>Trump’s speech on what he called a “foreign virus” left the overwhelming impression that foreigners are the virus. The President’s disturbing phrasing echoed centuries of dangerous anti-Semitic rhetoric blaming Jews for widespread disease.
forward.com /culture/441459/why-trumps-foreign-virus-speech-is-as-dangerous-as-coronavirus-itself/
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March 14, 2020 - 20:43
Jews should be illegal
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March 14, 2020 - 20:46
If get triples the corona virus will be cured right after it hits 6 million deaths
March 14, 2020 - 20:46
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March 14, 2020 - 20:46
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March 14, 2020 - 20:47
fuck jews they're bad news
March 14, 2020 - 20:47
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March 14, 2020 - 20:47
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March 14, 2020 - 20:48
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March 14, 2020 - 20:49
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March 14, 2020 - 20:50