We may be sick and dying, but at least we're not racist. Can /pol say thanks to the Chinese Cuisine & Hospitality Association of Canada for fighting racism and helping infect Canadians?

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Will there be bat, dog and horse?

Thread theme
>Honk Honk

Perfect time to get some Bat soup.

I am in full support of this decision. Seen a lot of unfair criticism directed towards Asians throughout Canada. It's really a wake up call and I wouldn't be surprised if Asians get fed up and start lashing out in retaliation. Who could blame them..


When you live in clown world, it makes no sense at all
Boys and girls are swapping teams for a gender overhaul
Boys are chopping off their dicks and sewing up their balls
Cause when you live in clown world, everyone’s beautiful

Heil Honkler!
Heil Honkler!

When you live in clown world, science isn’t real
If you say you’re a spanish horse, then damn it that’s the deal
And if anyone tells you otherwise, you call the press to televise
That feelings matter more than facts, so go outside and feel!

Heil Honkler!
Heil Honkler!

When you live in clown world, Hitler is in charge
The nazis, they’re just everywhere, no matter where you are
And if anyone tells you you’re insane, just go and dye your hair again
And scream some fucking stupid shit, you petulant little wanker

Heil Honkler!
Heil Honkler!

All heil honk

All heil the honkler

All heil the honkler now

based and redpilled

oh, no, it's mean...

still wouldn't eat it.

Canadians owe reparations for such extremely violent behavior...

Actually retarded. How far will leftists go to not be racist in any way, shape, or form?

we already have one what are they taking about? besides night market food is legit

Whatever Chang.

>and start lashing out in retaliation.
what are they gonna do? eat your pets to retaliate against you?

>No bat soup and dogs
This is racist

chin chong detected

Along with cat, koala, insects and plastic rice.

Anyone dumb enough to attend deserves what they get.

sure, wang

could do with some spring rolls

The more the virus spreads and the more people who die the better

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You know I'm all for universal heathcare and so on, but irresponsible faggots shoud be denied public hospitals as well as any reimbursement of health expenditures.

Feb 14th to Feb 28th? uhhhh wut?

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My new favourite thing to do in public is cough.
Shits hilarious, boomers are terrified of the cough

Too many insectoids living in TO anyways.

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Top kek

Please christmas baby Jesus let this happen. Then i'll be allowed to come for them.

so there are some even more retarded than us

>we're so not racist that we're going to set ourselves on fire!
>oh yeah! i'm so not racist, I'm going to eat bat soup straight from Wuhan! TAKE THAT, RACIsjlkdfndfjmnxlkzxjjalkaej;jedfdsraesdrsdsdfdfdsdsafds

Yes yes, lets host a huge festival when there is a highly contagious virus that spreads through micro droplets. More people the better

If you're not retarded you will see that this is actually a good thing

Inb4 "Toronto cases of covid triple overnight for mysterious reason"

Dying. Duh.


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or else.

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This World is a fucking asylum at this point.

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If theu get really mad they might all pack up and go home.

What are they going to do? Whine louder?

How is your country's first bitch doing? Wait it's the wife that was infected right?


>ethnic Canadian, circa 2084, colorized

This is a good example of the amount of idiots only ever looking at the thumbnails and never clicking on links

Die in the gutter, rice nigger.

I hope everyone in Canada dies.

quit eating bat chingo

WRONG Answer. Not even a remote fucking Point of any stature. You're cognitively Intuitively Fucking Bankrupt. Deactivate your Shit Queer TRASH Apologist Account. You're a LITERAL Fucking Regress Deep State Kike Sucking SHILL Inept Fucking LUNATIC. To even Vicinitively CONVINCE your own Warped Mind of what you're saying. KILL Yourself. KIKE NIGGER CHINA Single Handedly DERAILED This shit of any stability Prosperity whatsoever. You're a literal Blind Rat Tantruming Chink Coiled Carcass. Kill Your Entire Family Fucking Immediately.

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There better be.

I fucking hate Toronto.
I hope they wipe themselves out.


So because of a rational fear they're going to chimp out and give the people an immediate threat to fear? Yeah that's gonna end well you retarded fucking leaf.

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this already happened, it was 2 weeks ago

Imagine having such an insanely pathological need to virtue signal

>Nobody shows up
>MSM cries racism
>The few leftoids who do will catch coronavirus

This is glorious

Bat soup. Mmmm

I feel like in this time of great need for all Americans we should implement programs to help those who are the most disadvantaged.
For example in poor urban communities, young people need to have access to free footwear. It is unspeakable to think that thousands of young African-Americans are being forced to walk dangerous urban environments with worn out shoes or sometimes no shoes at all.I propose a mass distribution event of free footwear to all inside of inner city communities to help relieve the pressure of our current crisis. People are worried about food, they don't need to worry about where to find proper footwear.

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Ha-have they not seen what happened to Italy?

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>If you contain the virus, it wins.

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The absolute state of leaf journalism

Deep fried bat on a stick with bug ice cream.

Virtue signalling is more important then safety friend