Why is it important for white skin to survive?
Why is it important for white skin to survive?
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Look at South Italy
It's not and who ever says it is isn't going to reproduce anyways.
Race is spiritual.
Because a world without white people is a world of chaos
It isn't. I just want it to be that way.
it's not just white skin but everything that comes with it.
Because white skin was built for BBC.
So? Why would I care what the world looks like if there are no white people left to live in it? The only reason I care about this planet is because the Scandinavian people exist. Everyone else deserves to die.
flag checks out
Because look at all the accomplishments of people with dark skin. The darker your skin, the less your race has contributed to the world.
for the coveted wmaf relationships
now we just need a dutch cuck to post similar shit tier posts and an american to mention interracial porn and this thread is complete.
r u imblying southern italians arent white
CAG: Smartest of birds
Yes. They put gay kids and niggers on TV. This is nothing new. Normal kids are normal.
Would it?
No more racist, no white guilt, no coalburners of mudsharks.
It would actually be good.
This. Race is far deeper than skin color.
The Swedish people are going to be the first to die out because of cuckery, sorry to report this fellow Swede.
Imagine any nonwhite country. Now imagine it without white people derived things.
Because we are all that stands between you niggers and being enslaved by the Jews again.
When whitey's gone, they'll go after the lighter skinned darkies, and then continue on shaming the lightest skinned darkies after that, and after that, and after that until the world eventually looks like this.
It won't end once whitey is gone.
Breed with black skin
This is one of the blackest blackpills I've ever taken. Look up colorism, to all user who are not familiar.
Why is technology and ease of life important? Why do we need things that white people make?
We kind of need it
The destruction of white people is just as inexplicable
You're right. You should give away all your possessions and go live in a field eating grasshoppers. Have you ever watched a nature documentary and seen how brutal a hand to mouth "natural" existence is? No matter how shitty your life is, I guarantee it's orders of magnitude better.
That just begs the obvious question of why is it important to have an easy life?
For one, suffering due to things like hunger or medical maladies sucks. The other is that conveniences allow one to accomplish other things. Generally speaking, the name of the game is to proliferate as a species. If you want a good example, look up the Haber Process.
uh huh and who are you exactly
so that our grandchildren can have those jewish skin wallets.
see this, it is because idealism
Why do you despise and fear "White Skin" so fucking much?
Oh. It's you again. You know what to do faggot...
Accomplishing other things with the final goal of what? Why poliferate as a species when eventually the universe will die and the lines between species don't really exist outside of our arbitrary measurement?
Go away larp retard
Because it is a required genetic component to an important culture that the world would be worse off without.
you godless mutts don't even believe in soul
>worse off
By what objective metric
unironically the truth
my gf is 4 months pregnant and we are aiming for 7 kids minimum. We are both white nationalists.
It doesnt matter. We will get turned to ash from a space rock, or a virus kills us all. Who gives af anymore. Just live your life and try not to get killed by a shitskin.
Take on the White Race. Historically we are up for it.
I have two parrots. If I get in intensive care whos going to feed them?
because white is beautiful
Why is it important for non-white skin to survive?
we don't need white people and we don't need comfort
capitalism is destroying the world
Physical attributes are a manifestation of the soul, because the spirit creates and forms the material body. Light skin = Good/light soul, dark skin = Evil/dark soul.
There never has bern any advanced civilized nation ruled and/or created by niggers.
It will be end of the civilization ad we know it soon as white race is gone.
it's not even funny at this point
Because diversity includes ALL people, not just the trendy dark, brown, and mutated sexualities.
(((They'll))) be the only pale ones allowed.
>Why is it important for white skin to survive?
because we are the engine of the human race, together with pale asians, without us, the world goes back to the permian in terms of IQ
When the comfort ends, you'll blame white people for 'taking them away from you' as you evade being some cannibal thug gang's next mark.
for technological innovation and advancement of the human race.
Why is it important for african and middle eastern refugees to survive?
because it has higher IQ
Race isn't just about skin color you fucking retard.
Hey Sven, last time I checked you people are the whitest fucking people alive
There is more to it than white skin. The largest Organ in the body evolved to look and function differently. Evolution didn't stop at the neck and only go skin deep.
Whites are the apex of human evolution.
And technological advancements and societal standards prove this beyond a reasonable doubt.
Race isnt skin deep, longnose.