is it autism?
Is it autism?
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Nope... boredom.
His parents are both mentally retarded. Do the math.
Trump is, Melania isn't
better than being a gay mulatto with a trans 'wife'...
obama is a total fag that helped hezbollah and fucked the entire country.
Just chadism
>mental retardation = autism
how long until he discovers Yas Forums?
Trump is an idiot but Ivanka is pretty damn smart user-kun
Melania smells like mothballs.
He's taller than Don, he'll be yuge provided he trains in his late teens
>He doesnt know that all former and the current first lady are trannys too
>Hurr Durr, leader of the free world is retarded.
I hope you don't talk like that in public. Maybe in your sheltered circles you're in good company, but out in the real world I promise you're being judged. Keep doubling down though, dig your own grave.
found the retard
She's a man, you fool. And a fucking stupid one at that.
aspergers was invented by the nazis
You're being judged right now, faggot. Nazi's will get the rope.
this kid's a fag
he should quit growing right about now
Dude is 6 foot 4 with a genius father and a model mom. Probably just bored.
He's going to show you eugenics work you fucking donkey nigger jew.
baron would be able to beat every one of your leftist crybaby asses
he do got swag tho
He's been here from the very beginning.
>with a genius father
a very stable one
I hope you know you're 2% demographic ain't giving shit the rope. I'm not even a nazi, it's just very transparent what you're doing. Donald Trump is clearly no fool.
Has he started transitioning yet? Looks like it.
Those fat cheeks and pouty lips. I cant wait to fuck his/her tight asshole.
Shut the fuck you faggot wigger. You zoomers idiolize the nigger it’s fucking gross.
>No I swear I'll get my pals who pull the strings to rope you up nazi!
Good luck with another brother war now. Go ahead and try.
Yep, she's rounding out nicely. Gonna have a nice fat ass and tiny little cock. He's going to make a well hung black man VERY happy.
He browses here.
Plot twist: Barron is Q
You sound scared. You should be.
But yes he does appear to have that autism look about him, and I don't mean that with intent of disrespect or shaming him. We all know the wonders the autist mind is capable of
He will be the God Emperor, not Donald. He will establish the Imperium and reign for 100 years
Who cares. Dude went from son of an apartment block owner to a New York hotel/global realtor who's now the president of the worlds strongest nation. He defeated all the other rich jew niggers to do it. Guys a hero/genius. Prime America genetics.
Hey I have the same black polo shirt as him
what does it mean?
It means you have the same taste as Melania trump. 10/10 Polok
This man is 90% legs
he do be lookin clean in the fit tho
Why did you shoop him to be short?
Not really something I'd wanna publicly (or even privately) say about a 13-14 year old boy but I guess if your intentions were to look like a chomo I'd say you succeeded.
>not closing his jaw and breathing through his nose
Gonna grow up with a recessed jaw and weak chin, especially if he doesn't chew a lot on tough steak like his father.
He needs to start exercising hard to stop growing. He might actually be over 7'2 if he keeps growing at that pace and probably die young from some complication.
Look at that chain. That's our boy alright. Expect to see him in full Adidas build next time.
Oh fa sho fa sho, no dizzle. My niqqa got schwag for days ya'naw'meen?
She's not a man, I've seen her titties, they're real. look up her modeling days.
I smell.a.jew
he looks like such an evil bully
Holy fuck this kid's lanky as shit
He's only 13
If he grows to 7' and bulks hard he'll be an absolute beast
LOL She's a man, you kook
Yo dawg, you iz beein reel diz respekful homie, you don't want the smoke my nigga, ya'naw'meen?!
She got fake tits now, she ruined her perkies.
>they're real
they are tranny implants
He even has autismo shoes
Would you expect anything less from a self replying faggot?
the skys the limit
>”Leader™ of the Free World™”
>Reee! Bad goy! Don’t talk about Rabbi Trump like that!
>is it autism?
Yes. Everybody knows Barron is autistic.
Enough about you, Mohammed.
Final form = Jack Reacher
Trump supporter all day. But your pic made me think of this.
0:57(ish) seconds in
I'm 6'2, but I was like 5'8 at 13 years old lol
Regression to the mean means he must be a genius then
So this is the first lady of the american ''conservatives''
I hate Trump but i really like this guy, it seem peak zoomer, a sort of avatar, archetype
Just say retarded you fucking newfaggot.
>helped hezbollah
fucking dogshit clown world
It's called puberty. Most people who go through it aren't pretty until it's over.
>helped hezbollah
that'd a good thing shlomo
But he is...