The F-35 is soon being outclassed

The Sixth-Generation fighter developers can be divided into two categories: the United States, which has developed and deployed two stealth fighter types, and countries that have skipped or given up on their attempt to build Fifth Generations jets. These latter countries have concluded that doing so is so time-consuming and expensive that it makes more sense to focus on tomorrow's technology than try to catch up with today's.

The latter include France, Germany and the United Kingdom, which are in the preliminary stages of developing sixth-generation FCAS and Tempest fighters; Russia, which has given up on developing its Su-57 stealth fighter for at least a decade, but is talking up a conceptual sixth-generation MiG-41 interceptor; and Japan, which is contemplating a domestic sixth-generation F-3 stealth jet, but may settle for a foreign-inspired fifth generation design.

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>old fighters will be outclassed by newer fighters
Truly groundbreaking information

Your airforce wants to use the F 35 until 2070, pal.

this is now a b1 lancer thread
how can you engineer a weapon that is so beautiful and also so intimidating

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And your army trains with broomsticks, whats your point sauerkraut nigger?


>nur flügler
>slap jet engines on it
so that's the engineering power of a mutt
...impressive like a child gluing uncooked pasta on a cardboard

blame whoever forgot that the tornado has to be phased out, while also cheaping out on the eurofighter.
meanwhile bong eurofighters are fully air to ground capable and can carry basically anything

Attached: laughpepe.jpg (399x385, 29.35K)

>the broomsticks meme

When will this shit go away? A. this was a NATO exercise in Norway, B. you need a weapons license to transport guns to Norway, which C. was the reason they weren’t mounted on the OBSERVER infantry tanks, because they arrived to late. The sticks were put there as a joke.

Now stop bs and admit that the F-35 is a terrible mistake.

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>technology advances
wow i could not have predicted this

but i thought you people could appreciate art
you have no idea how many hours ive done on piano


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America's 6th generation fighters will be unmanned you losers

fake news again, so sad

>thinking Krauts can appreciate art
The ones you're thinking of went extinct in the 1940s

America will “man” their new fighter with tranny womenz

Attached: 00024d8e_medium.jpg (780x439, 80.25K)

It looks like its mid-transformation.

Attached: 1554210406350.jpg (4361x3845, 3.38M)

>quick, better freak the fuck out and scream at your congressman to vote for even more multi-trillion dollar contracts for the MIC!!!

and it will be glorious

While Germany is overrun by Niggers and Muslims

>Just you wait ... in 15 years we will have a better fighter.

Oh no, so in FIFTY years our aircraft might be a little outclassed.

Deutchcope. Do we need to send the 8th Air Force to blow up some ball bearings again?

>the next generation of thing will be better than CURRENT thing?!

Attached: wat.webm (640x360, 136.31K)

Corona chan has reduced Muslim immigrants to 0.

>Oh no, so in FIFTY years our aircraft might be a little outclassed.

try 10yrs... for 50yrs

so what the F35 is only for foreign export anyway, the F22 is muricas air superiority fighter.

>if we call it 6th gen, then it must be better than 5th gen
supply chains and manufacturing wins wars
prove me wrong

>the current generation will be outclassed by the next generation
whoa, very powerful article

the US plans to do anything.
we have no plans.
well before 2070 we will have mechs that make most sub orbital Jets obsolete.

what makes you think that America won't have the best 6th gen fighter based on its work with f-35s and the related RnD?

don't be retarded, we're always going to have air superiority, it's our job. The f-35 program was a natural extension of that and will benefit the military for decades.

> Deutscher btfos American bantz with researched facts and logic
It was ever thus.

>don't be retarded, we're always going to have air superiority, it's our job. The f-35 program was a natural extension of that and will benefit the military for decades.


JSF/F-35 was conceptualized when the USAF/Navy didn't have a single peer competitor. It gets its ass killed by 4th-generation fighters and can't hit ground targets as well as Strike Eagle. It was a jobs program, nothing more


lel you sure told me

I used to fly an f-35 back in vietnam. shot the japs right outta the sky with my sidewinder rockets

I went through pilot training with 4 germans and they were the stupidest people I've ever met that actually managed to get a jet off the ground, so that counts for something at least.


yeah now we shoot down racemixed mutts with their air gender tanks using our NiS x1488 NigSlayer layzzer anti gay gun

>20:1 at red flag
>F-35 sucks
pick one

Shame we damn near flew the wings off the whole fleet by using them for CAS against sandniggers with AKs. Now they're thinking about cutting the whole fleet.

Sukhoi > Lockheed Martin
PAK-FA > F-22/-35

Attached: Su-37_100.jpg (3699x5013, 1.42M)

>I went through pilot training with 4 germans and they were the stupidest people I've ever met that actually managed to get a jet off the ground, so that counts for something at least.

The F-4 was outclassed forty years ago. Japan retired it's last squadron of them last year. Old aircraft find plenty of work well after their prime dogfighting days are over.


Sukhoi can't even build a new jet. They just dumped their program.

>it's good in simulations in which the rules are constructed so it literally cannot lose

I just ran a simulation too and 56 F-35s got shot down by a single Sopwith Camel. The Camel pilot got the last 6 with a single bullet each from his sidearm

In real life, adversaries have ECM, and DSP across multiple wavelengths makes stealth obsolete. This is not good when you've got a slow, unmaneuverable plane that relies on X-band stealth and missiles

kek, okay retard

t. the country responsible for inventing gay nightclubs

Lmfao dude anyone who doesnt know better doesnt give a fuck what a leaf has to say, and anyone who does knows you dont know what the fuck youre talking about, so who are you trying to fool exactly?

Red flag isn't a simulation. It's real exercise that does well to determine capabilities of our various platforms.

t. USAF pilot

Why are German posters always so butthurt about America's planes? Some kind of WWII trauma?

Meanwhile your army is issued combat brooms.

Yes. Their messyshits got trounced by american fighters and they can't handle it. There's a reason we train their pilots.


There's a reason why literally everyone else has said "lol" to 5th generation fighters and are working on the 6th. X-Band stealth has been defeated by digital signal processing of multiple wavelength radar arrays, which means all the aerodynamic limitations and compromises involved in designing a "stealth" airframe were for absolutely nothing.

Everyone who knows what they're talking about has been shitting on the F-35 since literally the day it "won" the competition

>Red flag isn't a simulation

lmao right, real gentlemanly of adversaries to bring their cutting-edge countermeasures to fly against Lockheed's latest turkey. Maybe the 6th generation fighter will be good, because unlike the 1990s-2000s, it will actually have to be.

>Everyone who knows what they're talking about has been shitting on the F-35 since literally the day it "won" the competition
What's your background? Do you work in military aviation?

How long til one of these 6th generation fighters "crashes" in China and they begin their 6th generation fighters program?

>relies on missiles

what are you trying to say here exactly

>fighter jets are somehow relevant since the advent of missiles
Human beings can't even tolerate 10 Gs.
Fuck the Chair Farce! They have had no mission since the ICBM!

The Pak-fa is still a proto, and stealth my nuts, it isn't stealth as it is made believe, fucking Rusky lies.

Did a Jew write that? Title says only four ready, bottom sentence says ten ready, don't forget that all of Germany's aircraft are ready.

If I was procuring for the military, I’d just skip 6 (and 7th) gen and wait for the new shit after that.

Lol you realize that for air shows and when landing and departing they transmit to ground crews

What exactly do you think fires missiles?
>Human beings can't even tolerate 10 Gs.
Humans can tolerate more Gs than the aircraft

The corona bat is the the new weapon of choice. The winged weapon that matters.

China can't even make an engine that doesn't spew smoke like an old school diesel going up a hill

Without ending my career, I work in a related defense industry. X-Band stealth has been an unofficial joke for a decade now, and stuff that happened over Syria more recently was the final punchline.

Everyone's known since the 90s that "stealth" planes all show up clear as day on old long-wavelength radars, but their resolution is shit. Nobody was able to produce a weapons-quality radar lock until DSP advanced enough that some filthy Russkie figured out that it's just a matter of processing 30cm and X-band wavelengths together to synthesize a high-resolution return. Now everyone can do it.

That's why everyone is now talking "6th generation" -- everyone talking 6th generation is a nice way of saying 5th generation is stone cold dead.

F-35's whole air-to-air strategy is to be unnoticed long enough to fire missiles at the target. FLIR detection of missile tails, modern ECM/IR jamming and multiple wavelength radar means it's just a big fat slow aircraft that everyone can see and whose weapons can be easily countered. Hilariously, we're going to go back to gun dogfights for periods as the missile/ECM arms race continues. Until lasers are ready I guess

>needs a weapon loicense

I'm not going to turn this into a whole thing, but dude you are dead wrong on a lot of this. I'm not getting into specifics for obvious reasons but I'm an Air Force pilot - I'm very familiar with the 35 and its capabilities.

This. The Chinese are a joke. They haven't even achieved 1970s jet engine technology domestically, with 21st century metallurgy and supercomputers available to them.

The 1970s engines they still can't figure out how to make with supercomputer clusters were invented by Russians working with pen and paper and slide rules. Just an embarrassingly incompetent people

> Outclassed by a concept


>What exactly do you think fires missiles?
manpads, toyota trucks, mobile SAM launchpads, drones, etc.
>Humans can tolerate more Gs than the aircraft
LOOOOOOOOL! Just GTFO holy shit. Humans can't tolerate the Gs of the fucking F-16 Falcon designed in the mid fucking 70s