>Infection rate did not stop, it was increasing by 33.3% each day
>More and more regions end up in qurantine
>Food shortages occur, people that should deliver it are also put into quarantine
>Due to lack of resources, reinfection and overwhelmed healthcare systems, death rate increases significantly
>Quarantines start to break as there are none left to care for strangers

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That reads less like a prediction and more like what you cum on anime action figures to.

put me in the screencap faggot

Everybody's dead Dave.

Trust me. Logistics wise, supply will never waiver on this kind of pandemic.

*i del


>cum on anime action figures to.
P-people do this? Sounds... sexy

surprisingly good first post

i'm sure could find a thread about right now on Yas Forums

All travel done
Most are dead from dehydration
Most on verge of starvation
Me on top of the mountain at the cabin
30 days

Is it you?

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It's gonna get pretty bad in a couple weeks here in the USA. People are either taking it too seriously or not seriously enough. But for the most part most people and their careers are superfluous to the essentials. The most important parts of society will continue functioning, but soon more and more people will have carelessly contracted the virus.

It'll be OK, but it's not going to be pretty. I think this shit is going to peak way sooner than it should, and the medical system is going to get hammered.

There will be massive amounts of deaths in Argentina because of uncontrolled dengue.

China is 3 month ahead of us, and they're doing fine. I'm using that knowledge and how the crisis is handled in western countries to predict what will happen.
Here's what will happen:

>3 weeks after most countries start strong lockdowns we'll see an improvement of the situation.
>No shortage of food will occur as key workers (farmers, distributers, plant workers and doctors) will keep working (this is strategic and now government will take this lightly).
>This thing won't destroy modern civilization, however, most western countries will have strong lockdowns until at least may/june.
>during lockdowns, the toll on our mental health will be great, as it is currently the case in China (because of isolation), you must prepare for that, you will feel depressed in the coming month, remember to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, get as much sun as you can from your windows, and exercice everyday, this will keep the depression at bay.
>the impact on the economy will be catastrophic, we're looking at 2008 v2

By fall 2020 it will start going back to normal

>More and more are infected
Eventually people grow to accept that they might die, yet death is more certain if the food isn't delivered to the supermarket. Within 2 months, people start to come out of hiding, yet the crisis drags on until November or even February 2021. When all is said and done, 200 million are dead worldwide, and global trade is viewed with renewed skepticism, this is because governments start hoarding supplies and use the virus as an opportunity to one up their neighbours in old feuds, the economic damage is truly tremendous however, a grand reset followed by a depression for the next 15 years.

fear porn. Flu season is almost over, just like the coronachan op.

Farmer here. Can confirm. Most of us are low risk people who aren't very social out in open areas with no plans to halt the growing season.

>1 month from now
>everyone’s still super frustrated because nothing happened
>nothing ever happens

I’m predicting by June things will be normal again.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Literally the Flu.

>Pedo Joe fails
>Donald wins

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> One million infected
> 30000 dead
> A celebrity dies from it
> Some semi important politician dies
> We start to get to semi normal life again because of boredom

>Farmer here.
Do you work at a family farm or for some globalhomo ?
I keep thinking about starting milk farm for literally years. The risks are so fucking high.

They're unironicly playing I am legend on tv hoe.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
LMAO what
I use maybe a handful (at most) of single sheets a day for every time I take a piss
buy a bidet you dumb fucks

hunger games

mad max

full of end times, malls are turning into refugee camps

entire cities are abandoned.

Humanity is over, you couldn't stop what was coming, OP.

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I’m taking my family out to dinner tonight. I don’t think we’ll catch the corona.


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Agree. People in my area are either on edge of give no fucks. I think before it's all over the people will be more dangerous than the virus.

It does down

None of this will happen

Not bad.

All scenerios depend on where you are and what level of outbreak.

I will guess a 1 month timeline for a place like NY and LA.

>LA has already been heavily infected but people don't know because lack of testing and half ass enforcement of "self quarantining".
>Homeless population extremely infected and passing the disease around like mobile hubs with their shit and filth everywhere except the nicer parts of the city.
>Testing starting just now. Doesn't matter, disease has jumped to many people in a dramatic manner in asymptomatic form.
>Medical system immediately overwhelmed.
>Streets instantly empty all buisnesses, schools, even many emergency services shut down.

The one month mark actually stops there because its just people hiding in their houses/apartments for quite sometime.

>Military steps in as people just stop caring.
>Going outside in small numbers or by themselves to loot/find food.
>Military crackdown intensifies.
>All day curfew except for set few hours to conduct only important matters in different zones of the city.
>Food rationing

This part lasts for a really long time to whether the the virus putters out or it spreads even worse. Here is scenerio if it gets worse.

>Many military staff are getting infected as street activity starts to increase as the military gets weaker, and more predictable, people get more restless then ever and even the fear of military is waning.
>Chaos and riots break out, mass looting, military only protecting certain areas of the city.
>Reinfections rise, lack of electricity, people get sick again but at a MUCH larger rate before people stop looting and hiding again.

Now set of predictions is if the US as a whole is doing really bad and no other federal response at this point.

>Military instead of taking over old zones because lack of nationwide infrastructure now has just forsaken much of the city and kills anyone while reconquering certain sections of the cities. Part 1/2

>China is 3 month ahead of us, and they're doing fine.
Imagine believing this the state of you lmao.

Shill. Your kike world is falling apart and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>during lockdowns, the toll on our mental health will be great, as it is currently the case in China (because of isolation), you must prepare for that, you will feel depressed in the coming month

I have been isolated and depressed for 10 years you sissy oversocialized faggot.

I've probably been here longer than you've been on the internet

Venezuela: Absoluately destroyed with the state burning people to alive to stop the epidemic

FEMA camps are being set up in my town.

Holy fucking shills in this thread

Humanity will be extinct because of food shortage, no health coverage for other diseases and riot towns killing each other.

South Korea's rate was dropping day after day. Looks like it peaked already and is subsiding. They didn't even do lockdowns or ridiculous shit. Meanwhile out here people are acting like the world is ending and taking all the toilet paper. The. Fuckin. Toilet. Paper. I just don't..
I predict these idiots will have so much shit they won't know what to do with it anymore. I laugh.

This too. Hopefully those disgusting Venezuelans can't infect other countries anymore.

heckin owned that retard LOL o7

>she approaches my door
>*knock knock*
>I answer
>"what is it my dearest maddam?"
>"Sorry to bother you user, mind if I come inside?"
>"Why of course my dearest, please, have a bowl of baked beans."
>"Oh my, I'm ever so sorry user! These beans have made me gassy"
>"No no no dear, please don't apologize! Do you mind if I have a sniff?"
>"Tee-hee....I've never met anyone like you before user. Sure, go ahead"
>*lowers head underneath her"

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1.7 million deaths

could be higher when riots start for food and toilet paper

Society breaks down. Communities must police themselves.

Post pics

I think interstate commerce will soon be shut down and basically we'll all sit around for a few weeks eating our own supplies and panicking, then once people start to run out of supplies the fun begins.

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>Post pics

when I get a chance. I'm not leaving my house

nothing you fucking idiots

They locked down two cities with 4.5 million people in them and they’re finding new cases every day.

The global economy is coming to a halt. Even if the virus is mostly gone in a few months, the long-term effects are going to be disastrous.

Roll for all women being forced into marriages

>The global economy is coming to a halt. Even if the virus is mostly gone in a few months, the long-term effects are going to be disastrous.

And it probably the coroavirus won't end anytime soon. It's happening in the southern hemisphere where they got summer going on.

Czekt based 88

part 2/2

>Military is essentially just a large gang that has lost monopoly on violence and several other factions in the city have start to form.
>Most factions are just ex Mexican gangs that run different zones of the city. Some much weaker asian gangs, blacks have the most part been wiped out during previous rioting/sickness/starvation. The rest have been enslaved or absorbed into other street gangs.
>Much of LA has been burnt supplies are now very low and much of the population has faced a very heavily blow but its not super low.
>Outside resources from federal sources start to trickle in again as much of the country has stabilized and snuffed out the disease. Military regains monopoly on violence again and Mexican gangs slip back into the shadows again. Life has stabilized, once again for now.

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>April 15, 2020
>Taxes are due
>whatever happened with that corona thing?

>Even if the virus is mostly gone in a few months,
If what they say about reinfection rates is true we might actually be staring down a barrel that's at least half a decade long.

Fair enough
Neither am I

I think France is very fragile regarding such a situation. I can see a full collapse resulting from this crisis.

Dead from corona and coke

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You mean like a seasonal flu?

Checked oughts


Either corona will become a seasonal sickness, or it's possible due to the similarity between Corona, SARS, HIV, the virus stays in your system and emerges again every now and then to show symptoms.

>200,000,000 mutts infected
>literally everyone but the 1% falling and convulsing in the streets
>panic from those unaffected, rests in chaos
>complete breakdown of Ponzi social order
>nightly purges by marauding troops of chattering, PCP addled n>ggers
>those with protect, realise the odds, and head for the hills
>cities aflame
>death squads emerge -- targeting by race, ethnicity
>mass rapes that make the Rape of Berlin look like OkCupid
>target drones strikes issued against hotspot suburbs
>zoos and mutts' exotic animals let loose, also running up the, now, 9-figure death toll
>no leadership to be seen, as dotard long dead, and any who survived his super-spreading, have left the country
>Yellowstone erupts
>wormwood reigns
>this modern-day Gomorrah becomes a veritable Pompeii
>Randall Flag walks the detritus, enlisting minions to carry out his creation of a New Pandaemonia

Comeuppance shall be meted.

Attached: wormwood_cleanses_turpitude.jpg (580x740, 104.86K)

Nothing but blood and death

NBA season off nhl season nhl like do you even read bro ??? You stupid as fuck

The weather will warm up and contagion season will be over. It will be back after a hiatus.

I will be dead.

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yes it's called "hot glue"

seasonal flu has like 0.1% mortality rate iirc
covid's somewhere in the ballpark of 3% all the way to 10% and it could be much worse due to healthcare logistics

seasonal flu is a one and done deal and hospitals are always well equipped for those compared to a virus you barely know anything about
it's a bonafide bioweapon and once people start realizing this en mass the real dread sets in that this thing is no joke

pic related

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666m infected
33m dead
Second Great Depression
President Pence for 6 months
Amazon buys banks and collapsed corporations for pennies on the dollar