's sugar in the flour retard. Traditional bread is 4 ingredients flour water yeast and salt
>Better buy up all this bread that will be moldy in a week