He outsmarted the West and is winning big

He outsmarted the West and is winning big

Attached: xi jinping 2.jpg (1920x1080, 839.94K)

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That might be how it seems in spaghetti world. In the real world he's just another corrupt leader.

Kek fpbp

>says the kike

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True. I have noticed that the Chinese are good at taking bad situations and turning them into opportunities. They're just good at turning the tables.

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>sucking chink dick

Nice to see you have already switched sides.


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China is the safest country in terms of coronavirus threat right now. Outside of Wuhan of course.

what do you say?

ye if you chose to believe their numbers

Soon China will stand as the sole bastion of stability while western countries will be all closed, expiriencing economic shock, internal unrest and total social breakdown.

How do you know this?

*makes retarded post*

shut the fuck up
Xi is a great leader

Checked, and maybe this is exactly what white nations need.

If China were to be faking numbers, they wouldn't even count to 80k infected, lol. The thing about the numbers is that they serve the purpose, Chinese government need to take it under control it is intrested in reporting correct numbers, because it boosts the trust in the party system.

kek just because your pm just told you to die doesn't mean other leaders dont care about their own, turn the projector off

कूल प्रॉक्सी पजेट

You mean being overtaken by Chinese communism?

Remember how in the first weeks of the epidemic we we getting constant videos of China showing how situation was fucked up? Those videos are not coming up anymore, and its not because they just shut down the internet or control it well, they can't control the internet and leaks completelly. THere are no videos of overcrowded hospitals, dead on the street, tanks on the street, there are no execution videos, or any proof of something fishy happening.

ok you Chinese Cocksucker

I'm pretty sure this guy is a potato nigger

Stronger leader than Trump.

Communism will win

When i see the actual scale in europe, im pretty sure now in these hospital they just ethanised and burned everyone to stop the spreading.

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China lost its trade war with the US. Nothing is going to change that.

Media-whipped coronavirus hysteria will blow over in a couple of months -- be forgotten by summer. Stock market will bounce back. Trump will be re-elected.

He will continue to insist, not on punitive action with China, but on enforcing a level playing field with respect to trade -- which will hurt China, because they are used to taking advantage of American politicians, via the pol's stupidity, or their willingness to be bribed (see, e.g., the Clintons).

Attached: China Loses.png (1570x872, 308.04K)

I really hope these are CCP shills, because if the current state of Italian men is femininely grovelling at the feet of anyone who dominates them, then it's really over for you. Might as well kill yourself.

There are no videos of the situation getting better either. All we have is the CCPs word.

china is not communist idiot.
Or you think that just because they have the symbol they are communist

>Lost the Trade War
The Trade War wasn't over when the outbreak began. They were doing a pretty good job handling it too. But anyway, it doesn't matter anymore since the US lost all of its economy gain since 2016 in one month's time.

Why are you so defensive over China?

You know, if problems in Western countries will exacerbate even further, they may not have enough force to enact article number 5. And i really hope Russians wouldn't need to do a humanitarian intervention into your shithole of a country. For your own good of course.

>Authoritarian meritocracy wins over degenerate liberal idiocracy.


Globohomo is about to be btfo.


>be on our side or you're an effeminate cuck
I'd tell you to get better arguments but that's the best you can do with your 80iq slav average iq
>inbx estonians slavs
you're all the same shithole

imagine not believing MSM except anything they report on China

> There are no videos of the situation getting better either
Can you describe how the videos of "situation getting better" should look like in your opinion?
You can't really lift the quarantine and film large crowds of people until you are absolutely sure that it is all over, and nothing else filmable comes to my mind.

Yes but will he outsmart the jews?

Can someone tell me how a country is able to control a internet with billions of people in it?

because it is the only chance for the survival of Italy.
EU wants us to be just a colony, USA gave us some freedoms when we were at the border of the communist bloc, now we are useless for them.

In my opninion Italy should stay in the Nato, but economically China could save us from this disaster. And they won't complain when we block migrants

Because he is a chink behind the flag, you retard.

He's the laughingstock of the world. Trying to rewrite the narrative that this isn't a Chinese disease. I thought he was smarter than that.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous basedRegion 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

Attached: Xinnie_Wall.jpg (1400x1050, 568.87K)

Lol a link to a random ching chongs twitter doesn't help your case.

His ass is getting imported cases from all over Europe, US and ME.

Work closure back soon.

>If China were to be faking numbers, they wouldn't even count to 80k infected, lol.
why not, jap news claiemd 50 times higher numbers. dont care fuck chinks and fuck you shill.

This would be a 2x kike and CCP joint answer with meme flag

maybe he's had enough of rapey GIs killing locals
*wink wink*

Literally ERRONEOUS Agendizing Fraud Posturing Fucking DOWN Syndrome.

WRONG Answer. Not even a remote fucking Point of any stature. You're cognitively Intuitively Fucking Bankrupt. Deactivate your Shit Queer TRASH Apologist Account. You're a LITERAL Fucking Regress Deep State Kike Sucking SHILL Inept Fucking LUNATIC. To even Vicinitively CONVINCE your own Warped Mind of what you're saying. KILL Yourself. KIKE NIGGER CHINA Single Handedly DERAILED This shit of any stability Prosperity whatsoever. You're a literal Blind Rat Tantruming Chink Coiled Carcass. Kill Your Entire Family Fucking Immediately.

Attached: 94c0c208833e90df199416ec071d98c1--water-pollution-news-china.jpg (236x236, 16.32K)

He isn't doing that. His minions are.

It's like the CIA. Trump doesn't decide what they do.

Xi has done an amazing job shitting down the US and Europeans throats while the US/European media defend the disease spreading Chinese

China begins weaponizing corona virus in 2013.
Shortly afterward China invests billions into US Universities. Trump wins, not Hillary. Big oops. China buys up Hollywood. HuaWei exposed as spyware. Rooks rike Chuan Po gonna win 2020, dooo sumfeen quick. Wuhan never liked Beijing anyway, release the virus there, use bought up media to blame Trump.

Did I miss anything, Emperor Xi?

anecdotes is your reliable source of news if its something bad, but to prove something good i need to teleport you magically to the location?

If he gets manufacturing up an running again, China will easily pass itself as the saviour of the world, since every western country will depend on them for bulk medical supplies. Let's see if they are able to seize the opportunity

he does

My point was that the only thing we know about the situation in China is what the CCp is telling us. There are no videos, good or bad, coming out of china.

I've done business with China for 15 years, living in it for four of those years, and I know plenty of people there who are reporting it's not over. They've got a second wave coming and the immunity you obtain from recovery lasts not much longer than the symptomatic phase.

Until the next outbreak. The chinks should have tech that surpasses everyone now with their ability to steal industrial and governmental secrets but they do not. They can't even grok basic food safety.

Didn't they already start? I heard they were making profit off of face masks.

It depends on how he handles the imported case.

If he just keeps trades going with Europe, it's just going to lead to re-infection to his cityhub.

OP is right. the chinese are simply TOO smart.

Attached: 1554968358518.webm (360x640, 726.66K)

is the cia ai broken?

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>get infected by China
>defend China

That about sums it up. I honestly won't hold it against Italians, because I know it's some shady chink fuck in Italy typing this bullshit. It was the Italian's fault to let them in.

The West outsmarted itself. He doesnt even need to do anything for our Boomerocracies to fold in themselves.
What is really susprising that a system as rotten as ours is holding on for so long.

After this, they will have such an enormous expirience in tackling the epidemics, they would be unstopable. Like the hardest lever in Plague.ink

Easy to suck on things with the diameter of a straw.

How? If stock prices are real low we should buy and beat the rich. This is only a bad flu for us.

Well, do the Chinese circumcises their boys? I thought so

Stop drinking the CCP koolaid

Fuck China and fuck the ZOG


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The west will become stronger after this, I hope.

>get infected by china
good little slav boy swallowed all the npc pills

No he's not. He's crippled and fucked.

Nice try, chinky winky

>Important piece about how Beijing, after lying to its own people & the world about #COVID19, is now trying to use the global pandemic it unleashed to its own advantage


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Step aside, chang. Now it's out turn to shine! The TP Olympics have already started.

This on multiple levels.

What's the explaination on the explosion in cases in Italy?

There's a lot of chinks in northern Italy.

Italy is also a country that is close to China.

Gee it’s like the entire country of China Is running a psyop

The pressure for China to buy up shit here and buy the politics was also huge, but people woke up at the right time and pulled the brakes on the infiltration. Italians on the other hand relaxed and watched it all happen, now that they are being actively subjugated they are immediately submissive. I hope your new communist masters won't be too harsh on you when you start saying anti-CCP stuff when you get tired of it.

Anybody who actually, even briefly, believes this, is an absolute drooling retard.

You faggots are literally getting bent over by the WuFlu. No other (semi)advanced nation in the world is acting the way you idiots are.

he did a mastermove by sending us medical supplies, now a lot of people love China.
Bad news for our righ wing politicians who are on USA payroll.

They sold us 1000 respirators already. They are going to make a fortune if they don't screw up
Yea, it's a big gamble. But even for us, we don't have many other options. All Europe is holding on to what little local manufacturing they have

Ironically, are you going to call Italians Roman next?

They are working together. China and US want a gold standard. China has been stocking gold. The wu flu is a combined effort to destroy the Rothschild banks.

The world will be stronger without boomers.

Attached: covid19-mortality-by-age.jpg (1080x1302, 108.07K)

Until the quarantine is lifted nothing is over. For all you know it'll flare right back up again once they let everyone out.


sit down webshit

Can you tell me more about WHAT leads to this in the first place?

Some italians are blaming the Lega government in Lombardy, but I'm feeling there's a calculation somewhere that leads to this.