How much ammo do you have and what kind?

I have 1,000 .22lr bullets. It only cost me like 80 dollars they were practically giving them away for free

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That's not a great price, depending on the brand.

I have a sharpened spork fml

and it will only take one to shut yourself up

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10000 rounds of .22lr
2000 rounds of 5.56
1000 rounds of 9mm

I lost all my ammo in an boating accident.

also, don't forget to list your address and phone number

I literally only have 30-30 and 22lr....

I tried to avoid buying 9mm because its a manslaying caliber and because I didnt want nigger blood on my hands but Im going to my lgs today. Might pick up the mnp shield and the ruger pc carbine


You'd probably need 5 or 6

you might aswell throw tampons at this point.

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I should probably get more .22lr


6 million 5.56
6 million 00 buckshot
6 million 9mm

I was going to get .45 hollow point bullets specifically because it’s a pretty deadly round. I’m waiting for my concealed carry permit tho so I had to go with .22s for the time being

aw, cute little babby bullets

>How much ammo do you have and what kind?
9340 .223/5.56
2940 7.62x39
4600 9mm
660 8mm
7700 22lr
180 7.62x54r
300 30-30

good point, guns and ammo are valuable

50 22lr
10 .410 slugs
10 .410 buckshots
10 .410 home defence

One of pic related I'm doomed

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do you NEED a thousand BULLETS?!

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I live in the suburbs and plan on hunting small game like squirrels and geese if shtf. Pic related is pretty much the ideal suburban survival gun. I wish I had a can for it, but can't have everything.

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I got two boxes of this shit. Steel bullets can Pierce through something being used as cover.
Not as deadly tho when it hits.

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Oh I have ammo Mr Glownigger don't you worry about me

Oy vey!!

>I tried to avoid buying 9mm because its a manslaying caliber and because I didnt want nigger blood on my hands
the fuck? you want to just let them break into your house and diversify your family user?

1000 rds 9mm
1000 rds 5.56

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You’ll find out, glows

show spork license or fake and gay

Lol good thing I’m immune to .22

.22 more than enough to stop a man threatening your property. Only reason we can't hunt with it is because it doesn't reliably kill an animal without bleedout.

Get a better fucking camera, (((tarrant 2.0)))

i bought 2x 500 packs of 22LR remington thunderbolt for $15 each lmao

i have around 400 .177 pellets.
i will have to aim for the eyes

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i have enough to duel wield both my famas
raiders will be 360 noscoped

>all these faggots making fun of 22lr

If there is a collapse getting shot with anything may be a death sentence.

About 2000 lead 7 1/2 12g cartridges
Few boxes of BB/00

Plus a recurve bow, arrows an air rifle for small game. I love living in the country

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I have 6 million rounds because I'm not going through that dumb gas shit again. bullets this time.

fucking famas whores

Beat me to it

Oops, sorry. Here you go:
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

All my CF rifles have 200 rounds minimum on hand; all hand rolled and tuned for each rifle. Shotguns and 22s; literally 1000s.

if squirrels go insane and attack you should be able to put up a good fight.
for a while

Who needs 100 rounds of ammo!!!!!!

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500+ 22lr
100+ 9x19
30ish 7.62x54r
And some 7.62x39 but nothing chambered for it

I wouldn't trust it to stop juiced up feral negroe on crack, that is in a middle of a murder spree, but what the fuck do I know.

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Remember that if you don't have a can, a bottle will do.

Absolutely glowing

Maybe but gives me enough time to shoot you back for a final suicide attack

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>.22 lr
>for when you don't have to absolutely
>blow the shit out of everything
>but will kill anything
>if you shoot it
>in the ear
>or straight up the anus
buy more toilet paper you're going to shit yourselves when you come across Nomad Chad on the road, dealing out death.

It’s not illegal to own ammo, if I was a glownigger what would be the point

the question here is

How much ammo do you need as a baseline before you can restock by picking up drops?

ah, man of exquisite taste.

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cabelas is having an ammo sale right now, it’s not that great but good for buying in bulk

22lr is plenty lethal don’t know where this meme came from that it isn’t.

Ammo? You'll put your eye out.
Relax. The government will protect you.

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its gonna kill you either way. i mean, yeah, it wont go thru cover. but youre gonna be hurt, and probably die
i read on here the other day that .410 is good for nothing but shooting snakes.
people are stupid.

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That's a lot of 9mm. How much did that run you?

its lethal to squirrels and thats pretty much it.

build a .22 MINI and spend all 1000 of them in one short but glorious

So you'd willingly stand in front of someone with a .22 and let them shoot you then?
Hmm. I have my doubts.

Just picked up a mini-14 and 260 rounds of ammo.

Is this enough?

Sure, more than enough to defend your property.


it is if you buy 5000 more rounds

Get some piledrivers little Johnny

Are you all actually legitimately waiting for the collapse of america because its not going to happen.

you're gonna spend all this money on ammo its just gonna sit for years and years.


German bro get a crossbow

Real men shoot 45
Nice revolver

>1000 .22LR
You overpaid by a LOT.

>1000 .22 lr
You'll need all 1000 to do the damage one of my 45's will

It never hurts to have weapons

Lethal to like small game. I dumped 22lr in a boat before and it did nothing

Paper or plastic?

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I never said anything like that. You are aware these are sarcastic remarks, btw?

And it still doesn't answer for the question- why stockpile .22LR for some prepper shit emergencies? That's great for plinking, target practice etc. I know they cost a lot less than 9mm, but it's hard to imagine picking a strockpile of 1000 .22 over 50 9mm.

OP only mentioned .22LR, that's why I'm wondering. And ofc you can kill a man with .22. That's not the point. You can kill a man with a rolled Newsweek.

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you can never have enough .22. for instance, my daughter went and bought a selfie stick after I told her not too.
so I made her hold up 12 inch targets with it and let her little brothers target practice with .22 lr out of a 6 inch revolver. after a hundred rounds or so they were doing pretty good right from the hip and she only had a couple of holes in her.

yeah but for what? you dont need 5 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition to protect your home.
you can only hold one gun and shoot one bullet at a time. why the excess?

In the eyes of any attacker you have a pistol that can kill, thats more than enough for anything really

Schizos are waiting for the day mythical FEDS are going to show up to take their guns.

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Imagine thinking that people attacking you are rational. Jfc

Shame. Lost mine in an ice fishing mishap. God damned huuuuge fucker just up and , well, there ya go

Bet you rightly feel like a retard now, Grandpa.

.22 for small game, 9mm for close range nigger scatter that's breaking into your house, 22 gauge for close range horde scatter that's breaking into your house, rifle for large game hunting

what if there are 1001 zombies?

Exactly, this shits glowing. Dumb fucks will still reply.

Nah, that's about the price here. Maybe OP is a PET proxy fag larping as 'Murican?

but the more they have then the more they have to give up. wasted money. but even THAT isnt gonna happen.

you happeningfags are getting way too hyped up wearing your tinfoil hats.
Why do you even think that society is going to collapse?

You'll miss a lot more shots with a handgun than you would with a rifle. Check out the Marlin papoose.

Or, even better if your situation allows, a 10/22.

You better gangster that shit bong.

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Do they even make Ruger Mark IV with threaded barrels?


>Why do you even think that society is going to collapse?
Only just started paying attention, huh?

I have absolutely nothing.

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A 22lr will penetrate the skull and not exit, headshots kill. Ask your friend to shoot you in the head and test it.

What gun is best for .22? Rifle or handgun?

>everyone at walmart is buying tons of toilet paper
>I'm just there to buy 500 rounds of 9mm and 1000 rounds of .223
>literally the entire self checkout area is staring at me every time I put a box of ammo into my cart
>drop the metal ammo case with .223 into my cart as loudly as I possibly can
>walk out while whistling and giving people the finger guns
I'm just stocking up for range day but it was hilarious how people reacted.

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It’s been to be over prepared than under prepared. I agree though you don’t need 5 different 5.56 rifles. A handgun and a shotgun is all I’d think you’d need

Lambright is no ammo.

I bought fun stuff instead, like a dirt bike.

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