Can I be LGBT and conservative?

Can I be LGBT and conservative?

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sure, but conservatives are getting the rope to.


Why are so many young boys becoming feminine little sluts?

stop posting this ugly butterface generic fatherless whiteboy

No because you still feel the need to attention-whore and let everyone know you suck dick.
Just stfu and then no issues.

because of capitalism

Of course, Nick Fuentes is and Ernst Rohm were

obviously not

jews in cosmetics


being lgbt is much beyond what you do sexually

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No. Now stop being a faggot.

I'm not LGBT but I am trans and browse Yas Forums and conservative so ya

can some brazilian/portugese translate
why is she with a bunch of chads

Uh hello, operator? Ja, put me through to the Basenfuhrer. No, he needs to know about this, this man is very based.

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Yes. Can you be LGBT and right wing? No.

>the rope to
The rope to where?

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Not now, but in two years you can.

conservatives are about conserving traditions.
You could be a french conservative because they invented gayness

Chemicals in water, Jews, you know the drill.

Jews. Media dictates social behavior.

>I'm not LGBT but I am trans
Should we tell him?

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>"Look at me, I'm so not normal! Accept me!"
>Still expects his reoleplay to be subsidized by the taxpayer.

the answer is yes
we on the right aren't playing a zero sum game the way the left does

they are single issue voters, if someone does anything they don't agree with then in their eyes there's nothing redeemable about you even if they agree with you on most things

conservatives are the opposite of that

only if you put a bullet in your brain first.
People will remember you as conservative. You did after all rid the system of filth

Wuttt...Portuguese boys look like THAT?

>Chemicals in water, Jews, you know the drill.

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yes, you are human and humans are full of contradictions.

idk what you're talking about I don't disclose my transgenderism to anyone

her* you bigot :)))

Yes, join the LGB Alliance

Chemicals in food/water are crippling testosterone production.

Chemicals in food/water are heightening estrogen response

Ergo, feminine men and ultra-feminine women

If you hate Marxists and Muslims, then welcome.

wrong answer.

No. Neck yourself, faggot.

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of course

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yes, but conservatives conserve nothing

German and gays, mane a more iconic couple.

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You can suck a dick and be conservative don't worry

but basically yes, as long as you're not a faggot about it

Ultra based

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>No. Neck yourself, faggot.
Trouble with the closet champ?

Only if you’re rich

No, you dumb faggot. What would you be conserving? Your right to get fucked in the ass?

You can vote conservative, but you sure as hell won't be conservative.

Post butthole



This fucking port fag again. Seroulsy fuck off with this dumbass question which you occasionally make a thread about, go to Yas Forums.SAGE

Stop being a faggot for christ's sake. No wonder Europeans are getting replaced, you guys are giving up women to faggots who'll age badly and can't have children. This faggot larping as a 18 years old e-girl isn't hot, and you are a huge faggot if you wanna stick your dick inside him.

Also, fucking a intestine is disgusting, anal sex is immoral.

Eventually his subconsous mind will show him what an abomination he is and the self loathing will eat him up inside. He will then use drugs to make the voices in his head go away. After about 20 years of this when he is a fat disgusting pig that no one wants to be around he will die alone and afraid in a puddle of his own vomit.

>This fucking port fag again. Seroulsy fuck off with this dumbass question which you occasionally make a thread about, go to Yas Forums.SAGE
enough said

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it makes me happy

Come here and get the big polish kielbasa

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Kys homo

What the fuck am i looking at?

literally the wrong answer. if you wanted to convince people that that you could be LGB without being an attention whoring fag then you would want people to think that it IS just about what you do sexually. if being gay really is "much beyond what you do sexually", and it really is your entire identity then you cannot be surprised when it interferes with others accepting you and considering you able to truly hold the same beliefs and values as them.

So much this. OP, be a nationalist and race realist, the (((conservatives))) are part of the whole rotten problem. Many of them can be/are capable of being proper citizen's, fags or not, but (((conservatives))) are just status quo good goys.

Your also gonna have to not be a flaming faggot. Your preference of genitalia should not influence your outward behavior. Lisping queerboys will be thrown into the wells with the neocohens and soilatte crowd. Blood and soil not bums and cums.

No, it's not. If your defining characteristic is related to sucking dick your not a human.

You can, it just makes you a chump

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OP and FP are retarded nigger faggots.

Of course, conservatives wish to keep the LGBTQIOP+ status quo.

Why would I kill myself when I'm winning?


You're cute, want to be my trad submissive catboi friend?

how could it be when most gays are in the closet then?

Look into homonationalism.

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>You're cute, want to be my trad submissive catboi friend?

I want to throw every faggot, including you off a building regardless of their flamingness

made me belly laugh/10

Actually, here is the article I wanted to post:


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You can be my conservative :3

Question to OP, if you intend of joining can you produce this-

>white family

Choose one retard

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ok groomer