All your complaints about Jews can actually be explained as the fault of late stage capitalism.
AntiSemitism is Cringe
sucking little boys peckers is cringe.
Your crush is fucking niggers, sojajunge
>small retarded orthodox community is representative of all Jews
shit tier bait
why not both
I love the lack of arguments. You are all just delusional.
[racial slur]
anti-semitism is natural human reaction to jewish behavior
Look at this beautiful aryan Nordic girl
>that nose
Slavs are notorious for having big noses. So are germans.
>Slavs are notorious for having big noses. So are germans.
lol no. If anything then meds are.
Dude, you aren't funny when you take something stupid, make it dumber, and pretend to be that idiot.
Just make a few straight jokes instead of the multiple layers of ironic shitposting or accept you're dull.
All our complaints about communism can actually be explained by Jews.
>the fault of late stage capitalism.
you are at baby redpills retard level 1.
lurk more
Jewish behaviour is the leading cause of antisemitism
What are your complaints about communism?
is the opposite also true? Do jews hate whites for their "white privilege" because jews are incels that cant get laid.
Maybe Jews don’t hate whites, other than your few isolated examples. The vast majority of Jews I’ve met just consider themselves white. Most of them don’t even practice Judaism other than little shit like bar mitzvahs.
>bro jews corrupted capitalism with monopoly money, central banks, and general nepotism
>let's switch to the bullshit they outright made to subvert russia
why are they not white nationalists if they consider themselves white?
>OP is a phoneposter
Reminder that Jews are the enemy
>Maybe Jews don’t hate whites
Jewish support for affirmative action increases when they are told that it results in fewer opportunities for whites.
but all my complaints about late stage capitalism can be explained as the fault of jews
Lenin only found out that he was a little bit Jewish toward the end of his life. To call him Jewish is even more ridiculous than calling Spengler Jewish.
A lot of them are not opposed to it, but don’t want to join any organizations due to nut jobs like the people in this thread.
Only about half support it. Lots of anglos support it also. What is your point?
you're such a bullshitter.
This has to be bait?
Anyone who knows the slightest thing about the Bolsheviks knows they were the most Jewish infested group of people that's ever walked this earth
How so?
based and checked
all middle east policy for the last 80 years is based on a lie
>Only about half support it. Lots of anglos support it also. What is your point?
Try using actual figures instead instead of vague terms like "lots of".
27% of whites while 43% of jews support them. This is pretty big difference. Moreover, you haven't addressed my point that jews start to support it more when they are told it results in fewer opportunities for whites. No other group does it. Even blacks support it less in this occasion.
still enough to be concerned about it kike
jews don't consider themselves white and that is why they dont consider themselves white nationalists. they are jews and their tribal nationaism is jewish nationaism.
We don't need to reason about this a priori, we have copious evidence of Jewish subversion.
>while 43% of jews support
So more than half either are against it or are neutral? Lol
Your second point could probably be addressed by sampling bias, since Jews are a much smaller group.
Catholics touch kids
But they do consider themselves white. They even check white on the census and regularly refer to themselves as white. The burden of proof is on you to show that they don’t consider themselves white. A shitty article on the forward isn’t proof either.
Indeed this is the problem. Sometimes I see normies who don't even know Jews are a race, and group them into "Whites" because they look white.
But even if normies don't consider them separate, Jews are ultranationalists and despise whites. They will never be on our side.
>comparing yourself to 50 year old woman in prison to make yourself look beautiful
you don't look good in this scenario
post them all
It's not only that they do not consider themselves as White, they ARE NOT white. They are semitic people, and the closest ones to them are Arabs
who is responsible for late stage capitalism?
So this is the power of leftist memes
>They are semitic people
only arabs, bedouins and palestinians can claim to be semitic or levant jews because that's what they were two thousand years ago.
the jew of today is a mutt that came from persia and mixed with both turkic and medierranian cultures:
Nice non biased source, retard. You should also site David Duke next time.
Anglos mostly
>muh antiSemitism is cringe *hand rubbing*
>comes to Yas Forums
>tries to politically correct them
Ok boomer
ok kike
I’m not Jewish and I’m not even a leftist.
What is this supposed to prove? Should I post examples of Anglo aggression against celts and Irish as proof of Celtic subversion of Europe?
so "late stage capitalism" explains why the marxist ideology that is destroying the west has nothing to do with jews?
109 countries
They are the only successful white nationalists on planet earth. Israel is white nationalism considering people of color consider jews to be white.
Jews were jewing shit in early stages of capitalism too.
>So more than half either are against it or are neutral? Lol
You are moving the goalpost left and right. First it was "but lots of whites support it also" after I debunked it you changed it into "its still less than half" in order to enact damage control and pretend that you won. And what is this ridiculous threshold anyway? Just because it's below 50% it's trivial? If 43% of alt-righters supported genocide would that figure be worth celebrating?
>Your second point could probably be addressed by sampling bias
There is no reason for you to assume this. You just made up an excuse that sounds plausible but you have no evidence for it.
Instead of admitting you were wrong you pretend that something must be wrong with the data. You aren't intellectually honest here.
Okay groomer.
Incel is one of the gayest words in modern vernacular
Just say virgin, it doesn't automatically flag you as a tard
How is Marxism destroying the west?
>I’m not Jewish and I’m not even a leftist.
Sure, we believe you Shlomo.
Go back to rebbit, newfag.
Offshoring of industry, currency speculation, endless interventionist wars and wage depression via unlimited immigration is destroying the west
Oh good, fighting cringe with more cringe. Fuck outta here commie!
>communists run the the capitalist countries and private media companies
this is your brain on Yas Forums
cautionary case
Shut up kike. American capitalism is synonymous with secular Judaism. It’s just patently true, 5 out of the 10 richest people in the world are Jews yet they’re 0.2% of world pop. Explain that
>Maybe Jews don’t hate whites, other than your few isolated examples. The vast majority of Jews I’ve met just consider themselves white
in the thirteenth century bankers that took over the anglo empire when the Magna Carta was signed and the Templar (Temple) Church was formed.
The following are links to articles about how the empire was managed for centuries until the US was created as the next logical step in their world domination:
>The Crown Temple
Oh, and the families who run that temple they're jewish, here's one of the members admitting to it:
it's in the first minute if you don't want to listen to it all.
How is their a Jewish effort to attack whites if not even half are on board? And there can be a sampling bias when Jews are only 2% of the population. This isn’t hard to figure out. It also probably has to do with most Jews living in big cities, where every group is more likely to be liberal.
Not an argument
So capitalism?
>like 8 people
Actually delusional.
Yas Forums doesnt even know what marxism is kek
literally all of those are capitalist policies aimed to increase wealth of bourgeoisie
>Offshoring of industry
higher profits
>currency speculation
speculators are capitalists by definition
>endless interventionist wars
profits of private defense and mining industries
>unlimited immigration
lower wages + higher rents + selling loans
those are pro-capitalist policies, capitalists gain from these
so close to awakening and yet so far
Okay Chr*st*an
not an argument
It depends on what your definition of capitalism is
If it means private individuals owning property and resources being allocated via a free market, than no. However capitalism is a pretty vague term. If you want to establish a healthy dialogue, then we need to define some terms: How do you define capitalism?
Except Jews are also behind leftism which is utter poison.
>It depends on what your definition of capitalism
Nice pillpull.
Right because the Bolsheviks were not overwhelmingly Jewish
Well, if you want to talk capitalism, what qualifies a system as being capitalist? I genuinely want to know
Is that a bad thing?
it's almost as if they attempt to always lead both sides in order to achieve their goals, because that's been true since even before the festival of purim
That's like saying why do you have a problem with Muslim terrorism when 80%
of muslims aren't even into it?
In my experience, all the nice jews do regular things like real estate, capital markets, doctors or dentists etc. The jews that are evil tend to get into activism, advocating for stuff like endless migrants and refugees, the media masters and Hollywood cunts who fiendishly exalt the black negro as the most sought after sex beast, pumping up their egos and humiliating and emasculating whites in increasingly more of their productions and commercials. Yes jews run the entertainment and they torment us with their message constantly. Jews are the world's worst busy bodies and control freaks. Living with them has become totally unbearable. The nice ones dont make up for all the annoying and down right evil shit jews pull regularly. Just take a break for once from being such dicks.
your larp sucks
One bad apple spoils the bunch.
>How is their a Jewish effort to attack whites if not even half are on board?
Did you forget already what this argument was about? I never claimed there was "jewish effort to attack whites". I said that jewish support for AA increases after they are told that it results in fewer opportunities for whites as a response to your comment about how jews supposedly don't hate whites.
> And there can be a sampling bias when Jews are only 2% of the population.
I never said there can not be. I said you have no reason to assume that just because you don't like the data.
> It also probably has to do with most Jews living in big cities, where every group is more likely to be liberal.
It doesn't. See pic.
>That's like saying why do you have a problem with Muslim terrorism when 80%
>of muslims aren't even into it?
But I am against Jewish liberals and capitalists, but a lot of Jews aren’t either.
So are all white girls coal burners because a few percent are?
Democrat is a big tent term. It could mean Bernie supporter, Tusli supporter, or neoliberal. On the other hand, all republicans are neoliberal.
>like 8 people
These sources are better.
>9 people
>Kevin MacDonald
>9 people
Nice job avoiding the link with certainly more than "lol just 9" of these. Stop making excuses, ziocon.
Can you admit that a decent segment of jews work fiendishly against the interests of the white goy and that it is in our right to try to advocate for our best interests without being smeared as neo nazi or something similar?
>Democrat is a big tent term. It could mean Bernie supporter, Tusli supporter, or neoliberal. On the other hand, all republicans are neoliberal.
Okay and? Did you run out of argument so now you are posting non-sequiturs because you want to have the last word?
>not an argument
Also, are you blind?
>Vaksberg (1994)