>Press conference regarding shutting down the Norwegian borders
>Camera man visibly shaking the entire time. >Collapse at 0:40 while reporter yelling that they have a “situation”. Cut to studio.
Well that was strange..
>Press conference regarding shutting down the Norwegian borders
>Camera man visibly shaking the entire time. >Collapse at 0:40 while reporter yelling that they have a “situation”. Cut to studio.
Well that was strange..
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fear porn got to him. anxiety attack. this is what they want. they want you too scared to function.
A camera man reporting from the prime ministers office should be accustomed to stress though
says who?
seems like where ever the PM goes its gonna be comfy
Adrenochrome/Covid2Fe poisoning. Got us another :)
Here's Oprah doing it
First time in a 40 year, child blood fueled career: March 1, 2020. Check out what she was saying as she fell.
Drop, bitch. More to come.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 128 rolls a week. Over 1000 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Probably locked his knees like a retarded faggot.
1 roll a day!?
God damn
One roll per day? Are you eating the toilet paper?
> The average person uses 1 roll per day
You mean per week?
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
when will this stop being so damn funny
It's a copypasta.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day
this is bait
This is the fakest, gayest thing to come out all this coronavirus shit.
Belgian reporter kissed live by stranger while reporting on coronavirus in Antwerp, tonight.
What? You dont use atleast a roll per day? How can that be!
Fake and fag.
that is, without a doubt, the worst fucking language i've ever heard
hope they all die off covid, except that cute male anchorman...no homo
We have so many fucking different accents you'd think they were different languages. That's the accent from in and around the capital and yes, it's gay as fuck.
>Well that was strange..
But it was expected wasn't, when our government was scared to death that they did not let in enough infected to get herd immunity, before they enacted the quarantines to flatten the curve, and now we'll end up like Italy.
Norway have closed the borders, not because of foreigners coming here, but to keep Norwegians from running away.
Italy will reach the peak in two weeks if pic related is true, and quarantines take three weeks to take effect, and Italy quarantined 5 days ago.
I don't know the growth rate in Norway, but it would interesting to calculate it, so we can estimate if Norway end up like Italy, where we reach the peak before the quarantines have even started to work.
Rape is based, insha'Allah!
Anybody have the numbers of new infected going back a week or so, so we can calculate the growth rate?
They expect the peak in May, it's gonna be a long and slow fucking burn straight to hell.
why would someone stab him with an epi pen and how would he not notice
Why are we so cucked
No he's 100% serious
>They expect the peak in May
I think they are very much likely to be wrong, but I need the numbers of infected going back a week or so, to be able to calculate it roughly.
The Chinese lied, so our government calculated a too low R0, and thus let in too many infected.
I also suspect that more people show less symptoms that the government expected, so they underestimated the numbers of sick.
Combine these two, and the peak might only be three weeks away, and that is too fast for quarantines to work.
The absolute state of Europe
she cute
>also charges have been pressed against the goblin
Lmao. Its obviously a false flag trying to prop up this nothing burger. Sad that even euro countries are in on this bullshit.
The west went for the strategy of infecting everybody and just flatten the curve until herd immunity stopped it, since "we need open borders in the future".
They based it all on Chinese numbers, and the chinese lied, so now we have Italy possibly peaking in only two weeks time.
That will be total chaos if true,but it will be exiting to see how Norway fare too.
Goddamn maybe buy a book dumbo
It might be that this was an attempt at fear porn rather than being a victim of it. Imagine being a boomer, getting all of your news from tv, and your only source of information is threatened. And with a first person view of collapsing too!
weak lil white twink couldn't hold up a camera
Not adenochrome, stress OR coronavirus caused viral seizure.
>did not let in enough infected to get herd immunity,
Herd immunity. What level of retard is this? WTF kikes are convincing leaders there is such a thing as immunity from this shit?
Even when I run out of food, I'll always have this god-tier pasta to go to.
She looks flustered. Bet she thought he was cute.
>WTF kikes are convincing leaders there is such a thing as immunity from this shit?
Total insanity.
We had some government health guy giving a press conference where he said don't go to work if you're sick, but he was sick himself, blowing his nose and coughing and sneezing all three time.
Stuck in Oslo in a building alone up for renovations.
just wow..
motherfucker,naaah he did not..did he?
>just wow..
If you listen they say we need to stop the virus, but when you listen more carefully, they tell about the infect everybody plan, so we can have herd immunity and open borders in the future.
I need the numbers for how many infected we have had the last 7 days, to give a rough estimate if our government fucked up big time or not.
Infected today and one week ago will work too, since the uncertainty is so big that accuracy don't really matter anyway.
He was just bored to death
Here you go.
I calculated based on 20% daily increase 3 days ago, and was pretty much spot on with todays cases.
They don’t track people who are not very ill anymore, so you won’t get the figures going forward anyway. You could calculate based on dead though. 3 dead now indicates 300 infected about 3 weeks ago (1% total mortality and 18 days average onset to death.)
>When I went to my bachelor first year, the now PM would appear """to hold a speech""".
>Turns out she had overheard that there would be hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone...
>I was in luck and was able to grab a hamburger before she came over to the barbeque area...
>... complete mayhem ....
>then we all heard this tiny fluffy white dog someone brought yelp
>it was nowhere to be found afterwards...
>she must have thought it was a marshmallow
I bet she just ate his dog before they entered or something
You stole that from Thunderf00t
>all three time.
Awaiting instructions from Brussel it seems.
They have the real numbers I guess.
HIV delivering system inside?
And a "cure" exist?
I think God won.
they don't even though who aren't that ill either.
my sister was just told to stay home and that "it was just the ordinary flu got"... no tests no anything. obviously not a sole case but rather how they do this, so the numbers they operate with here are obviously meaningless
Stole what from who?
I made this in excel
The numbers we all are crunching are probably correct if you x10 it.
Scary, but it looks more correct.
>What's autocorrect?
I’m thinking the same thing. So probably around 10.000-15.000 now. We’ll know in 2-3 weeks, should be at least 100 dead if that’s the case.
I doubt the mortality is much higher than 1% looking at the south korea numbers.
I think all age groups are fucked.
I don't think a "vaccine" will do shit.
If any of those "recovered" are 100% fine 6 months later, I will manage to get some hope, maybe.
>we have Italy possibly peaking in only two weeks time.
Do you mean these last two weeks, or do you mean you think it will be two weeks from now?
I have no idea, but I still love reading all the replies
If we start with 7.3 it's 156 and on the 13th, it was 996
Then 996=156*(x^7)
Taking the ln gives ln(996) = ln(156) + 7 ln(x)
ln(x) = (ln(996)-ln(156))/7
x = exp((ln(996)-ln(156))/7)
x= 1.303
Infected increases with 1.3 per day.
This is pasta retards
stop trying to ruin things