Dressing "slutty", which is subjective anyway, is not an invitation to harass a female

Dressing "slutty", which is subjective anyway, is not an invitation to harass a female.

If I buy a supercar, I'm doing it for myself. It's not an open invitation to tell remarks, good or bad, at me.
Its not an invitation to take photos of my car.
It's not an invitation to lean on my car or touch it.
It's not an invitation to stare like a moron at my car.

This same fucking logic applies to the way women dress. You are in no position to assume what a woman's reason for dressing the way she does is.

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>Dressing "slutty", which is subjective anyway, is not an invitation to harass a female.
It is.

Women are property just like your car.

Fuck you. I'll photograph your supercar and look upskirt to get a glimpse of the transaxle. You can't stop me nigger.

ill shit on your lambo

shut the fuck up simp

Dressing slutty means you're a fucking slut and you get what you ask for.

The eternal leaf.

anything that would be inappropriate to touch should not be seen
not including the face and assuming you don't just go around touching strangers like a 10 year old tard

Honestly you people laugh at slut hoarders, but you really dont have enough sluts yourselves. The average person abuses 1 slut per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 sluts a week. Over 100 a month. Sluts will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.

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Women want you to look at their whole body but yea eyes are sexy too.

Im convinced most leaf posters are femanons. They honestly think they're men and better than men, cause they have a gushy hole, boomers are dying to get a whiff of

lets just stop looking at women entirely
avert your gaze whenever you see a woman
they will get pissed off hard

they want you to look but they also want to complain about you looking. such is the nature of woman.

but then again in truth they only want chad to look. in the future smartclothes will reveal a womans curves only after a camera and ai analyze the facial structure of nearby males for testosterone markers

>invoking logic while saying this
Logic dictates that you can control yourself more than you can ever control how others react to your appearance. Thus, it's logical to control yourself in regards to your appearance so you do not possibly attract unwanted attention and/or reactions from it.
Say that it's a hot sunny day. Your car is in the sun. You want to roll your windows all the way down to ventilate the hot air, but you don't because you don't want to risk having your car stolen while you are away from it. It's a similar concept. If you don't give people an opportunity to react an undesirable way, you greatly lessen the chances of that occurring. This is reality and how reality works. Stop being retarded.

This is the BBC size queen. She was posted so much on this incel board. I hope she continues to cream on a fat BBC. LUL

It is a crime to do anything a woman does not prefer, even in retrospect.

me being in the presence of a woman is not an invitation to tell me what to do

I hope you guys suffer like the italians

Women are asking for it anyways, dress doesn't matter.

If you want someone to focus on your eyes. Cover everything up.

fpbp, it's literally meant to cause very primitive reactions.

>Dressing "slutty", which is subjective any...
literally stopped reading a moved my eyes to other thumbnails.

came in to tell you this though.


>You can't control my body so I'm going to control your eyeballs to look somewhere else.
lol womyn

In this shithole bitches get raped and murdered by the dozen every single day, then they complain and demand to stop being killed and raped, however being female they can't comprehend difficult issues and don't realize that men that kill and rape aren't human, they are animals that act on instinct, just like how a male cat always seeks to mate with females in heat, these men will instantly desire to rape any female they see dressed like that, they don't care if it is an invitation or not, they don't care if women cry and complain or join public protests etc, to them women aren't alive so who cares.
If you are going to dress like a slut, do it in your bedroom with your husband of your own race in your own country, and have condomless sex and give him a couple of children, then raise them to be civilized and kind people.
If I walk down a dark alley every single day while holding my 10k dollar smartphone out and counting the money in my wallet and then I get stabbed and robbed I absofuckinglutely deserved it, in the same manner if a woman goes out every day at night to party with strangers and dresses like a slut of course that she is completely guilty if she gets raped, if women want equality they deserve no special treatment when they get fucked by their own stupidity, they only deserve special treatmente if they accept their inferiority and stay at home raising the children and obeying their husband like they should.

This. Women want Chad's eyes on them but unfortunately, there's some collateral damage with this technique where they get undesired attention in the process.

Kek yeah great analogy OP!

>You are in no position to assume what a woman's reason for dressing the way she does is.

What are all the alternative explanations anyway?

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I don't care where her eyes are because she doesn't care where my eyes are.

We are dealing with a pandemic right now and you are cucking for sluts? Hahaha! Fuck sluts. They will be prostituting for rolls of toilet paper soon.

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fucking white knighting soiboi leaf. do me a favor and kys.

simp post level 2000

It's just shitposting you brain dead newfag, maybe if you weren't all autistic retards that take Yas Forums seriously threads like this wouldn't exist

Don't bite


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Me calling a women a slut is NOT an invitation for you to try correct my behavior

Flag checks out
Simp levels 5000

>Country's being invaded by Chinks, leader is a cuckold, better go make bait threads on Yas Forums

Nice blogpost, no one cares about your country or what you do

Shut the fuck up. Women dress like this so they can be all of those things but only cry out when the "creeps" do it

If Human beings are animals than Male reaction to that is most likely hormonal and biological. Women are being incredibly cruel when they dress like the cum dumpster in the OP and then demand Men avert their gaze.

If a woman walks down a dark alley in skimpy clothing, she may not be asking for it. But she's probably going to get it.


Dressing slutty is an invitation for us to COOOOM!

whatd o you mean dressing "slutty" and you only talk about females? You think just woman that can dress "slutty", typical leaf

Based and redpilled fpbp /thread pack it in we're done here boys see you in the next thread desu senpai

>men who drive super cars have tiny pee pees
>conversely, women who dress slutty have very large cavernous pussies
Think about it.

>Debating with a femoid
What is this 2016? The only thing women respond well to is
>stfu and do what your told or there will be consequences

America First is inevitable
Jews seething


you dress like a slut because youre a whore, and like all whores you need to sell your wares, so you are a meat shop on display. dont worry, I dont buy whores, I wont stare at walking sex shops

if I can see her eyes, shes a whore

Either way she is a whore but you are right I wouldn't get within 5 feet of her.

poles prove superiority, again. fpbp

thread should have ended here

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kill yourself stupid cunt

have a (you) fren i laughed

You're an autistic inbred white trash canadian faggot.

G fuck your brother you white trash faggot fuck

>low-quality moron bait

she looks like she fucks black guys

I totally agree.

>dress in clothes designed by men specifically to arouse men
>complain when you happen to get attention from a man you don't consider attractive


Why would I look at ther eyes? There's nothing there.

>lets play a game, Im basically a car with the keys left in the ignition that anyone can walk up to and drive, and you are going to pretend I am a valuable ferrari that you always wanted

Don't fall the leaf posts, anons.

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Don't compare them. I love my car. I could never love a woman

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